Lu Li stopped and looked sideways at Whitebeard behind him.

His eyes glowed with gold, as deep as the starry sky, as if it contained endless time, flowing in the depths of his pupils.

“I’m just a traveler. ”

“Travel, that’s what I’m for. ”

There was a brief silence.

Diamond Joz, Foil Bista and others who came from a distance were also quiet, and no one spoke.

In this silence, after a few seconds, Lu Li suddenly smiled, broke the solidification, and said, “After answering several of your questions, won’t you invite me to a drink?”


Whitebeard paused for a second, then grinned and said, “Marko, go get ready, it’s time for the banquet!”



The setting sun left a trace of afterglow on the horizon, and the sky seemed to be burned red.

An island of shattered poisonous cherry blossoms, beneath a cliff somewhere, this is a vacant place where poisonous cherry blossom petals just don’t fall.

There are not many people living on this island, and the only places that can be inhabited are a few similar cliffs, which are not very large.

The center of the clearing.

A huge bonfire was lit.

There are also small torches dotted on the nearby beach, which illuminates the place brightly, and the atmosphere is as hot as a burning bonfire.

“Hey, that’s my wine, you bastard!” said Saat, the captain of the fourth team, punched Bista next to him.

Bista took a sip of wine and said, “Ah, I didn’t pay attention, isn’t there still a drink, wouldn’t it be good if you went get some more, it’s rare that Daddy has a treat.” ”

“Just because it’s my dad’s treat, I have to save a little!”

Thatch said dissatisfiedly: “If you have a treat, I will drink all your savings!”

Whitebeard is usually very stingy and basically never invites guests, and the reason for this is that Whitebeard basically gives all his money to the people in his hometown.

Therefore, Thatch and others also understood Whitebeard very well.

Whitebeard also saw Thatch and Bista in the quarrel, and grinned: “What a bunch of stupid sons, coo-la-la, today’s drinks are all recorded in my account, no need to save!”

Marco, who was sitting on the side, showed a smile, and after taking a sip of wine, he looked at Lu Li who was not far away, and said, “Captain Lu Li, you destroyed the Holy Land Mary Joya before, you are really handsome, and I have always been very unhappy with the Tianlong people, but unfortunately there is no way to make a big fuss like you.” ”

Lu Li smiled, didn’t speak, and only glanced at the wine glass in his hand at Marco.

Marco drank half a glass of wine in one gulp, then turned his head to look behind him, and said, “Wine, send it quickly!”

Whitebeard held the wine glass, glanced at Marco, and said, “Marko, you really don’t save at all.” ”

Marco knew that Whitebeard was joking, and laughed, “After all, Daddy, you are rarely generous.” ”

In the noisy atmosphere of the Whitebeard Pirates, it really gives people a sense of family, and no blood relationship is better than blood.


Almost all of them are composed of BIGMOM’s sons as cadres, and everyone is related by blood, but they don’t have that feeling of relatives.

Lu Li looked at the wine in the glass, with a hint of crystal in his eyes, then closed his eyes slightly and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

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Whitebeard asked for the last time before.

It also triggered a lot of memories and deep thoughts for him, so he asked Whitebeard to have a drink to remember the past and the future he wanted to go to.

When he was in the Hokage world, he felt that he was the person of that world, a conqueror in the Shinigami world, and here, he was just a traveler.

Come back to your senses.

Lu Li turned his head to look at Robin who was sitting next to him, and said, “Do you think it’s noisy?” Do you want me to send you back?” ”

Robin sat next to him, and when he heard Lu Li’s words, he smiled and said, “It’s also good to participate in a lively banquet once in a while.” ”

In fact.

What she thought in her heart was that Lu Li was here, so she was also here, I don’t know why, as long as she stayed with Lu Li, she could feel happy and peaceful in her heart.

If she can’t see Lu Li for a while, she will become a little unbearable in her heart.

Today’s Robin is twelve years old.

A twelve-year-old girl is experiencing what it’s like to be in love with someone.

“Hmm. ”

Lu Li nodded slightly at Robin.

Although he was drinking, Robin’s appearance still caught his eyes at all, and he was very familiar with the girl’s appearance.


Lu Xuan muttered softly.

Although he also knew that with his charm and temperament, it was difficult for the girls who came into contact with him not to like him, but this feeling was not bad.

It’s much better to be liked than to be hated, not to mention that Robin is still quite cute.

“Are you going to travel to other places next?” Whitebeard looked at Lu Lidao with a huge wine bowl.

Lu Li looked at Whitebeard, nodded and smiled, and said, “Yes, the second half of the Great Voyage gives me a good feeling, it seems that there are many places worth visiting, by the way, you should have a chart of the New World, right?”

“Well, do you need it?”

Whitebeard drank all the wine in the bowl, and after asking, he said to Marco next to him, “I’ll make a copy of the chart of the New World later.” ”

The navigation of the great voyage could not be carried out by charts, only by recording and permanent pointers, but there was such a thing as charts.

Except for the fact that the Whitebeard Pirates have never been to Ralph Drew, they have basically sailed all over the islands of the New World, and naturally they have recorded most of the islands in the New World, and the island where each record pointer points in the direction of the next island.

“Thank you very much, I owe you a personal favor. ”

Lu Li also took a sip of wine and smiled at Whitebeard.

Whitebeard grinned and said, “It’s just a trivial matter, what kind of people are not human.” ”

Lu Li smiled slightly, and his eyes suddenly glowed with a golden luster.

“As a thank you, I’ll tell you a future that I see as a future that might threaten your family… When you get a Devil Fruit, be careful. ”

Lu Li didn’t directly mention Blackbeard, because Blackbeard is still in the forbearance stage, and he belongs to a very honest and honest guy in the Whitebeard Pirates.

Lu Li didn’t care about Blackbeard’s methods, and he didn’t want to ruin the banquet, so he just mentioned it briefly.

“That’s right… I know. ”

Whitebeard gave him a thoughtful look.

A character like Lu Li will not say anything for no reason, maybe he really sees the future where his family is threatened, and such words are indeed worth caring about.

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