“Master Lu Li, you’re finally back, is the Ancient One Master okay?”

As soon as they met, Daniel and the other mages eagerly gathered around and asked.

“Rest assured, the Ancient One Master is out of danger, and with his recovery ability, he will be able to be discharged from the hospital soon. ”

Lu Li comforted Daniel and other mages, although the ancient one had not yet left the mortal body, he could draw energy from another dimension to speed up his recovery.

Walking out of the temple, the purple clouds in the sky continued to expand.

Around the temple, Tony, Steve and others were in full battle, and ZF also dispatched a large number of National Guards, armed with guns and ammunition to guard this side.

It’s just that they don’t know what’s coming.

But since the Battle of New York, every time a big hole appears in the sky, it will make people’s nerves tense.

“Tony, Captain…”

Lu Li walked to Tony and the others who looked up at the sky, Captain Mi was carrying a shield, Yang’s neck was sore, and when he saw Lu Li, he smiled bitterly:

“The military has launched several drones to investigate, but before they got closer, they were attracted by a strange force field…”

“Not to mention the military’s drone, even my steel suit…”

Tony slapped Mark 43’s mask, revealing a helpless expression: “Even my steel suit flew in, the electronic equipment was out of control, Lu Li, the so-called dark dimension we are facing… What kind of enemy is it?”

“The King of the Dark Dimension, Dormammu, was once a sorcerer, and in pursuit of greater power, he entered the Dark Dimension and became the master there, and within the Dark Dimension, Dormammu has unimaginably powerful power. ”

After Lu Li finished talking about Domammu’s introduction, Tony and the others looked at each other.

Captain Mi took a deep breath, “Lu Li, do you have a battle plan, how do we need to cooperate with you?”

“The plan… Uh, uh… I’ll go up and talk to Dormammu about terms first. ”

Lu Li said with a smile, then looked up at the sky, and suddenly rose into the air, flying straight towards the purple-black clouds in the sky.

Leaving Captain Mi Guo and Tony and the others with blank faces, they didn’t dare to approach the dark dimension casually.

The energy of the dark dimension can corrode people’s minds, and unless they are extremely powerful, if they are unprepared to enter it, they can easily be controlled by Dormammu.

Lu Li soared upward, and soon flew into the purple-black clouds in the sky.

Before he could get close enough to enter it, a violent energy blast struck, forming an invisible chakra barrier around Lu Li’s body to resist the energy impact of the dark dimension.

Walking through the purple-black clouds and entering it, it is as if you have suddenly arrived in a kaleidoscopic world.

As far as the eye can see, dots of purple light seem to spread all over the starry sky, and strings of compressed planets that are interconnected like ganglions float, slowly emitting a faint light.

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This is the Dark Dimension!

Lu Li found a huge compressed planet and stood on it, then opened the Eye of Agomoto to experiment with the time magic he had learned yesterday.

Time is imprisoned!

With this as the starting point and death as the end point, the timelines of the two are connected to each other, infinite reincarnation!

The green magic circle in his hand lingered, and Lu Li confirmed that everything was set up before he went further into the dark dimension.

In the next second, a giant compressed planet suddenly lit up in front of him…

No, that’s not a compressed planet, that’s Dormammu’s eyes!

A huge face was displayed in front of Lu Li’s eyes intact, and his height was only the size of the other party’s pupils.

Dormammu opened his big mouth, surrounded by the strange fire of the dark dimension, and his eyes stared at Lu Li as if he wanted to swallow him up.

Lu Li looked at the Dark King Dormammu and said with a smile, “Dormammu, welcome to Earth!”


Greeted by Lu Li, Dormammu’s expression suddenly became strange, “I don’t know what to call a guy, your world is mine now, just like all worlds!

Dormammu’s voice was low and hoarse, but it was like a thunderbolt, echoing throughout the dark dimension.

Before the words dissipated, countless dark arrows rained down all over the sky, and Lu Li waved one hand, condensing a magic shield in mid-air.


Like an umbrella in a rainstorm, Lu Li’s silver-white magic shield blocked the rain of dark arrows.

Seeing this scene, Dormammu’s brows furrowed slightly, and then he shouted softly: “Carving insect skills!”

In the next second, his mouth opened, and a purple-black columnar shockwave fell with a bang.


The entire dark dimension was trembling, and Lu Li’s eyes flashed when he saw this column-shaped shockwave.

He pointed forward, condensing four or five energy shields in front of him.

Boom! Boom!!

Under Dormammu’s shockwave, Lu Li’s energy shields shattered one by one, and not only that, but even the compressed planet under his feet also collapsed.

These compressed planets are nothing more than the dregs of energy drained by Dormammu, and they are already fragile.

Facing the aftermath of the impact of the confrontation between Lu Li and Dormammu, he naturally couldn’t bear it.

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