Two air-piercing shriekling kryptonite rockets shot out at Joel the Destroyer, and Clark jumped to his feet without saying a word, quickly leaving the spot.


The Kryptonite rocket head exploded, forming a thick cloud of green smoke around Joel the Destroyer.

Joel the Destroyer loses his power for a brief moment after inhaling a large amount of kryptonite dust.

The Destroyer was so uncomfortable with the thick green smoke from the two Kryptonite rocket heads that he tried to get out of place, but he felt like he couldn’t do it when he lifted his feet.


Under the influence of the kryptonite smoke, the Destroyer shook like a drunken drunk, and then fell to the ground with a bang.

He struggled desperately as he gulped in the kryptonite dust, which followed his airways into his body and affected his cells.

“Awesome, Teacher Lu Li, where did you get this thing?” Clark looked at Lu Li with a strange expression.

“Let’s go back and talk about it, you see, although you Kryptonians are powerful, they also have something to restrain you!”

After speaking, Lu Li pulled out the kryptonite long sword on his back and suddenly ran towards Joel, the weak and fallen destroyer.

Clark and Diana understood, and one stepped forward to grab Joel the Destroyer’s arm, while the other threw out the lasso of the truth and tied him firmly.

“Look at the sword!”

Lu Li jumped and slashed out with a sword, as the kryptonite longsword gradually approached, Clark was more or less affected, but he still gritted his teeth and desperately prevented Joel the Destroyer from breaking free.

The next moment, the green cold light flashed away, and the kryptonite sword slashed through Joel the Destroyer’s neck, and in an instant, the head fell to the ground!

Lu Li didn’t stop in his hand, feeling that it was not enough to just cut off the head of Joel the Destroyer, and the kryptonite long sword in his hand slashed and pierced the other party’s heart.

Having lost the two most important organs, the head and the heart, Rao is a powerful destroyer of vitality and gradually loses his vitality.

After all, he doesn’t have the pervert-level recovery ability of Wolverine Deadpool.

The long sword withdrew from the lead scabbard, and Clarke’s weakness suddenly disappeared, he regained his strength, and said to Lu Li, “He shouldn’t recover now, right?”

“That’s the case, but it’s safe, we’re going to burn his body!”

Lu Li suggested, after all, Joel the Destroyer has a trace of Doom genes in his body, and he can’t let people with bad intentions do anything with his cells.

So it’s safest to burn them all!

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Clark naturally didn’t object to anything, he and Lu Li used their hot vision to burn the cells of Joel the Destroyer little by little, knowing that they would all be burned to ashes.

The Destroyer was utterly dead, and Clark let out a long sigh of relief.

Lu Li patted him on the shoulder and said, “Let’s go back to the town first, in the three months you left, your parents have been chatting with me every day, hurry up and go home to report your safety!”

At the mention of his adoptive parents, Clark felt a little guilty

After saying that, Lu Li put Diana in his arms and flew to the town with Clark.

The mercenary Tate lay on the ground, pretending to be dead for a long time before he dared to stick his head out, and he first confirmed the situation at the scene.

After the battle with the Avengers, the mercenaries present basically broke a few bones, but some of them were slightly injured, and some were very seriously injured, and if they were not treated in time, they would definitely not live long.

A black mercenary, who was lucky enough to break only two ribs, looked weakly at the captain Tate and asked, “Is the boss dead?”

“Unfortunately, our boss has run out of breath. Tate shook his head.

When the black mercenary heard this, tears were about to fall.

It’s not that he’s sad for his boss, it’s that this month’s salary hasn’t been paid yet!

They came out as mercenaries to sell their lives for huge commissions, and once the boss died, they didn’t know if the finance would admit it.

“Don’t worry, Pete, the Lex Group will give us the money obediently, no… They’ll pay us double!”

The mercenary captain Tate smiled, “Grandpa Lu was a decent person when he was alive, let’s spit… Ahem, I mean, how about you collect a corpse for him before leaving!”


The town, Kent Farm.

When Lu Li flew to the Kent farm with Diana and Clark, Clark’s mother was handling farm work.

She heard a voice in the sky, looked up, and saw Clark at a glance.

“Clark, you’re finally back!” Martha hurriedly dropped her farm work and walked up to the three of them.

“Mom, I’m back, I’m worried about you!”

Clark landed on the ground, and he stepped forward and hugged his adoptive mother, “Mom, I found it, I found them!”

“Who did you find?” Martha asked, confused.

“My biological parents, where I came from, and my people!” Clark said with a smile on his face.

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