Lu Li’s words made Clark’s father frown and think for a moment, he shook his head and said, “All my knowledge has been given to Carl, and I have nothing else to guide Carl.” ”

If Clark’s father knew that Superman hadn’t made good use of the knowledge he imparted in his life, I don’t know if he would have come back to life directly.

Lu Li smiled: “It’s not Carl, Mr. El, you should know about the Three Sages Court, right?”

“The Court of the Three Sages, the judicial body of many highly intelligent races, is composed of three artificial intelligences that are well versed in known laws, and can adjudicate any crime absolutely fairly… I don’t know what you’re doing with this?” asked Joe Al.

“Because of some of the cultures on Earth that hurt my eggs, I need to get an absolutely impartial court to convict criminals, anyway… You have the death penalty!” Lu Li explained his thoughts.

Joe Al shrugged: “Yes, yes, it is rarely used, we are all used to putting criminals in an absolutely closed environment and letting them die and die.” ”

What he was talking about was the ghost zone of Krypton, which held prisoners in various galaxies.

According to this logic, Lu Li can strongly recommend that human criminals be directly banished to space, and exiled to space without any protective measures.

As for the non-human criminals, it’s good to kill them directly, anyway, Superman just doesn’t kill humans, and he doesn’t kill any less non-human monsters.

“Okay, my Three Sages Court counts you as one, plus the artificial intelligence AI Gideon, as for the third… Let’s talk about the third one!”

Gideon is an artificial intelligence created by Barry in the future world, which has now been brought to modern times by retroflash, and also serves as a shipboard intelligence for space-time ships in Legends of Tomorrow.

As he spoke, the transport plane was already approaching the Kryptonian spaceship in the center of the metropolis, and in the spaceship, Zod’s adjutant Fio Ra saw the transport plane in the sky and said to the Kryptonian soldier next to him:

“You control the spaceship, I’ll deal with the flies. ”

The Kryptonian soldier immediately responded, “Yes, sir!”

After confirming that the planetary transformation system was working smoothly, Fiora flew off to the transport plane in a small flying vehicle.

“Spot an enemy unit and request an attack!”

Armed fighters accompanying the escort spotted a small craft detached from the Kryptonian ship, and command quickly approved the attack.

“Missile launch!”

The escort’s armed fighter jets aimed at Fio Ra’s small aircraft and bombarded it with several missiles.

Fio Ra opened the hatch of the aircraft, and she slowly stood up, using the aircraft as a springboard, and jumped towards the armed fighter with a bang.

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The missile exploded, turning the sky into a sea of fire, but Fio La rose into the sky unaffected, almost flying through a large sea of fire, piercing an armed fighter like a cannonball.

“Thunderbolt 2 has been hit hard… Prepare for a skydive, ahhh

Before the pilot could parachute, Fiora tore open the fighter with his bare hands, pulled the pilot out of it, and threw him into the sky.

After finishing out a fighter, Fio La did not stop at all, she jumped several times, and all the armed fighters escorted.

She looked up at the transport plane behind Clarke’s spaceship, and using the wreckage of the fallen fighter as a springboard, she charged again.

At this time, Lu Li asked Joe El to set up the ghost engine operation command, and successfully retrieved the spaceship key.

With a ‘bang’, the walls of the transporter were smashed through by Fio Ra, and she appeared in the transporter’s hold.

“Enemy attack! Enemy attack!!”

The moment Fio Ra appeared, the guard raised his gun and shot without saying a word, but whether it was a machine gun or a grenade, it hit Fio La’s body, and even her most basic black armor could not penetrate it.

“Get out of here!”

Fio La’s figure flashed, and she quickly knocked the guards around her away, and her gaze fell on Lu Li again: “What are you doing?

“You’re right!” Lu Li flew out and slammed his body into Fiorra, knocking him out.

Without Fio Ra’s interference, the transport plane continued towards the Kryptonian spaceship, and it looked like it was about to crash into it.

By the time the transport plane set sail for the Kryptonian spaceship, the battle between Clark and Zod had already entered a white-hot phase.

Diana joins the fray, and when she pulls out her kryptonite sword, Zod unsurprisingly falls into weakness.

But it can be seen that Kryptonite is far smaller than expected for Zod, and Clark rushes behind Zod desperately, stretching out his hands to support Zod and prevent him from escaping.

“Diana, kill him!” Clark said with all his might.

As much as he was reluctant to kill his kind, Clark was even more reluctant to see hundreds of millions of people killed by Zod in order to rebuild Krypton.

Diana answered, and she raised her kryptonite longsword and stabbed it at Zod.

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