Monstrous waves swept in.

The Moby Dick was swept away into the sea by the monstrous waves.

The anchor embedded in the mud and sand is dragging the whole ship to death, just like a human being in a strong wind, clinging to a rope, desperately struggling.

And on the other side.

Lu Li’s ship also rose and fell in the waves, but it was protected by a mass of sea monsters with all its might, and it seemed more stable than the Moby Dick.

Robin struggled to hold on to the mast on the side of the ship, steady, and keep himself from being thrown out.


After a few moments, everything fell silent.

There was no more movement on the island, and the island in front of him had split into five large pieces from the center, as well as some small pieces.

This moment.

Everyone looked in unison into the depths of the island.

“How’s it going, is it over?”

On the Moby Dick, Thatch, the captain of Team Four, took a deep breath, a slight tremor in his voice, obviously unable to remain calm.


Marko’s arms shook, and he directly transformed into the form of an immortal bird and flew into the sky.

Bathed in a faint blue flame, with a nervous and worried look in his eyes, he quickly flew towards the center of the island, and soon saw the situation in the center.


Whitebeard was holding his naginata, standing on the edge of a shattered piece of land, while Lu Li was floating in the sky dozens of meters away from Whitebeard.


Noticing that Whitebeard didn’t seem to be injured, Marco breathed a sigh of relief, and instead of approaching, he flew down to a rock not far away.

Neither Lu Li nor Whitebeard went to see Marco.


Lu Li closed his eyes slightly, and after savoring the battle just now, he put the sword in his hand into the scabbard, made a bang, and looked at Whitebeard.

“That’s it, Whitebeard. ”

“It’s a tie. ”

Lu Li slowly fell from the sky.

The battle with Whitebeard has raised the level of cohesion of his armed color domineering to a higher level, and it is basically close to Karp’s.

The amount and degree of cohesion of the armed color domineering are two concepts.

Armed color domineering is a kind of energy derived from the body, and when it comes to the body, no one in this world can compare with his eternal body, so his armed color domineering is also the strongest in the world in terms of quantity, and there is no one.

But in terms of cohesion, he was slightly inferior to Karp before, just like the difference between ordinary iron and high-strength alloys.

And because of that.

There is room for further improvement in his strength, that is, to make his domineering condensation from ordinary iron to the level of high-strength alloy.

After experiencing the first battle of the Navy Headquarters and the first battle with Whitebeard, the gap between him and Karp’s domineering cohesion is not large.


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Even if he only uses the same level of domineering as Karp, his strength and speed are on par with Karp, and he is basically able to fight Karp.

In a sense, Karp’s armed color domineering represents the pinnacle and limit of this world, if the strength is 100 points, then he has 95 points now.

As for swordsmanship, there hasn’t been much improvement.

He is still a little short of the level of the Great Sword Hao, and the level of the Great Sword Hao is not a simple use of strength and energy, but a certain realm, or pure feeling.

It is a power at the spiritual level, not a power at the material level, and it has no absolute relationship with the spirit, soul, body, and so on.


Whitebeard whispered.

“yes. ”

“You are indeed the strongest person I have ever met in this world. ”

Lu Li smiled at Whitebeard, then turned around and walked towards the shore of the island.

Whitebeard looked at Lu Li’s back, and saw that Lu Li was getting farther and farther away, and finally shook his head and said, “… That’s, it’s a lie. ”

“You shouldn’t have gone all out at all, I can feel that you still have more power to use, this battle is just for you to sharpen your domineering, in fact, it hasn’t inspired your true fighting spirit at all. ”

Whitebeard looked at Lu Li’s back and muttered.

Before, just watching the battle between Lu Li and Captain John, he couldn’t see anything, and he couldn’t judge Lu Li’s specific strength, but after he fought with Lu Li, he clearly realized Lu Li’s unfathomable power like an abyss.

During the whole process, he even stimulated the fighting spirit, because it had been many years since anyone had been able to let him fight heartily, but he didn’t see the same gaze in Lu Li’s eyes.

This illustrates.

This battle was simply not enough to make Lu Li really excited.

The title of the strongest man in the world had been lost in the battle just now, and Lu Li in front of him made him feel powerful that he had never felt before, and he was not as powerful as a human being.

That is powerful.

He was even a little dazed.

As an existence that bears the title of the strongest man in the world and stands at the apex of the sea, he has seen countless strong people, and there are also stronger beings than him in his youth, such as Locks.

But since he grew up, he has never lost to anyone, not even One Piece Roger.

He is the existence that stands at the apex.

Stand at the end of the sea.

But now he suddenly found that his position was not the end, there was a farther sea behind him, and in an even farther place, Lu Li’s figure was standing there.

“Your power… To what extent?”

Whitebeard asked the question.

He also wanted to know the answers.

As a Shock Fruit Ability, his every move will cause great damage, so he is often very restrained in battle, and because of this, he feels that Lu Li’s restraint is much greater than his.

“If you have a chance, I’ll let you see it again. ”

Lu Li’s words passed softly.

He just went further and further.

Whitebeard was silent for a few seconds, and then said: “Sailing on this sea, it’s always for something, maybe power and wealth, maybe power and women, and like me, you want to get the existence of your family, what is your voyage for?”

He also wanted to know the answer to this question.

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