Holy Land Mary Joa.

The back of this magnificence is an incomparably dark hell!

Directly below the Holy Land of Mary Joy, this is the slave farm of the Draconians, where slaves are held, and where slaves are used to push the ‘self-propelled walks’ and ‘automatic stairs’.

The whole underground was dark, and the red fire was like a fire from hell, and from time to time you could hear a terrible scream from the depths that made the scalp tingle.


You can also hear some of the Draconians laughing heartily.

In their ears, the screams of the slaves seemed to be very pleasant music, and they were in a good mood.

And in one of the cells, three girls of about eleven or twelve years old were huddled tremblingly, listening to the terrible screams coming from other places, and their eyes were full of fear.

The names of the three of them are Marigorud, Sandasnia, and Boya Hancook.


“Sister… Sister…”

Marigorud huddled in the corner with trembling bodies, her eyes full of fear, she looked at Hancock and couldn’t help but speak in a trembling voice, wanting to get some comfort from Hancock.

Probably not long ago, they were caught by human traffickers, and then they were resold in succession, and finally sold to the Holy Land of Mary Joy, where they were held yesterday.

They thought that coming to the Holy Land would be much better than staying in the hands of those traffickers, but they didn’t expect that what was waiting for them was Senluo Hell!

Despite the gloomy nature of the place.

But I could still see that there were blood stains almost everywhere, and the smell of blood was almost disgusting, and it was not only the terrible screams in the distance, but also some weak painful sounds from time to time in some nearby cages.

In the cage next to them, a man had his limbs severed, and his severed arm was sheathed in the crook of his arm, and he was locked there like a livestock by a collar.

In other cages, there are even more horrific images.

This is not the world!

It’s hell!

Hancock, who was only twelve years old at this time, listened to the terrible screams coming from not far away, and her eyes were also full of fear, but when she heard her sister’s words, she barely calmed down:

“Don’t, don’t be afraid. ”

“If we find an opportunity, we can get out. ”

Hearing Hancock’s words, both Marigorud and Sandasonia seemed to have barely found a glimmer of light in the darkness.

They huddled together with Hancock one by one, biting their lipes and nodding vigorously.

And at this very moment.

Tread, tread, tread…

There was a sound of footsteps coming from not far away, as if someone was approaching this way, and the fear in Hancock’s eyes suddenly became strong when Hancock and his two sisters heard the movement.

In the darkness, they saw the lights spreading, and then they saw the Draconians with bubbles on their heads, riding on the body of a slave coming this way.

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In the rear was a large number of attendants.

Rozwald came to a cage, poked a figure in the cage with the cane in his hand, then frowned, and said, “Dead?”

The attendant next to him immediately stepped forward to check, and then said with some fear:

“It’s… It’s dead. ”

“Rubbish stuff!”

Rozwald scolded, not knowing whether it was bad for the squire to take care of the slaves, or whether the vitality of the dead slaves was too fragile and they died without much tossing.

He pulled back his crutches and said, “Dispose of the body!”


The attendants nearby were relieved to see that Rozwald was not to blame, and hurriedly opened the cage and began to quickly dispose of the corpse.

Rozwald sat down on the slave with some displeasure, and continued forward, his gaze swept over several cages in succession, and finally landed in front of the cage where Hancock was.


“Are these new ones? Why are they so young?”

The attendant behind him immediately stepped forward to respond, and said, “Yes, these three are said to have been captured from the legendary Nine Snake Island, and the subordinates thought you would like it, so they purchased them.” ”

Along with his words, there were also other attendants who looked at Hancock and the others in the cage, and saw the three of them huddled in the corner with fear on their faces, and someone shouted:

“What are you doing?!, why don’t you get down on your knees!”

“This is Rozwald Saint!”

The three of Hancock looked at the people outside the cage with a shudder, and there was a hint of trembling in their eyes when they looked at Rozwald.

It’s been a day since they’ve been here, and they’ve all known the horror of the Draconians, a bunch of guys who don’t treat humans as human beings at all!

No one dares to oppose them, because they represent the world, and if they rebel against them, not only themselves, but also their hometown will suffer!

This is the aristocracy of the world!

“Oh, Nine Snake Island? Is that the legendary island of only women? That’s a rare creature, well done!”

Rozwald’s eyes lit up.

He was almost tired of playing with ordinary slaves, except for a few well-known pirate captains, who were still slightly interested.

The rarity of the slaves on Nine Snake Island is almost as rare as that of the mermaids on Fish-Man Island, because both places are difficult to get through, one is located in the windless zone and is home to various giant sea kings, and the other is located 10,000 meters below the seabed.

Under the frightened gaze of the three Hancocks, Rozwald looked at the three of them with a smile, and the gaze made the three of them feel cold all over their bodies, and they who had seen the tragic situation here seemed to see the next abuse.


After examining them for a moment, Rozwald raised his head and said, “These three take good care of me, don’t be hungry and thin, don’t feed fat, the women of Nine Snake Island are the rarest slaves, next time I will take them out for others to see, hahahaha!”


The nearby attendants immediately responded.

The fear in the eyes of Hancock, Marigorud, and Sandasnia, who heard Rozwald’s words, finally eased a little.

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