Lu Li sat there and said with a light smile: “Three hundred years ago, the dragons made an agreement with the Star Spirit Magus and Jelf that in order to defeat Akuno Lokia, the Dragon Slayer Magi were sent to the future through the eclipse magic, and the future they arrived in happened to be July 7, x777. ”

“And in the distant future, the last person who is qualified to fight against Akuno Lokia happens to be the seven dragon slayer magicians. ”

Acryra gave a thoughtful look.

In other words, Lu Li just wanted to be funny, so he split his ‘manuscript’ into seven parts to seal, but this is also in line with her understanding of Lu Li, following Lu Li for twenty years of getting along day and night, she knows that Lu Li is an existence with god-like power, but he has the same mind as humans.

“Then if someone can scrape together the seven magic balls you made…”

“He can indeed break the seal of the magic orb. ”

Lu Li replied casually, “He should also be rewarded for being able to gather my seven magic balls, and he can indeed get some of the power I left behind from them.” ”

Acléa nodded slightly.

Lu Li looked at the projection screen in the air and smiled: “Okay, let’s keep watching, it’s time for Mebis’s show next.” ”



In the same year that Mebis founded the Fairy Tail Guild, the Second Trade War broke out.

This is a war waged between various kingdoms and major lords for trade and interests, and the scale of the war has spread to the entire continent of Ishgar, which can also be called World War II.

Compared to the first war, this time the scale of the war was even grander and more intense than the previous one, and it almost swept the entire continent of Ishgar.

In X688, the kingdom of Aysaac hired the Magus Guild to participate in the war for the first time, thus kicking off the war.


All the mages and all the mages in the entire Ishgar were almost all involved in the war, including the Fairy Tail guild established by Mebis.

And in this war, Mebis, who was only fifteen years old, showed the strength of the Saint Ten Demon Guide level, and the magic army she created was comparable to a magic army in one person!


Compared to Mebis’s personal strength, her ability to analyze the war far overshadowed her own strength, and under her command, any enemy military advisor and general seemed to be stripped naked for observation, and there was no resistance at all.

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The war lasted until x689, when most of the kingdoms and lords were defeated and withdrew from the war, leaving only the two most powerful kingdoms to face each other.

The strength of the Mebis side is only one-third of the opponent’s.


Under the command of Mebis, Uzi, the military commander of the enemy kingdom, was almost useless, and all actions were calculated by Mebius, and one attack after another was neutralized.

Uzi tried to send powerful magicians to assassinate Mebius, but all of them fell into Mebius’s calculations, and all the magicians who came to sneak up were suppressed.

That’s it.

Mebis gradually equalized the disadvantage in troops, and in the second half of x689, he commanded the whole army to start a large-scale counteroffensive, breaking the enemy’s main force in one fell swoop and laying the foundation for victory.

In the first half of x690, the Second Trade War ended with casualties far exceeding those of the First Trade War by dozens of times.

With so many casualties, it is recognized as the result of the intervention of the Magus in the war.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Magical Council and the Guild Alliance concluded a treaty prohibiting wars between the Magus Guilds.

So far.

After decades of turmoil, Ishgar has finally settled down, relations between the guilds have begun to improve, and the way the mages have behaved has changed.

And in this war, in addition to the direction of the entire world being changed, Mebius, the first president of Fairy Tail, the girl known as the ‘Fairy Commander’, is also remembered by almost the entire wizarding world.

It was almost after the end of the war.

The news that Mebis was the only disciple of the legendary sorcerer Lu Li hundreds of years ago quickly spread through the wizarding world and caused a sensation.

Because Mebis knew that Lu Li didn’t care about her revealing her identity, someone asked Mebis for confirmation and got her affirmative answer.

Of course.

There are also many people who don’t believe this, and try to verify this matter from the phoenix witch Acleya, who once followed Lu Li and has been immortal for three hundred years, and finally got a positive answer from Acleya.

The wizarding world is in a stir!

Lu Li walked the world three hundred years ago, leaving behind many legends, I don’t know how many magicians regard Lu Li as a teacher and themselves as students, but that is just the concept of a master as a teacher.

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