When Diana heard that Felicity seemed to be interested in Ares, she was very happy to tell Felicity about Ares’s crimes.

Oliver, who was at the door, watched the two girls chatting very happily, and suddenly felt extremely tired, he rubbed his eyebrows with his hand, and said sharply: “Enough! Okay! I’ll take you there, everyone goes, let’s go!”

Along the way, the CEO of the Quinn Consortium acted as a driver for everyone, Lu Li sat in the co-pilot, and Diana and Felicity sat in the back seat, unexpectedly chatting very well.

Diana told Felicity about the dark history of some of the gods in the age of the gods, in fact, she also heard it from her mother Hippolyta, the veracity of which needs to be investigated, but Felicity heard it with her hands over her mouth, exclaiming ‘Omaiga! Omaiga!’ all the way.

Soon everyone arrived at the scene of the crime, and Oliver’s personal bodyguard, Diggle, nicknamed ‘Sparta’, was already waiting at the door of the warehouse.

Diggle was a black man with military experience in his early years, and he was strong and proficient in all kinds of martial arts.

When he saw Oliver’s car, he immediately walked up, and then he was shocked to see Lu Li and Diana also get out of Oliver’s car.

“Who are these two?” Diggle saw that Lu Li and Diana were both wearing the uniforms of the Quinn Enterprises, but he was sure that he had never seen these two.

At least not in Oliver’s surroundings.

“Diggle, this is Mr. Lu Li, this is Ms. Diana, they are mine… Uh, friends. Oliver said.

“Hi there, my name is Diggle and I’m Oliver’s personal bodyguard. Although Digger had a smile on his face, the doubts in his heart did not diminish at all.

Oliver’s friend?

If it weren’t for seeing Oliver and Felicity standing in front of him, he would have thought it was the other party’s cry for help.

After Lu Li and Diggle got to know each other, they entered the Applied Science Department of the Quinn Consortium together.

This is actually a large warehouse, but the door has been broken, and the police have come to the cordon, and many police officers are busy inside.

“This door is made of reinforced titanium alloy material, how did the gangsters manage to knock the whole door down?”

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Oliver looked at the warehouse door and looked deformed, and his eyes unconsciously glanced in the direction of Lu Li and Diana.

The sergeant who led the team, Quentin Lance heard Oliver’s question, and said casually: “It may have been hit by a truck, or a crane, I think they must have four or five people cooperating with each other, plus the speed of their evacuation, it must have been premeditated for a long time.” ”

“What about the surveillance footage? The surveillance of this warehouse should have captured some useful information. Felicity gestured to the camera on the upper part of the warehouse.

However, the camera was shot at at gunpoint, and the entire front end was blown up.

Sergeant Lance beckoned to a police officer at the scene, who came over with a tablet: “Judging from the footage before the surveillance was destroyed, one person killed two duty officers first, but he must have accomplices, and he may have bypassed the surveillance from the other direction.” ”

They still think that it is definitely not a person who invaded this warehouse, after all, in the eyes of normal people, it is impossible for a person to break through a titanium alloy gate, stun the staff on duty, and then snatch something inside.

“In fact, it’s a person!”

A person came out of the inside of the warehouse, the man was 1.8 meters tall, looked very handsome, wearing a brown coat, after Sheriff Lance saw him, his brows furrowed into a Sichuan shape, and asked:

“Who are you? I don’t remember you in the police force. ”

The man smiled a little awkwardly, and then took a Canterlot Police Department work card, explaining, “My name is Barry Allen, and I am from the Canterlot Police Department’s on-site investigation team, and Canterlot also has a similar case with some unexplained details, so my boss sent me over.” ”

Lu Li stared at the big boy in front of him, and saw a science and technology expo in his bag, and the title of the cover read: Is the particle collider in the cutting-edge scientific research laboratory safe?

Therefore, the particle collision test has not exploded yet, and Barry Allen, who is standing in front of him, has not yet become a Flash.

Officer Lance rang out when Barry said that there was only one gangster, so he asked, “So, do you think someone can easily walk through that door on their own?”

That door, naturally, refers to the titanium alloy door of the warehouse.

“Yes, it must be a very strong man!”

Barry said with great certainty, and he presented the corresponding evidence: “It takes about 1,250 feet of torque to break a person’s neck, and you can see the photo of the guard’s neck I took, and the bruises show that the murderer only used one hand!”

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