“No, Teacher Lu Li, I hope you can keep it!” Clark laughed.

He added, “Teacher, I need someone who can make sure that the Kryptonians don’t threaten the world, do you know what I mean?”

“Even if you kill?” Lu Li asked tentatively.

Clark looked out the window, at the bustling streets of the town a kilometer away, and he said word by word: “Even if you kill!”

“OK!” Lu Li nodded and said with a smile.

Superman can’t kill because he is the savior, and in this case, Lu Li is willing to be the one with the knife behind the savior.


That night, Lu Li and Diana went home together.

As soon as Diana entered the house, she ran to the sofa, holding the remote control and shouted, “Lu Li, Lu Li, come and help me turn on the TV, I want to watch the one we watched last time!”

“Didn’t I teach you how to use the remote control?” Lu Li smiled and shook his head, he remembered teaching Diana how to use the remote control many times.

Diana retorted confidently: “The remote control you taught me to use in Star City is different from your home, and your home has many keys!”

Isn’t there just a few more rows of number keys?

Lu Li also made it to the sofa, leaned against Diana, and patiently taught him how to use the remote control.

“Press this, turn on the TV, and then press up and down to adjust the channel, the last TV we watched was on channel 14. ”

Following Lu Li’s instructions, Diana successfully pressed the TV to channel 14.

What she likes to watch is a TV series based on the First World War, about a spy of the American imperialists who goes behind enemy lines alone, is preparing to stop the war plot, and leads her team to rescue her trapped girlfriend.

The two nested on the sofa and watched it for a night, and the end of the TV was naturally happy, the male and female protagonists hugged each other and hugged each other.

“I don’t understand, shouldn’t you lead the troops to pursue the victory at this time, why do the two of them have to come and go?”

Just as Lu Li was watching with relish, Diana complained very dissatisfied.

Compared with romantic emotional dramas, Diana liked the war scenes on TV more, and every time she showed what the enemy was going to do, she would grit her teeth and shout: “Don’t be fooled by Ares!

This is Diana’s subconscious squirting villain’s IQ is not online!

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“Diana, kissing/kissing is just an expression of emotion, the protagonist in the TV is working hard to rescue the heroine, this moment is a small high/tide in the entire TV series!”

Lu Li tried to analyze Diana from the perspective of the plot structure.

Not everyone is like her, who can’t wait to fight in the whole audience, which will be aesthetically tiring.

However, Diana didn’t care about Lu Li’s words.

“Meaningless acts, I’ve read 12 treatises on flesh/body pleasure written by Cleo, but I can’t understand that kissing and entanglement can bring personal pleasure/feeling, let alone why humans have such desires, I haven’t felt this way in hundreds of years on paradise islands. ”

Diana swore what she said, Lu Li looked at Diana with bad intentions, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said, “Oh, yes?”

After speaking, Lu Li lowered his head and said not to pass…

Diana’s body still stiffened suddenly, and her pretty face turned red as soon as she brushed it.

Lu Li could even hear Diana’s heartbeat, which kept trembling like thunder.

“Do you still think it’s pointless to kiss someone?” Lu Li whispered in Diana’s ear.

Diana’s whole head went blank.

Next, I posted some indescribable things in Feilu.


That night, the figures inside the house swayed, and a magnitude 3.5 earthquake came from the town outside the house, which lasted for about two hours each time, and after a period of subsidy, it would continue to shake.

The intermittent earthquake shook all night, and almost all the residents of the town were so frightened that they didn’t dare to sleep, and even ran out into the street with a quilt and were bitten by mosquitoes for the night.



A few days later, the Met, the Planet.

Louise Lane has been running through the streets of the Metropolis for the past few days destroyed by Joel the Destroyer, gathering clues and writing a story under the headline ‘Shocked!

However, when she handed over the manuscript to the editor-in-chief, the fat editor-in-chief only glanced at it a few times and threw her manuscript out casually.


The fat editor-in-chief walked up to Louise from behind his desk and reprimanded him in a very impatient tone: “Louise, you can’t use blurry photos and very low-resolution videos on the Internet as the subject matter! You are not a science fiction writer, you are a journalist! Journalists must pay attention to evidence!”

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