“You seem to be a little powerless…”

Lu Li’s voice was not loud, but it was clearly transmitted to the ears of Shanks, Beckman and others in the storm, making them all slightly stunned.

The crowd turned their heads to look.

I saw another ship not far away, Lu Li was standing on the deck steadily, and took two steps forward, looking up at the sky.


“Let’s take me next. ”

Lu Li’s words made Shanks and the others stunned.

In fact, except for Lu Li’s ship approaching and saying hello to Lu Li at the beginning, Shanks didn’t pay too much attention to the situation on Lu Li’s side.

Because the storm was so strong, most of his energy was focused on the storm and his companions.

But it’s impossible to say that you didn’t pay attention at all.

Because the situation there is also a little unusual.

Because Lu Li stood very steadily on the deck of the ship from beginning to end.

Even though the waves rose and fell, and the whole boat shook up and down, Lu Li never wavered.


There is no doubt that ordinary people can do it.

It’s just that Lu Li’s ship doesn’t fly the pirate flag, and it doesn’t look big, it seems to be just an ordinary civilian ship.

The only thing that’s special is that it looks sturdy.

And Lu Li’s words and actions at this time undoubtedly showed that Lu Li was not an ordinary person, and it seemed that he was going to help them resist the storm.

“Thank you for your help!”

Shanks laughed at Lu Li.

Although I don’t know Lu Li, and I haven’t heard of Lu Li’s name, they should help each other in this kind of storm anyway.

No matter how weak Lu Li’s strength is, as long as he can show his strength, it is the result of everyone’s joint efforts.

It is always possible to weather this storm with a little more leverage for success.

“You’re welcome. ”

Lu Li smiled slightly, raised his hands, gently closed them in front of him, and then slowly pulled them away, and a ball of white light appeared in his palm.

The white light trembled rapidly, and in an instant, it turned into a black ball of light, like a black hole, exuding a palpitating aura, and it became bigger and bigger.

Until the ball of light becomes about the size of a fist.

Lu Li stopped moving, held up the black ball of light with his left hand, and gently sent it upward.

The black ball of light soared up in the storm and quickly flew into the sky.

The red-haired Shanks, who was watching the scene from afar, showed a strange look.

“What’s that?”

“I guess it’s some kind of Devil Fruit ability…”

Beckman looked up at the sky, a hint of doubt flashed in his eyes, and said:

“I can’t tell what kind of ability it is, but what is it to release it to the sky?”

Jesus Bu and the others also looked at the sky strangely, and watched the black ball of light fly higher and higher.

Eventually, he flew into the clouds, and suddenly disappeared into the dark clouds.

Just when Beckman and the others frowned slightly, they were a little unclear about the situation for a while.


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Lu Li’s palms gently folded again in front of him.

“Groundburst… Skystar!”

He looked at the sky and spoke calmly, his voice waving through the storm.

The lightning and thunder in the sky didn’t seem to be able to hide his flat voice.

And almost at this moment.

The dark clouds that were surging in the entire sky suddenly froze.

Then, as if it had been pulled by something, it began to surging frantically towards a place in the center.

This pull was like a chain reaction, not only the dark clouds above Lu Li’s head, but also the entire sky turned into a whirlpool!

Together with those crackling lightning, they are all being pulled and concentrated in the direction of the center!

“This is…”

Shanks, who has followed One Piece Roger, is fine.

Others, such as Beckman, Jesus Cloth, and others, almost all showed shocked expressions, looking up at the sky.

As far as you can see, the dark clouds at the end of the line of sight seem to be being pulled.

The dark clouds in the entire sky dome are like a vast ocean, and a pumping gate valve has been opened at the bottom of the sea!

All the clouds are surging in that direction!

The wind was still.

The wind that spread between heaven and earth was also pulled and went to the sky.

Even some of the waves and sea water in all directions were pulled towards the sky.

It’s like rain flowing backwards, spilling from the sea to the sky!

The clouds and currents converged towards the center, condensing into a huge sphere visible to the naked eye.

The foggy clouds were completely squeezed into a current, and the sea water pulled from the surface of the sea coalesced to form a huge ball of water visible to the naked eye, hanging above the sky.


The dark clouds, which stretched for an unknown distance, began to disappear from the end of the line of sight, and the rays of the sun could be seen converging here from all directions.

The last little dark clouds that were left poured into the huge water balloon and disappeared in a matter of seconds.

Under the blue sky, only a huge water ball remained, floating above the sky at an unknown height, emitting a rainbow-like luster under the reflection of the sun.

The rough sea gradually returned to calm.

The sun shone on the surface of the sea and sprinkled on Beckman and the others.

The warm feeling was like petrified light, and they all froze there, as if they had become statues.

Even the young red-haired Shanks, looking at the sunny sky again, the endless blue sky, was in a daze for a while.

There was silence.

All that remains on the surface of the sea is the sound of rolling waves.

Lu Li’s folded hands in front of him let go, he looked at the huge water ball in the sky, his left hand was gently lowered, and his right hand waved forward.


The water balloon shattered, turned into a waterfall, and cut a beautiful arc across the sky, falling into the distant sea, pouring on the surface of the sea, and finally disappearing.

Jesus’ eyes moved from the sky to Lu Li’s body, and his eyes trembled a little.

Although they became Shanks’s companions, from the East China Sea all the way to the great voyage, they also saw all kinds of abilities and met all kinds of strong people.

But the ability that Lu Li showed at this moment was almost beyond the scope of what he could understand!

Swallow and absorb all the dark clouds in the entire sky, transforming into a giant water ball.

Re-injected into the seawater, such a picture is almost like a miracle!

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