In the midst of this raging storm,

The two ships approached.

“Yo !!”

Shanks, who was at the helm, saw Lu Li’s ship approaching, and could see Lu Li standing on the deck, and greeted Lu Li.

He shouted in the wind, “It’s fate to be able to meet in such a situation, but we don’t have time to rob you now, so let’s try to live with us before we are drowned in the sea!

“It’s quite fateful. ”

Lu Li looked at Shanks who was shouting loudly in the storm and smiled lightly.

The red-haired Four Emperors in the future, the most face-saving man on the sea, now looks too immature, even more immature than the previous pheasant.

“Then you have to keep up with us, if you can keep up, we will have a chance to escape, if we can’t keep up, we won’t have the spare time to take care of you. ”

Jesus pulled the ropes of the sails and cried out in the storm at the landing.

It just came at this time.

The storm intensified, and a wave rolled up from the front, dozens of meters high, and hit Shanks and Lu Li’s ship, about to overturn and drown both ships.


Shanks put away his playful expression and yelled.

“Yes! Captain!”

Beckman leaped and landed next to Shanks, taking the rudder and steady.

Shanks stepped on his feet, and the whole person rushed directly to the front of the deck, looked at the sweeping waves, and suddenly drew his sword out of the sheath.

Laugh at!!!

A flash of sword light flashed, and a huge sword qi stretching for more than ten meters burst out under his swing, directly hitting the swept waves head-on, blasting the waves open a gap at once.

“Well done, Captain!!”

Jesus Bu laughed loudly and continued to tug on the sails as hard as he could.

Shanks shook for a moment, stepped back to the mast, and grabbed a rope.

He continued to hold the sword in one hand and said, “Keep moving forward and rush out together!”

Not far away.

Lu Li, who was standing on the deck, watched this scene, and the hand he was raising was put down again.

Lu Li looked in the direction of Shanks on the deck, revealing a thoughtful look, and there was a slight hint of inexplicable luster in his eyes.

“Good swordsmanship. ”

Lu Xuan muttered, and a look of interest flashed in his eyes.

The great swordsman of this world, if he cultivates his swordsmanship to the apex, he can split mountains and islands with a single sword, and has a combat power comparable to that of a complete body.

Although the upper limit of the power system of this world is not high, there are some things that still have merit, and swordsmanship is one of them.


Just as Lu Li was thinking, Shanks broke the waves twice in a row.

The two ships rode the rough sea, and just kept moving through the huge waves, trying to get away from the center of the storm.


It seems that Shanks is unlucky, and the direction in which the storm is moving is chasing in the direction they are far away.

As time went on, the waves began to intensify.

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At this moment, Shanks is only twenty years old, and he is not yet the Four Emperors who reign over the sea, nor is he a great swordsman standing at the top of the sword.

In the face of stronger and stronger storms, it began to gradually struggle.

“My cultivation is still not enough…”

Shanks felt a sweat stain on his forehead, and he felt the pressure.

In the past, when he was on the ship of the Roger Pirates, the people who rode the wind and waves like this and stood in front were the existence of One Piece Roger, Hades King Reilly, Barrett, and Mitsuki Mita.

At the time, he was just a trainee, hiding behind with Bucky the Clown.

Now he is the captain of the Red-Haired Pirates, and when facing the storm, it is up to him to lead his crew to fight against him.

Recalling that Roger Reilly and the others could split the waves like mountains with a single sword, he couldn’t help but exhale.

“Boss, I’m here to help!”

“Hey, over there! Come here and grab the ropes!!”

Jesus Bu and the others also noticed that Shanks was gradually struggling, and they did not sit idly by.

Instead, he quickly called out to the less combat-ready crew to come over and take the helm and sail, and then rushed to the deck.

Another huge wave hit, thirty or forty meters high.


Along with Shanks, Beckman and the others shot in unison and unleashed a messy attack.

Boom, blow up the thirty or forty-meter-high wave.

With the support of his companions, Shanks breathed a sigh of relief, and he smiled.


It didn’t take long for his smile to last long before it froze on his face, and he saw a huge black shadow appear on the sea in the distance.

Although it was a little difficult to see clearly, I could still tell that it was an extremely high wave, as if the world was turned upside down, and it was coming this way!

“Oops… Oops, Captain…”

Cold sweat overflowed from Jesus’ forehead, and he said, “The storm ahead seems to be bigger, how can this be, aren’t we moving away from the storm?!”

Beckman kept his face calm and said, “It’s true that we’re moving away from the storm, but do you think our ship is really moving forward with such waves?”

“What do you mean…”

Jesus Bu looked at Beckman, his face a little pale.

Beckman said in a deep voice: “We must have been swept away by the storm to the center, not only did we not escape, but we got closer to the center of the storm!”

Speaking of this, he took a breath, looked at the huge waves that hit from the far distance, and said, “It seems that if you want to survive, you can only rely on luck.” ”

“Don’t be so discouraged, Beckman. ”

Shanks had seen a storm far bigger than this, and instead of panicking, he smiled and said, “We’re not going to stop there!”


Seeing that Shanks was still so optimistic, Beckman reluctantly spit out the wet cigarette butt in his mouth and said, “Then accompany you, captain, and try your best to struggle!”

Seeing this, everyone took a breath and faced the waves in the distance.

At this moment, the waves are still just a black line, but they still make the atmosphere oppressive and dreary, making it difficult to breathe.

And it’s in this piece of repression.

A voice came.

“You seem to be a little powerless…”

Lu Li stood on the deck, his starry eyes flashing with a little golden luster, and when he saw some of the future pictures that followed, he chuckled and spoke.

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