As soon as the tea was ready, the guards went to the reception room and closed the door.

This reception room is not big, Lu Li and Ao Guanhai are sitting on two sofas face to face, and there is a couch on the side, and only two people are sitting.

Ao Guanhai picked up the Longjing tea in front of him, took a sip with a smile, and asked directly to the point: “Mr. Lu Li, are you from the earth?”

Regarding President Ao Guanhai’s question, Lu Li smiled and said: “I am not only from the earth, but I am also from the Celestial Empire, you should be able to see from my appearance.” ”

President O’s eyes suddenly lit up, “I like the culture of the Celestial Empire, I guess…”

“Mr. President, you invited me today, you shouldn’t have asked to check my household registration!” Lu Li changed the topic in time.

In fact, Ao Guanhai is checking Lu Lihu’s hukou, never underestimate a politician, he can dig out countless information from every word you say, and even today’s conversation will inevitably be analyzed by professional analysts.

The little trick was seen through by Lu Li, Ao Guanhai smiled, and he pointed to the two men of some age in the seats next to him.

“Mr. Lu Li, this is General Swanwick of the North American Air Defense Joint Command, this one is the Seventh Military Region, Colonel Lane, and Colonel Lane was responsible for the Metropolitan incident at the beginning. ”

Hearing this, Lu Li immediately thought about it: “Oh, you ordered me to bomb me with a missile!”

Before the words fell, Colonel Lane’s face darkened at that time, and he quickly explained: “I didn’t know that you were on our side at the time, if you knew…”

“Stop, don’t put gold on your face, I’m not on your side!”

Lu Li interrupted Colonel Lane’s words and looked at Ao Guanhai: “Mr. President, you give me a comment, I was desperate to protect the Metropolis at that time! This guy is good, he sent someone to directly smash six Tomahawk missiles in my face, is he so kind to take revenge?”

Lu Li said, Ao Guanhai knew that after the Metropolis incident, Colonel Lane sorted out all the information and reported it, and Ao Guanhai knew it very well in his heart.

Ao Guanhai showed a professional smile, “Mr. Lu Li, don’t be angry first, Colonel Ryan wrote a profound review of this matter, and heard that you want to establish the Justice League, raise your hands in favor, and are willing to spend twenty percent of the funds to sponsor the Justice League!”

After saying this, Colonel Lane listened to it like a deflated ball, and as soon as he opened his mouth, he took out 20 percent of the funds, and the Seventh Military Region was afraid that it would have to eat dirt in the days to come.

Lu Li smiled slightly, this Ao Guanhai is really a human spirit, and he could have brought Colonel Ryan on today’s occasion, but he just brought it.

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Tricking him for funds is one thing, borrowing flowers to offer Buddha to Lu Li is the key, he doesn’t have to pay a penny, that is, he helps Colonel Ryan ease the contradiction with Lu Li, and makes Lu Li owe him a favor.

“So, Mr. President has recognized the Justice League?” Lu Li said with a smile.

Ao Guanhai nodded: “When it comes to handling certain things, you are more professional than us, I recognize the Justice League.” Of course, on the side of the World Security Council, I can’t decide, but I’m sure that when this alien spacecraft incident is resolved, they should be able to make a difference. ”

Lu Li didn’t hear this kind of scene.

The topic naturally shifted to the alien spaceship, and Lu Li knew that Ao Guanhai was going to ask about the alien spaceship next.

Lu Li didn’t hide it, and told the three people present about the situation of Krypton.

Including the existence of Superman, Zod’s purpose, and of course the information about Kryptonite is still not said.

After all, if these politicians knew about the existence of kryptonite, they would definitely have to make one or two pieces all over the world, wouldn’t they have nothing to do.

“An alien has been living on Earth for so many years, and his planet has perished, and the remnants of the refugees intend to destroy the planet and rebuild it… Krypton?” General Swanwick had an incredulous expression, “Mr. Lu Li, are you sure you didn’t see it from a science fiction movie?”

In fact, Lu Li has really seen such a movie!

However, there is an alien spaceship hovering above everyone’s heads, and they can’t be allowed to believe it, and Ao Guanhai is more concerned about how to solve the problem at hand.

“What about the response this time? Mr. Lu Li, I would like to hear your opinion. ”

“Let Superman communicate, and if it doesn’t work, I’ll just destroy them. Lu Li said with a gesture.

“Can a nuclear bomb blow up their ship?” General Swanwick’s gaze was expectant.

If a nuclear bomb can solve the problem, it is not a problem at all.

Lu Li shook his head: “Most likely not, their shipborne energy shield is not an ornament, you can send a few more nuclear bombs while they are still in the sky, otherwise when they land on the ground, there will be nothing to do with you.” ”

The battle between the Kryptonians could not be participated in by the earth army at all, and they forcibly joined the battle, which only made the scene more lively.

It’s just that Lu Li’s words hurt people’s self-esteem a little!

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