“Those who stand in my way… Die!”

Zod glared at Diana, his eyes bursting with fiery light again, and two parallel rays crashed down on Diana.

Lu Li in the distance saw this scene.

“Flying Thor!”

Suddenly, Lu Li appeared in front of Diana.

Lu Li’s figure flew out violently, and when he appeared next to Zod, Fio Ra’s eyes tried to focus in his direction, but her eyes couldn’t catch Lu Li’s speed at all.

When he came to Zod’s side, the other party seemed to feel something, his body moved slightly, and Lu Li’s words were just a punch to Zod’s head, smashing his gaze away.

The blazing rays narrowly slashed in front of Diana, and at this time, Zod unexpectedly threw a punch at Lu Li.

“Your fighting instinct is really strong! It’s a pity that the strength of the planetary level is a little weaker. Lu Li smiled.

He grabbed Zod’s arm and threw it in the direction of the kryptonite sword, then followed closely behind, and the moment he touched the kryptonite sword, he stabbed at Zod’s heart.


Zod spat out a mouthful of blood, his eyes looked at Lu Li in front of him in disbelief, and the kryptonite longsword that pierced his heart, “What… How is that possible?”

“General, General Zod!” Fio Ra suddenly fell into a stupe, she couldn’t understand how Lu Li, who was still beside her just a moment ago, suddenly appeared in front of Zod’s side and pierced Zod’s heart with a kryptonite sword.

Lu Li’s hand was used again, and the kryptonite long sword sank into Zod’s chest for a few more minutes, and he showed an indifferent smile, “It’s all over, Zod!”

In the sky, sparks and lightning formed a huge circle, and the transport plane crashed into the Krypton spaceship, and after a second of silence, a black hole quietly formed.

Under the action of this black hole, the Kryptonian spacecraft seemed to be like paper paste, which was easily crumpled into a ball and gradually sucked into the black hole.

All the Kryptonian warriors who kept the Kryptonian spacecraft running were also sucked into the black hole at this moment.

The whole earth trembled, and the vast ruins below were suspended, and everything in a radius of thousands of meters was torn to pieces, continuously absorbed by the gravitational pull of the black hole.

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The gravitational pull of the black hole has also affected this side, but it is from the edge of the area, and the gravitational pull does not have much effect on Lu Li and the others.

After about six or seven minutes, the black hole in the sky gradually disappeared, and the debris of the ruins that had not been sucked in before the black hole disappeared fell from the sky.

For the people of the metropolis, it was as if a century had passed, and the whole world was once again at peace.

Command, everyone was staring at the big screen, and suddenly a technician asked, “Did we win?”

General Swanwick clenched his fists and said excitedly: “We won! We won! It was Lu Li and Superman who saved the world!”

After the black hole disappeared, a large barren area appeared in the central area of the metropolis.

It was as if a whole piece had been dug out of the map plate, and it looked empty.

Looking at the surrounding buildings, few areas have survived, the surviving people are wailing and crying, and only a small number of people have begun to organize rescue efforts after the disaster.

On the edge of the explosion, Zod knelt down in the direction of the Kryptonian ship, and he still had the Kryptonite sword in his chest, so that the life force was running wildly.

“We could have built a new Krypton on this piece of ruin… But you have chosen the latter between us and humanity!”

Zod’s voice was hoarse, and he seemed to be about to use up a trace of life after that, and shouted out the grief and indignation in his heart: “My existence is for the people of Krypton, and now… I don’t even have the last of my people!”

Fio Ra ignored the effect of the kryptonite sword on her, she staggered to Zod, trying to help him pull out the kryptonite sword: “General, you and me, we can regroup and rebuild Krypton!”

“There’s no Krypton!” Zod pushed Fio Ra away, he gasped for breath, but blood spurted out of his mouth, “The spaceship is destroyed, the Origin Room is gone, even if I find the Secret Book of Life, I can’t transform the planet into Krypton…”

His eyes were glazed with hatred, and he looked around at Clark, Lu Li, and Diana.

“It was you who took my soul, and one day, I will turn into the most terrible monster and kill the humans on this planet one by one, and at that time, it will also be your day of destruction!”

Zod cursed hoarsely, Lu Li suddenly flew into the air, his eyes turned red, and scorching rays fell from the sky, burning Zod’s body in an instant.

“You won’t have a chance to do it all over again!” Lu Li said.

Seeing his general dead, Fio Ra flew up and pounced, and Clark couldn’t bear to watch his people die one by one, so he immediately stepped forward and grabbed her.

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