Seeing that the expressions of several people present seemed to believe his words, Barry stared at Oliver, Diana and Lu Li very seriously, and said with a very serious expression: “I don’t think you all know how difficult it is to break someone’s neck!”

Oliver raised his eyebrows, revealing a blank expression, “emmm… Yes, we simply don’t know how to break someone’s neck. ”

Lu Li was worried about Diana’s goofs here, so he immediately echoed Oliver and said, “Yes, yes, I don’t know, we don’t know!”

Sheriff Lance still didn’t want to believe Barry’s words, but he didn’t have any better evidence to prove his point, so he had to divert from the subject.

“Oliver, I need you to provide a complete inventory so we can compare and figure out what you’re missing. ”

Lu Li raised his hand and pointed to the more empty place on the other side, but there was a small low pier made of concrete on the ground, “I think the thief stole that should be that thing.” ”

Everyone looked over, and there were six thick steel bars on the low concrete pier, but all of them showed signs of breaking.

Sheriff Lance has also seen this place before, but he didn’t think about the stolen things, after all, none of the cutting machines and engineering forklifts on this thing should be able to handle it.

Barry Allen glanced at Lu Li approvingly, and quickly explained: “Yes, that’s it, it’s an industrial centrifuge, the double-cable type 900 centrifuge of the Quinn Consortium, it has three fixed brackets…”

He led everyone to the front of Lu Lizhi’s small dwarf pier, pointed to a broken steel bar and said: “Look at this fracture surface, it is likely that the thief pulled them out!”

“The traces of destruction on the ground look like footprints, so according to Barry’s inference, it is likely that the thief walked out of the gate carrying a centrifuge. Lu Li looked at the shattered marks of the ground, as he said, a series of footprint-like cracks, all the way to the door.

Barry looked at Lu Li with very surprised eyes this time, and he took the initiative to greet Lu Li: “That’s right, what is your name, do you also have experience in CSI (Crime Scene Investigation Bureau)?”

Lu Li shook Barry’s hand with a smile and said, “My name is Lu Li, so I can count on it.” ”

Diana suddenly touched Lu Li’s arm and said mysteriously: “I know who did it, it must be …


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“That’s right, it must be Ares!”

“We all know that!”

Lu Li, Oliver and Felicity hurriedly put on an expression of ‘we all understand, please don’t say it again’.

Barry said that this is a thief with super powers, and he has already challenged the three views of everyone present, and if Diana is allowed to preach to them in the past what god of war, Ares, is instigating bad people to do evil, then Sheriff Lance is afraid that Diana will not be sent to a psychiatric hospital on the spot.

Despite Barry’s evidence, Sheriff Lance has a hard time believing that there is a person in this world who can lift a two-ton gravity industrial centrifuge with his bare hands unless he sees it with his own eyes.

“There must be other explanations that make sense, there is no way there is no one in this world with such terrifying power!” Sheriff Lance still didn’t want to believe Barry’s words.

After that, the police withdrew from the scene, leaving Felicity and others at the scene to assist Barry in the investigation.

Diggle sent someone to compare the inventory of the Ministry of Applied Sciences, and found that the only thing that was missing was indeed the industrial centrifuge, and Felicity hacked into the transportation network, taking screenshots of the alarm turning off from the surveillance in the opposite block.

In the picture, a man wearing a black gack directly carries a two-ton industrial centrifuge on his shoulder and transports it step by step into the trunk of the truck.

“God, if I didn’t know the true weight of that thing, I’d have thought he was carrying just a piece of plastic!” Diggle said his three views were shocked.

Oliver and Felicity have strange eyes in their eyes and go back and forth between Lu Li and the surveillance footage, as if to determine whether they are the same person.

“I scanned the traffic surveillance of the whole city according to the model of this car, and guess what I found, this car just robbed a blood bank, 30,000 milliliters of negative blood type O!” Felicity said quickly.

Barry continued to analyze: “With so much blood, if it weren’t for the fact that there were dozens of people waiting for a large amount of bleeding surgery, then there could only be one use, to grow something with this blood. ”

In fact, Barry’s guess was already very close, and Oliver and Lu Li, who were present, both knew that this was Deathknell’s desire to mass-produce Mirakuru.

A potion that can give people extraordinary powers, but the success rate is extremely low, no more than five out of a hundred injectors can survive, and these will become violent and irritable because of the potion, and the mentality is distorted.

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