Colonel Ryan kept looking up at Superman, feeling that his neck was a little sore, so he suggested, “Superman, why don’t you go to the command room and sit for a while?”

“No, I’d better wait for my friends. ”

Just like that, Clark hovered directly above the base, and a group of American GIs below looked up at him.

At this time, a soldier ran out of the base, although she was wearing a military uniform, her hot/hot body/material could not be concealed at all, and even under the background of the military uniform, it was even more different… Ahem!

She hid behind an armored car, pulled out a DSLR camera out of nowhere, pointed it at Superman in mid-air, and pressed the shutter button.

Rub it!

Although the sound of taking pictures was not loud, Superman and several soldiers around him could hear it clearly.

Superman looked sharply in the direction of the sound, and the soldiers suddenly shook their hands in fright, and raised their guns to aim at Superman in mid-air.

“Bastard, what do you guys want to do!”

Swanwick noticed the situation here, only to feel a chill rush to the Tianling Gai, he hurriedly went over to stabilize the situation, and then found… A female soldier with a camera.

“Soldier, it is strictly forbidden to take pictures here, report your serial number immediately, or you will be killed on the spot!” General Swanwick scolded the female soldier with an angry glare.

The lady soldier subconsciously brushed her hair, looked over General Swanwick, and landed on Colonel Lane on the side, her lips opened lightly, and said, “Dad.” ”

The eyes of everyone present suddenly became strange, especially General Swanwick.

I thought this was going to be an interstellar war, but I didn’t expect the style of painting to change… Where’s Daddy??!

Colonel Lane coughed lightly, “Ahem, this is my daughter, Louise Lane.” ”

He glared at Louise sternly, “Destroy your camera immediately, it’s illegal for you to break into here without permission!”

But Louise ignored the emotional group of American GIs, and she looked up at Superman in mid-air, who was also looking at her.

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“Hey, I’ve finally found you, and I know I didn’t dream that time at the North Pole!”

Clark, who was reluctant to come down, saw Louise, and he slowly descended in front of Louise.

Although Clark was nearly four years younger than Louise in age, Clark, who had fully developed his body, stood in front of Louise, a head taller than her.

“Hi, we’re meeting again. ”

The two looked at each other for a few seconds, and Louise suddenly took out a notebook from her pocket, then stared at Clark with a serious face, and asked, “Can I interview you, there will be terrorists in the past few months, there is evidence that it is a monster, did you defeat it?”

Clark smiled slightly, General Swanwick’s whole face was almost blackened into charcoal, and he waved his hand to the soldiers around him, “Drag this troublesome girl down for me and lock him up!”

Louise is the daughter of Colonel Lane, and it is not too good to shoot her directly, but it is okay to be locked up for a few days.

But Clark wasn’t happy, who had nothing to do with a group of you big men, so he stood in front of Louise, “Don’t be like this, General, Miss Louise has no ill intentions, she just does what a reporter does, just like you and me!”

Considering that Superman is also the key, General Swanwick sighed, “Okay, but your camera must be turned in, and no intelligence is allowed to be revealed to the outside world!”

“Okay, okay!” Louise quickly agreed, her bright eyes flashed with a strange light, and she asked very expectantly, “Superman, can I interview you alone?”

Of course, Clark would, but the thought that Louise’s old father was still on the scene made him look over to Colonel Lane.

At this time, Colonel Lane was expressionless, and he was standing straight aside with his hands on his waist, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that Colonel Lane had a few words written on his face:

“You dare to try it alone with my daughter!”

The scene fell into a strange embarrassment again, but fortunately, at this time, Lu Li had already flown to the base with Diana in his arms, and as soon as he landed, he strode over with Diana.

“Everyone had a great time!” Lu Li said to the crowd gathered around.

The arrival of Lu Li and Diana eased the awkward atmosphere on the scene slightly, and General Swanwick coughed lightly, “Ahem, Mr. Lu Li, this should be what you mentioned… Ms. Wonder Woman, since everyone has arrived, let’s go to the command room first. ”

After saying that, he got into the car by himself, Louise pouted dissatisfiedly, and wanted to sneak behind Clark, but Colonel Ryan glared at her fiercely, “You are not allowed to go, stay honest with me!”

Louise reluctantly said ‘oh’, and Clark smiled helplessly, saying that there was nothing she could do.

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