Looking ahead, you can see the inside of the new guild of Fairy Tail, a new building built on the site of the cyan skeleton, built by Yuri, Volod, and many of the villagers who helped.

Mebis was walking around the guild’s new building at this time, and after a few turns, he came to the guild’s basement, which was a boxy room of about ten square meters.

In the center of the room, a round table is placed.

Above the round table was a strange utensil, and above the apparatus was a glass ball about the size of a basketball, and a cyan point of light could be seen inside the orb.

“I didn’t expect there to be a teacher’s legacy here. ”

Mebis muttered as she looked ahead at the fluorescent orb dangling in the air.

It was a magic orb found in the collection of cyan skeletons, and the moment he discovered it, Mebis recognized that it contained the power of Lu Li.

When she followed Lu Li, she had read a lot of books and read some legends about Lu Li, including one legend that when Lu Li walked the world three hundred years ago, he combined all kinds of magic and sealed them in the form of magic balls.

It is said that there are seven such orbs in total.

Many people have touched and obtained it, but no one can break the seal of the magic orb, not even the greatest magician.

However, after their research, they all came to a unified conclusion, that is, if they could collect all seven magic balls and put them together, the seals between them would conflict with each other and break one by one.

In other words, whoever can gather seven magic balls will be able to obtain the power of Lu Li, the legendary magician!

For this.

There was even a war in the world.

The war ended with Aklaya taking one of the seven orbs and ending many people’s hopes of getting them, before finally settling down.

“It’s indeed a super complicated sealing technique, and it’s worthy of being written by a teacher. ”

Mebis placed his small hand on the surface of the magic ball, and roughly sensed the sealing technique on the magic ball, and his jewel-like eyes couldn’t help but show a little shock.

This sealing technique was far more complex than all the techniques she had seen so far, and almost every basic technique was at the level of super magic, and it could be said that the whole was composed of a large number of super magic spells arranged and combined.

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The higher the level of magical attainment, the more shocked they will be when they see such a technique.

Because the higher the level, the more you can feel the high level of Lu Li’s magic realm, it is simply unimaginable, if she is standing on the roof at this time, she can vaguely see the white clouds in the sky, then Lu Li is standing in outer space, standing on the sun!

“Can a human mage really accomplish such a thing?”

The more Mebis perceived, the more shocked he became.

She felt that with her current magical attainments, she would need to go up at least two more levels before she could barely try to decipher these techniques, and only decipher, not crack.

It’s like a code-breaking software, when you encounter hundreds of millions of passwords, you can only feel your own insignificance, huddled in the corner and shivering.

“I don’t know why the teacher made this…”

After the shock, Mebis couldn’t help but mutter, but for the time being, he couldn’t imagine the reason.


Inside the Phoenix Heart Guild.

Acryra was also watching this scene, she knew the reason why Lu Li created these magic balls, but in fact, it was just a part of Lu Li’s integration of the magic he had learned.

It was the product left by Lu Li in the twenty years that she traveled around the world, during which Lu Li had been collecting magic and integrating magic, and after the integration, Lu Li did not destroy this part of the integration.

Because for Lu Li, these are equivalent to his manuscripts.

It is the manuscript left behind in the process of solving a world’s magical puzzle, and these are things worth remembering.

Therefore, Lu Li sealed these ‘manuscripts’.

The only thing that Aclea didn’t understand was why Lu Li wanted to seal it into seven parts, because in her opinion, with Lu Li’s power, it could be integrated and sealed into only one part.

Aclea looked sideways at Lu Li, she had long wondered about this, but she hadn’t asked for a long time, because it didn’t have much to do with her before, but now it does, because she is now guarding one of the seven magic orbs.

Lu Li glanced at Akreya, as if he saw her doubts, and smiled casually: “I’m just doing it casually, and don’t you think the number seven is interesting?”

Acryra looked slightly confused.

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