
The ship drifted away.

Almost everyone on the Nine Snake Pirates ship, except for Hancock, Marigorud, and Sandasnia, froze there, and their jaws seemed to be shattered.

Including the emperor of Nine Snake Island himself, his expression was also sluggish, and there was a bit of disbelief in his eyes.

One blow…

Killed a giant sea king in seconds!

Did the man who didn’t look strong and tall just now have such terrifying power?!

How unbelievable!

This kind of strength has completely surpassed her, I am afraid that she is one of the powerhouses standing at the top of the sea, but she doesn’t remember that there is such a person on the sea at all!

Although Nine Snake Island is isolated from the world, the environment is closed, the general news birds rarely fly into the windless zone, and the women on the island don’t even know what men are, but as the emperor of Nine Snake Island, she still roughly understands some information on the sea.

At least the Admiral, the hero Karp, Whitebeard, and One Piece Roger, she still knows about them.

But there is no corresponding impression of Lu Li!

So young…

Is it a presence that has risen on the sea recently?!

Just when the Emperor of Nine Snake Island’s eyes were a little shocked and sluggish, Hancock, who was not far away, was looking at the sea in the distance with admiration, and the light in his eyes almost converged.

The twelve-year-old girl has completely fallen.

Nine Snake Island itself is based on the aesthetic of being powerful.

Lu Li is the benefactor who rescued her from hell, and her strength is so strong that she is almost a god side by side, and all of this combination makes her admiration for Lu Li even far surpass that of the emperor of Nine Snake Island.

“That’s… Mr. Lu Li’s strength…”

Mary Gorud muttered adoringly.

And at this very time.

Suddenly, a dark shadow flew in the sky, and it was a news bird that happened to fly over the windless zone, and landed on the side of the ship.

The Emperor of Nine Snake Island noticed the Newsbird, barely calmed down, and took a newsnewspaper from the Newsbird.

At a glance.

I saw that the entire territory of the front of the newspaper was occupied by a photo, and the figure on the photo was Lu Li!

The Emperor of Nine Snake Island’s movements were sluggish for a moment, and then he opened the newspaper little by little, and looked at the content of the second page, the title of the second page was a few huge black words-

The man closest to God!

[The man who offered a bounty of 3,248,200,000 Bailey razed the Holy Land of Mary Joy to the ground a few days ago]

[This is an unprecedented event in 800 years]

[From the Navy Headquarters Marlene Fodo to the Holy Land Mary Joy, there is no place to stop that man’s pace, I think, the words strong or strongest, are no longer enough to describe]

[That man is the closest person to a god in this era, a person who can compare with a god in a mortal body!]


Silently, newspapers spilled all over the floor.

The Emperor of Nine Snake Island looked up blankly, looking at the distant sea, the ship that had become a black spot, and his mind had already fallen into a blank.


After flying away from the ship of the Nine Snake Pirates, the news bird flew straight to Lu Li’s ship, and soon came to the ship.

Instead of flying into the cabin, it flew to the porthole, pecked at the window with its hard beak and made a thud.

Seeing Lu Li in the living room turn his head to look over, it raised its wings at Lu Li and made a polite gesture.

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Lu Li snapped his fingers.

The window was silently opened, and at the same time a coin flew out and fell into the pocket of the news bird, and a newspaper flew out of its package and landed on the coffee table in front of Lu Li.

The news bird saluted politely to Lu Li again, then flapped its wings and disappeared out of the window.

“What’s wrong?”

Robin, who was in the kitchen wondering how to cook the meat of the Sea King, poked out half of his head when he heard movement outside.

Lu Li stretched out his hand to pick up the newspaper and said, “The news bird sent today’s newspaper, but I didn’t expect to receive it in the windless zone.” ”

There are very few boats in the windless zone, so the news birds basically do not fly to the windless zone, and it is relatively rare to receive newspapers, especially for islands like Nine Snake Island, every newspaper is very precious and hard-won.

Otherwise, the other party should be able to know him.

“Looks like they’ll remember me this time. ”

Seeing the close-up of himself on the cover of the newspaper, Lu Li couldn’t help but chuckle, the news bird should have also sent this newspaper to the ship of the Nine Snake Pirates.

After opening the newspaper and reading it, Lu Li shook his head with a smile, and finally put the newspaper on the table, picked up a book and read it.

A moment later.

Robin, wearing a small apron, came to the living room, picked up the newspaper on the table, and quickly read the part about Lu Li.

“God Traveler…”

“Don’t mention that title. ”

Lu Li, who was reading a book, glanced at Robin.

The newspaper finally added a prefix of ‘god’ to his title without authorization, which made him a little tempted to take out the editor of this newspaper and hammer it.

Not only did it sound very weird, but it also reminded him of the title ‘God Usopp’.

Robin looked at the newspaper and said, “The man closest to God… This title is quite in line with you, sir, then again, I don’t know how much your bounty will be raised by the government after this time, sir. ”

Today, the highest bounty in pirate history comes from the dead One Piece Roger.

The bounty is 5,564,800,000 Baileys!

This is followed by Edward Newgate, the whitebeard, who is known as the strongest man in the world, with a bounty of 5,046 million Bailey!

“My bounty has been… Won’t add any more. ”

Lu Li looked at the book in his hand and spoke.

Robin looked at Lu Li in some surprise.

Having destroyed the Holy Land of Mary Joya and killed countless Draconians, how could the bounty not increase?!


The world government has flinched!


Almost in a few days.

The newspaper that Lu Li and the people of the Nine Snake Pirates saw had also been delivered to all parts of the world.

This newspaper is not the official newspaper of the world government, and while the content of it has shocked the whole world, the world government has strangely chosen to remain silent.

There is no new information about this newspaper.

Neither deny nor admit.

There was no increase in Lu Li’s bounty, and even since that day, no information about Lu Li has been released.

This situation puzzled the civilians, but for those emperors of the dark world, including the major forces of the new world, the vibration in their hearts was even stronger!

Because this means that the world government has softened!

In front of Lu Li!

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