“That’s great!” Martha’s smile was a little stiff, she was glad that Clark had found her biological parents, but worried that Clark would leave them because of it.

Clark saw his adoptive mother’s worries, and hurriedly comforted: “My planet was destroyed more than ten years ago, and I should be the only survivor in the family.” ”

Lu Li added in his heart, “You also have a cousin with white skin and beautiful long legs!”

Martha felt even more uncomfortable when she heard this, “I’m sorry, Clark. ”

“It’s fine. Clark smiled at this, and he looked around, but he didn’t see his adoptive father, so he asked, “Where’s Daddy?”

“Your dad has been sick since the last time aliens came, and now he’s in the house, and I won’t let him do farm work. Martha sighed and said.

Hearing that his adoptive father was sick, Clark rushed into the house without saying a word.

Martha looked at Lu Li with a smile and Diana who was standing beside Lu Li.

“Mr. Lu Li, is this your girlfriend?” Martha rarely gossiped.

“yes, her name is Diana, Diana, this is Clark’s mother, you can call her Martha. ”

Lu Li introduced the two, Diana smiled and shouted crisply: “Martha, hello.” ”

“The little girl is really nice, eh, Diana, do you have any other sisters or anything, and introduce us to our Clarke, don’t leave later, let’s stay for dinner together!”

can rub a dinner, Lu Li naturally will not refuse, anyway, even if he goes home, he has to make it himself.

Needless to say, the details of the dinner are left behind, Martha’s craftsmanship is really good, Diana ate the ingredients of her own farm for the first time, without caring about the image of the goddess, and ate like a storm.

It is worth mentioning that Clark’s adoptive father, Jonason Kent, has died in many versions.

Throughout American comics, many superheroes’ families, especially male elders, are more tragic.

For example, Spider-Man’s Uncle Ben, and then Black Panther his father, Green Arrow his father, not to mention Batman Wayne, it’s just a childhood shadow.

Lu Li could feel that Ken’s father’s health was not optimistic, but he heard Martha say that he went to the hospital to see it, but nothing came out.

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Ken’s father, who has a stubborn personality, refuses to continue to be hospitalized for observation.

Lu Li felt that in this case, I am afraid that it is not the will of the great universe that is causing trouble.

After dinner, Lu Li, Diana, and Clark sat in the courtyard by the farm, and Clark looked up at the sky and didn’t speak for a long time.

“Boy, what are you thinking?” Lu Li asked, touching Clark’s arm.

Clark was silent for a moment, then said, “I was thinking about Krypton… In the Kryptonian spacecraft in the North Pole, I learned about twenty-eight galaxies, but I felt very…”

“Very unreal?” Lu Li said as he took Clarke’s words.

“That’s right, very unreal!” Clark nodded.

Lu Li sneered, “You don’t care if it’s real or not, it mainly depends on what you want to do, if you want to use this knowledge to accelerate the development of earth science and technology, I dare to guarantee that you will get the Nobel Prize in this life.” ”

Clark shook his head, “Because of Krypton’s artificial gene cultivation, my family is all scientists, but I didn’t implant such a gene, and I never wanted to be a scientist.” Having said that, although I have learned the knowledge of twenty-eight galaxies, this knowledge has been instilled into my head in a cramming way, and I cannot master it without investing a long time in it. ”

The implication is that Lao Tzu is a superman, do you know what a superman is?

It’s a problem that can be solved with fists, so we don’t have to think about using knowledge!

“Oh yes, didn’t you ask me where I got today’s Kryptonite weapon, it was developed by Lex, including today’s monsters, which are also his masterpieces! I was about to fly back to town when Lex’s mercenaries attacked me with Kryptonite bazookas. Lu Li said.

Clark was furious when he heard the news, he casually picked up the coat on the chair and said, “Unreasonable, I’m going to find him!”

Lu Li hurriedly stopped Clark, “You can’t find him, he’s dead, uh-uh… The Destroyer broke out of the Lex Group and killed a lot of people… Unfortunately, I almost thought I could be friends with him. ”

This is actually a kind of misleading, Lu Li is not lying, but just using some language skills to guide Clark to think in that direction.

Clark took it for granted that the Destroyer had killed Lex, he didn’t suspect anything, just shook his head and was silent for a while before he spoke, “It’s my fault!”

“Rather than you have the heart to blame yourself, let’s go and destroy all the kryptonite meteorites in the town tomorrow, and I have to take a moment to go to the Lex Group to have a look, and I must make sure that they don’t have any remaining kryptonite weapons in their hands. ”

As Lu Li spoke, he took out the kryptonite sword and handed it to Clark, “This kryptonite sword is for you.” ”

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