For a long time, Lu Li only had titles, and did not correspond to the titles of ‘the strongest man in the world’, ‘the most domineering man’, ‘the strongest creature’, and ‘the world’s number one swordsman’.

But since that day, Lu Li has a name.

He was called by the people of the sea-

The man closest to God!


Great Voyage.

New world.

On the sparkling sea, a ship with white sails is sailing slowly.

The sea is calm and the weather is mild and sunny, but strangely enough, cherry blossoms fall from the sky and fall on the planks and seawater.

“I didn’t expect the new world to have such a beautiful view. ”

Robin walked out of the cabin, looked at the cherry blossoms that were falling from the sky, and couldn’t help but show a look of appreciation, and stretched out his little hand to catch a few cherry blossom petals.

I thought it might be a phantom under the light, but what she didn’t expect was the actual touch, which made her surprised to pick up a petal with her fingers and observe it in front of her eyes.

“It’s a real cherry blossom…”

“I guess the strange weather of the Great Voyage was blown from some island. ”

Lu Li stepped out from behind her and looked up at the sky.

In his perception, the petals of these cherry blossoms are indeed petals, but such a scene reminds him of the abilities of a certain person, but that person does not exist in this world, but in another world.

Lu Li’s gaze swept over the nearby sea, and soon he saw an island in the far distance following the direction where the cherry blossoms were drifting.

The cherry blossoms floated from that island.

“Then again. ”

“The climate of the new world should not be so safe. ”

Lu Li retracted his gaze, he also reached out and picked up a petal, put it in front of his eyes and observed it, revealing a thoughtful look.

It has been more than ten days since I left the windless zone and re-entered the sea area of the new world, but in these ten days, I have hardly encountered any storms and other natural disasters, and the waves have been calm.

It stands to reason that the sea climate of the New World should not be so safe.

“Huh. ”

At this time, Lu Li looked at the petals in his hand, noticed something, and his eyes flickered, revealing a hint of surprise.

Under his gaze, he saw that the pollen stained on the petals was infiltrating his body along his fingertips little by little, spreading like a toxin, but because he had an eternal body, these pollen penetrated into it and was immediately annihilated by the eternal power in his body.

Lu Li flicked his fingers, flicked the petals out, turned his head to look at Robin who was bathing in cherry blossoms on the other side, and said, “These cherry blossoms are poisonous.” ”


Robin was slightly stunned, and then quickly felt uncomfortable.

The palms of her hands, her bare neck, her arms, and other parts that had come into contact with the petals all showed a hot burning sensation.


Robin’s expression tightened, and she quickly retreated to the cabin, but the feeling of being smeared with chili peppers still came from her whole body, which made her look a trace of pain.

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Lu Li looked at the petals sprinkled in the sky and smiled, and said, “It is worthy of the second half of the great voyage, and any strange situation can happen…”

He stepped into the cabin and stopped Robin from looking for water to rinse, his fingertips slithering over Robin’s neck and shoulders.

Robin could feel a burst of coolness in Lu Li’s fingers, and all the stinging and burning parts quickly became cool after being slid by Lu Li’s fingertips, and no longer stinged.

“Alright. ”

Lu Li finally grabbed Robin’s little hand, put her hand in the palm of his hand and closed it, and the emerald green light flashed, cleaning up the toxins in her palm due to contact with a large number of cherry blossoms.

Feeling that the abnormality of his body disappeared, Robin breathed a sigh of relief and said:

“Thank you, sir. ”

Recalling the image of Lu Li’s fingers sliding over her body, a faint blush appeared on her cheeks, as if a few cherry blossom petals had been pasted.

Lu Li had already turned around and stood at the hatch of the ship, and with a wave of his sleeve outside, a strong wind flew out, sweeping away all the cherry blossom petals on the deck and falling into the sea.

When the wind howls,

A large number of cherry blossom petals are blown in the sky and scattered in all directions.

“This is the sea in the second half of the Great Route. ”

“It’s really dangerous…”

Robin walked to the back of Lu Li’s side, looked at this scene, opened his mouth with a slight flicker, and said, “It seems that you have to be cautious when you encounter anything.” ”

Lu Li turned his head to look at her, smiled lightly, and said, “This sea is indeed not very friendly, and it is not wrong to be cautious, but there is no need to be overly cautious, because I am here.” ”

If such a thing were said by an ordinary person, it would only look arrogant, but saying it in Lu Li’s chuckle made Robin’s cheeks flush a little cute pale red, and a hint of admiration flashed in his eyes.

And just when she wanted to say something.

Lu Li suddenly looked in the direction behind her, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

“What’s wrong?”

Robin was stunned and turned his head to look behind him, but he could only see what was inside the cabin.

Lu Li’s gaze penetrated the cabin, looked in a certain direction on the surface of the sea, and after a little more look, he withdrew his gaze and said, “It’s nothing, I saw a pirate ship.” ”

About dozens of miles away from here, there is a large spinnaker pirate ship flying the flag of the pirates, sailing on the sea.

On the deck of the ship.

A number of people were standing there, cloaks and masks, completely cut off from the cherry blossom petals falling from the sky, while others were carrying buckets back and forth to wash the petals that had fallen on the deck.

“We’ve arrived at the ‘Sea of Poisonous Cherry Blossoms’, and it looks like we’re not far from the ‘Land of Toxic Cherry Blossoms’, Captain John. ”

“Well, full speed ahead. ”

The captain of the Pirates, John, stood at the front of the deck, calmly opening.


Nearby crew members responded by pulling ropes and hoisting the sails to the brim.

They all looked at Captain John with a look of awe, because their captain was one of the legends on the sea.

Captain John!

One of the crew members of the Locks Pirates, along with the beasts Kaido, BIGMOM, Whitebeard, Golden Lion and others, was once the crew of Locks, with a bounty of 2,137.9 million Bailey, which is one of the legendary existences!

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