It stands to reason that his mentor has not woken up from lying in the hospital, and Mordo will not disappear at this time, mostly because he learned the truth about the dark power that Gu Yi absorbed.

Faith has collapsed and blackened!

Speaking of Mordo, Gu Yi’s expression was gloomy: “I am very optimistic about Mordo, but he is too strong, even a little extreme, and he deals with problems in black and white… To put it simply, it is to love to drill the horns. ”

“Don’t talk about him, Ancient One, you have a good rest, don’t die, if you die, I won’t manage Kama Taj for you, let alone train the next Supreme Mage for you. ”

The ancient one who said this is even more congested!

No matter what Gu Yi thought, Lu Li urged him to hurry back into his body.

As for Mordo, it should be reserved for future Doctor Strange to brush up on experience!

Lu Li doesn’t like to owe favors to others, so dealing with the problem of Dormammu can be regarded as repaying Gu Yi’s favors, and from then on, they don’t owe each other.

If the soul wanders outside for too long, it also has a great impact on itself, especially if the ancient body is seriously injured, it is naturally sloppy.

The soul of the ancient one floated back into his body, and Lu Li returned.

Wang Fatzi was still complaining: “… There’s a whole bunch of things going on on Kama Taj’s side, Mordo is gone again, and the low- and mid-level mages are very unsettled… Master Lu Li, what were you doing just now, were you listening to me?”

“Yes, yes, yes, you said great!”

Lu Li gave a thumbs up to Wang Fatzi, “Xiao Wang, the task of taking care of the Ancient One Mage will be handed over to you, you are now the pillar of Kama Taj.” ”

Hearing Lu Li’s words, Wang Fatzi looked unimpressed on the surface, but in fact, he was proud in his heart.

“Do you want to talk about this kind of thing!”

“It’s good that you have this awareness, I’ll go back to Kama Taj, I’ll come back later!”

Lu Li patted the fat man on the shoulder, the magic circle in his hand appeared, and with a wave of one hand, the portal was depicted.

The portal connected to Kama Taj, and Wang Fatzi took a look, thinking that Lu Li was sitting in Kama Taj, so he didn’t ask anything.

When he arrived at Kama Taj, the portal suddenly disappeared, and Lu Li slipped into the library.

Along the way, he found the ancient master’s bookcase, and Lu Li searched for them one by one.

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The Book of Cagliostro!

Soon he found the Book of Cagliostro and read it.

It takes talent to cast magic, and the higher the magic, the more it is needed.

In the original plot, Doctor Strange can cast time magic at a glance at the magic book, which Lu Li is ashamed of if he doesn’t have the Eternal Eye, but compared to a wizard like Doctor Strange, who was born for magic.

Well, Lu Li just worked harder.

At least compared to Mordo, who claims to be one in a hundred, Mordo is now free to cast time magic!

“First of all, open the Eye of Agomoto…”

Lu Li pinched his hands, and the spell came out at will, and when his hands changed, the eyes of Agomoto suddenly opened, emitting a faint green light.

“It’s a pity that there are no apples for me to experiment!”

Without an apple, Lu Li flipped the book of Calistro to the two pages torn out by Casillas, and then folded his hands and cast time magic to modify the timeline of the book.

At first, it failed once, but the second time, the third time, Lu Li succeeded in restoring the Book of Cagliostro to the most complete timeline.

Having tried relatively simple magic, Lu Li began to experiment with more complex time spells.

When practicing magic, Lu Li tried his best to avoid interfering with the timeline, just experimenting alone, not interfering with others on the earth, and generally not having much of a problem.

The next day.

After a night of practice, Lu Li had mastered most of the time magic.

Compared to yesterday, the purple-black clouds in the sky of New York have become dozens of times larger, covering half of the sky.

In the purple clouds, countless dark particles began to expand.

There are also things like nerve cells, constantly extending and invading towards the real world.

Closing his phone, Lu Li began to think about how to deal with Dormammu.

According to the official setting, the Dark King Dormammu is a Heavenly Father-level powerhouse, that is, galaxy-level!

After opening the portal, Lu Li returned to the New York Temple, where Master Daniel and the others were still in the temple, and a quarantine area had been set up around it, and civilians had been evacuated.

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