After a long time, General Swanwick ordered: “What about the tank troops, and how long will it take for them to arrive on the battlefield?”

“General, the metropolis is in chaos now, tanks can’t go in at all, and… IMHO, even tank units will not be able to do any damage to the alien ship. The technician said with some disappointment.

“So what, we can’t just look to someone else to save us!” General Swanwick said in a low tone.

Moments later, Colonel Ryan rushed into the command room, “Swanwick, Lu Li is back, he said there is a way to destroy that alien spaceship!”

Hearing this, General Swanwick’s eyes, who were already a little desperate, suddenly lit up, and he hurriedly took a few steps forward and asked, “What is the way to destroy the alien spaceship, and where is Mr. Lu Li?”

“He’s outside. ”

With that, Colonel Lane led the group out of the command room.

Lu Li placed Clark’s ship on the ground, and when he saw Swanwick and Ryan coming out, he went up and told them about his plan.

“Crashing into a Kryptonian spaceship with a superhuman spaceship, they use the same ghost engine, which, if they collide with each other, can warp space to form a singularity. ”

Swanwick and Ryan and the others were at a loss.

“Bump it, and what?”

Dr. Hamilton took over the topic, “It’s a black hole-like being that can suck the entire alien spacecraft into it.” ”

Now General Swanwick and they all understood: “Very good, how do you need me to help you?”

“Help me? no, no, no, you misunderstood, you’ll have to do it yourself. Lu Li smiled.

It’s good that he can tell this plan, and I want him to play in person, hehe… Not available!

The gravitational stance around the Kryptonian spaceship is reset, and the closer you get to it, the greater the gravity you need to bear, and then start Clark’s ship, and the two ghost engines that run on each other will attract and collide with each other like magnets, forming a black hole that swallows everything.

Colonel Ryan on the side thought for a moment: “You can use a C-141 transport plane, a spacecraft that can carry supermen, and the plan is completely feasible!”

“Very good, if it’s difficult, you can do it!” Lu Li said.

As planned, Clark’s spacecraft was transported aboard a C-141 transport aircraft.

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Although the military’s mission was to fly near the Kryptonian spacecraft and drop Clarke’s spacecraft, the danger factor of this mission was still very high.

Louise originally wanted to join in the fun, but Lu Li didn’t want to bring such a dragger.

The transport plane lifted into the air, escorted by four or five armed fighters, Lu Li stood in the cargo hold, looked at Clark’s ship, and then found a groove in the ship.

This is the socket that inserts the key with the El family logo on it.

Lu Li took out the spaceship key that Superman had given him, and he aimed the tip of the long key at the groove of the spaceship.

Lift your finger and the ship key automatically flies into the ship.


Clark’s spaceship seemed to be charged all at once, and there were a lot of faint blue lights around it, and the lights in the cargo compartment of the transport plane suddenly dimmed, and when it was lit up again, there was suddenly one more person in front of Lu Li.

“Don’t move, raise your hands!”

When the accompanying guards saw that there was one more person in the warehouse, they immediately raised their guns, and Lu Li waved his hand at them, signaling not to be nervous.

The man standing in front of him was dressed in blue, with gray hair and an ‘S’ badge on his chest.

“I guess you’re Clark’s father. Lu Li smiled.

The man nodded, and said, “If you’re talking about Clark being Carl, that’s right, I’m his father, Joe Al.” ”

The sound came from inside Clark’s spaceship, and the guards around realized that the person who suddenly appeared was nothing more than a virtual projection.

In one version, Joe Eyre’s virtual projection of Will will be erased by Zod, but Zod of this world is fighting Clark, and perhaps a Diana will will be added, so Joe Eyre’s Virtual Projection of Will is saved.

“Zod came to this planet, and in order to stop him, he was going to ram Zod’s ship with Clark’s ship. ”

“That’s a good idea, Carl’s ship is also using a ghost engine, and the two collide with each other, and it will…”

“Black holes will form, we all know that, Mr. Al, is there a way to get the key to Clark’s spaceship out and keep the ship’s engines running?”

“It stands to reason that the ship’s engine will stop as soon as the key is removed, but I can write a command to keep the ghost engine running for an additional three minutes… It’s just that I don’t understand the point of doing that. ”

“Because I want to keep the keys to the ship, or… I want to keep you, Mr. Al. ”

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