But just when the three of them were barely relieved in their hearts and felt as if they had escaped, an attendant next to them suddenly spoke: “By the way, the three of them haven’t been branded yet, right?”

The other person replied and said, “Ah, yes, because I only came yesterday, and I haven’t examined the Rozwald Saint yet, so I haven’t branded it yet…”

Speaking of which.

He looked at Rozwald.

Rozwald waved his hand and said, “Go get it immediately!”

The so-called brand, also known as the hoof of the dragon, represents the brand of the slaves of the dragon people, which is the mark on the back that is soaked in a soldering iron using a special drug.

This imprint cannot be removed by any method, and even if that part of the skin is cut off, the regrown skin will still bear the same imprint.


Several attendants immediately responded and quickly retreated.

Rozwald glanced at the three Hancocks again, poked the slave under him with his cane, and turned to look away into the distance, the lights fading away.

The three of Hancock, who fell into the darkness again, looked at each other for a while, and several of them had a bad premonition, and their hearts began to panic inexplicably.

Half an hour later.

The lights came on again.

Rozwald did not reappear, but several female attendants appeared, carrying a stove, all the way to the front of the cage, and lowering the stove.

Followed by

One of them opened the cage, and the other pulled out a burnt red soldering iron from the stove and sprinkled some kind of medicine on the iron, making the soldering iron sizzle.

Seeing this scene, the three of Hancock suddenly showed a look of fear, and looked at the few people who walked into the cage and made a frightened sound, but the attendants were all indifferent, forcibly pulled up the shackles of the three people, and dragged the three out of the cage.

“Be honest!”

“Don’t move!

Several men spoke coldly, and then two of them grabbed Hancock and pressed her to the front of the stove, tearing open the clothes on her back, revealing a large patch of skin on her back.

Seeing one of them come over with a soldering iron, Hancock’s eyes showed fear, and he said:



She tried to struggle, but she couldn’t break free, and was forcibly held down by the two of them, only to watch as the man with the red-hot iron walked behind her.

And almost as the fear in her eyes reached its limit, and she twisted her head and watched the soldering iron press down on her back.


A strange force suddenly swung away.

The air seemed to be humming and shaking, and you could even see the charcoal burning at the bottom of the stove, cracks and cracks.

The bodies of the two waitresses holding Hancock froze.

The waitress standing behind her, who was about to press the soldering iron down, froze in place as well.

Bang Dang!!

The soldering iron fell to the ground.

As if asleep, several of the attendants fell to the ground one after another and passed out.

“…… Alas?!”

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Hancock couldn’t help but be stunned when he looked at this scene, and there was a trace of consternation in his eyes.

Next to her, Marigorud and Sanda Sonia also stayed there.

They are people from Nine Snake Island, and every one of the people on Nine Snake Island is a warrior, and they have been exposed to cultivation since they were children, and they have cultivated both domineering and physical skills.

Although they are only twelve years old, their strength is still very weak, but because of the inheritance of Nine Snake Island, they have a very clear understanding of domineering.

They could make out what was going on.

This is……

Overlord color domineering!

It is difficult to have one among millions of people, and only those who have the qualifications of a king can have the domineering!

This overlord color domineering spirit was not released by Hancock, nor was it her first awakening, but from someone else.

Tread, tread, tread…

Footsteps came from not far away.

Hancock turned his head sharply.

She saw a man in a white cloak with silver hair walking from not far away, and those deep eyes that she had never seen before, like a starry sky, were gorgeous and intoxicating.

“You… Are you…”

She looked at the silver-haired man walking by, staggered back, and spoke with a slight shudder.

Lu Li stopped, his blue eyes looked at Hancock, looked at the future Pirate Empress, examined it lightly, and then smiled faintly and said:

“I’m a traveler. ”

“Bringing different winds, blowing to different future travelers. ”

Brigade…… Traveler?

Hancock had never heard of this name, but she could recognize the fact that the overlord color domineering just now was released by Lu Li, and Lu Li knocked down those attendants of the Celestial Dragons!

Appearing at such a time and knocking down the attendants of the Celestial Dragons, no matter what the situation is, it is at least a thing to be thankful for.

And the man in front of him…

Han Cook had been on Nine Snake Island before, and all she saw were women, and after being caught by human traffickers, almost every man she had ever seen had ugly and ugly faces, not to mention the Draco people just now.

In comparison, Lu Li’s gentle, smiling face was undoubtedly like a brilliant blue gem in the sand, emitting a starry luster in the sunlight.

Appearance is justice.

Sometimes it’s not just words.

And just as Hancock was a little distracted, a lot of doubts appeared in his mind, wanting to ask who Lu Li was, why he appeared here, and what he wanted to do, but these words couldn’t be asked for a while.

“Sister… Sister…”

After a few seconds, Marigorud and Sandasnia, who were next to them, finally came to their senses, and the two ran to Hancock’s side, one left and one right, huddled behind Hancock’s side.

Lu Li looked at this scene, and a little luster flashed in his eyes.

He can be regarded as rewriting Hancock’s future, just as he changed Robin’s future, and I don’t know if Hancock will still be able to become the Empress of the Pirates under his fate, or finally disappear from everyone, these are all unknown things.

He could use the ability to see the future, but he didn’t do that, because it would be more interesting to follow the wind that blows into the future and see where it will eventually blow than to see through all the futures at a glance.

It’s like reading a book.

Spoilers in advance know the ending, and a lot of fun is lost.

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