Ao Guanhai didn’t care about this, he made a decision directly: “Then according to your meaning, contact the other party first, and I will prepare a space shuttle for you tomorrow.” ”

“No, just fly up with Superman and I. Lu Li refused again.

The three people present listened to Lu Li’s understatement and flew into space, and one or two of them looked like they had seen a ghost.

They accepted the setting that Lu Li could fly, which was enough to challenge the three views, but you actually said that you could still fly into space.

Big brother, that’s space! Have you ever seen any normal earthlings who can survive in space?

“Mr. Lu Li, are you really from the earth?” Ao Guanhai asked again uncertainly.

“It’s like a fake!” Lu Li smiled lightly.


The next day, the North American Air Defense Joint Command and the Seventh Military Region set up a base on the outskirts of the metropolis, which was a sparsely populated area of the United States and a slightly desolate suburb for this generation, which was a fitting temporary military base.

They claimed that they were conducting military exercises.

Lu Li and Clark agreed to meet at the temporary base at noon, and then determine the plan of action.

“Lu Li, get up quickly, didn’t you say that you would go to the metropolis at noon!”

Diana came out of the bathroom and saw that Lu Li was still lying in bed, and kicked on the bed angrily.

With a bang, the whole bed shattered, and Lu Li got up from a pile of broken wood, “Hey! I finally didn’t shatter this bed yesterday… This is the eighth bed we have changed, and this hotel is afraid that we will be blacklisted in the future. ”

Lu Li searched for clothes, walked up to Diana, leaned down and took a sip on her lips, and then walked to the bathroom.

It wasn’t until Lu Li walked into the bathroom that Diana blushed shyly.

After Lu Li washed up, he went out with Diana.

The two had some breakfast and lunch in the hotel restaurant, and Oliver Roy and the others were already waiting in the restaurant.

Needless to say, they also wanted to be part of the operation.

But Lu Li refused without hesitation, for no other reason, the battle of Kryptonians was not something that ordinary people could participate in at all.

Even if you give them some kryptonite, Zod’s subordinates are all born warriors, and they won’t be as merciful as Superman, just imagine, when Batman vs. Superman, if Superman really wants to kill the bat, even if the other party has kryptonite in his hand?

Kill it right!

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“Oliver, your mother has just been elected as the chief of Star City, and your sister is in a cold war with you because of her biological father’s affairs, we can be on the Metropolitan side, so you should spend more time with your family during this time!” Lu Li suggested.

“Okay, Lu Li, if you need it, you can call me at any time. Oliver was a little disappointed, but understandable.

After breakfast and lunch, the time had come to ten o’clock, Lu Li said goodbye to everyone in the Green Arrow team, and took Diana straight to the temporary military base on the outskirts of the metropolis.

“Colonel Lane, General Swanwick, he’s coming!”

A guard ran into the command room of a temporary military base on the outskirts of the metropolis in a panic.

General Swanwick was discussing military deployment with Colonel Lane when they heard the guard’s words, the two looked at each other suspiciously, and asked, “Who is here?”

Lu Li was specially cared for by President O’Guanhai, and in this military operation, he has authority second only to Colonel Lane.

“No, it’s not Lu Li, it’s… Superman!” the guard reported.

As soon as they heard that it was Superman, General Swanwick and Colonel Ryan changed their faces, they had already recognized Lu Li, after all, Lu Li was a native of the Celestial Empire and an earthling.

But Superman is different, he’s a Kryptonian like the intruders in the ship overhead.

The so-called non-self-race will have different hearts, and most people still regard it as the truth.

“Let’s go out and have a look. ”

General Swanwick waved his hand, and several military chiefs in the command room, including Colonel Lane, followed.

When General Swanwick’s car drove to the gate of the military base, they looked up at the sky, where stood a man in a red and blue straitjacket, the red cloak behind him rattled by the breeze.

“There’s an ‘S’ on the chest, red and blue, well… He does fit Lu Li’s description of Superman, yes, he is Superman!”

Swanwick got out of the car, and at this time several tanks came, plus mortars, RPGs, etc., all the weapons that could be taken out of this military base were taken out and aimed at Superman at this time.

“General Swanwick, what are your men doing?” Colonel Ryan was a little headed.

Not to mention whether human tank bombs are useful to Superman, if someone misfires, maybe this will directly start the interstellar war.

General Swanwick rubbed his temples and said to the guards: “Disarm, all troops go back and standby!”

With General Swanwick’s order, the surrounding soldiers withdrew one after another, and Clark, who was waiting in mid-air for Lu Li, saw this scene, and his heart suddenly warmed, and he smiled at General Swanwick: “Thank you, General Swanwick.” ”

“You’re welcome, wait, how do you know my name… Oh, by the way, clairvoyant eyes, Lu Li said. General Swanwick subconsciously touched the ID card in his arms.

The scene was once again in embarrassment.

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