“If you want to die in the line of duty, I can fulfill you now. The redness of Lu Li’s eyes had not subsided, and he looked at the grief-stricken Fio La and said seriously.

With tears in his eyes, Fio La glared at Lu Li angrily, and said, “Krypton is ruined, and General Zod is also dead, what’s the point of me living?”

Hearing this, Clark was a little angry: “Enough, no one will die today, Fio La, Zod is not a god, the meaning of your life has nothing to do with him!”

Fio Ra, as a warrior with artificial genes, her ability to be promoted from a soldier to a general’s adjutant is already the limit, and the Zodd family has been a general for generations, and Fio La only needs to obey their orders.

So after Zod’s death, Fio La will have a sense of loss.

Clark intends to put Fio Ra in the custody of the military, but Lu Li disagrees with him.

“Superman, we can’t hand over Fio La to the military, they won’t tear their faces with us on the surface, but do you dare to guarantee that the military won’t do any experiments with her?” Lu Li said.

“And what are you going to do?” Clark frowned.

“You know very well what to do, as you said when you handed me the Kryptonite Sword, it is not only about you and me, but also about the safety of the earth. ”

After Lu Li finished speaking, he faced Fio La and said with a smile: “You only have one way to go, and that is to swear allegiance to me… And allegiance to the Justice League!”

When he finished the first half of the sentence, Lu Li obviously felt that Diana had murderous in her eyes, and hurriedly added.

Neither Clark nor Diana spoke, and it wouldn’t be a bad thing if things did get to the point where Fiora swore allegiance to the Justice League.

Fio Ra lowered her head, she was a soldier who made it her duty to obey orders, and she didn’t resist allegiance to someone as most people think.

In the midst of her education, Fio La worships power, and the other party has just killed her own chief, who has proven his strength.

“Will you revive Krypton?” asked Fio Rallifer, nonchalantly.

“If one day, if there is an opportunity, it may not be impossible to rebuild Krypton, but one thing, it is by no means on Earth!” Lu said, leaving a blank check.

Fiora was silent for a long time, as if she had experienced a mental struggle, and she slowly knelt down on one knee towards Lu Li, performing the courtesy of a soldier meeting a commander.

“I, Fio Ra, the former adjutant of the Zodd Legion, am willing to pledge allegiance to you, allegiance… Justice League. ”

After saying this, Fio La’s heart felt like a big stone fell to the ground.

“Good! Fio Ra, welcome to the Justice League, of course, you are still a supernumerary, but as long as you work hard, one day you will truly become a member of the Justice League!”

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Diana glared at Lu Li angrily.

Clark breathed a sigh of relief, he stepped forward and patted Lu Li’s shoulder, and said solemnly, “Thank you, Teacher Lu Li.” ”

“What do you say to me, thank you?” Lu Li hammered Clark with his backhand.

If a superwoman is raised, it should feel good.

After the matter was resolved, the dark clouds that had been hanging in the sky of the Metropolis gradually dissipated.

The first rays of sunlight were sprinkled on the earth.

Clark took a deep breath into the sunlight, then exhaled slowly, looking into the distance, not knowing what he was thinking.

The first rays of sunlight after the dark clouds quickly repaired Clark’s injuries.

Diana watched Fio Ra as Lu Li and Clark flew over the southern Indian Ocean to recover the World Engine, which they hid in Superman’s Lonely Fortress in order to prevent him from falling into the hands of the Earthlings.

After doing all this, Lu Li and several people went to the temporary military base together.

Clark was particularly positive about this, and he didn’t have to guess that it was because a reporter from a certain planetary daily newspaper was still there.

“General, Lu Li and Superman are back!!”

The news of Lu Li’s return spread all over the temporary military base at once, and General Swanwick and Colonel Lane and other senior officers came out to greet him.

Landing at the base, Clark looked around at the soldiers, their eyes full of admiration for Lu Li’s people, as if devout believers were looking up to their gods.

General Swanwick tried to suppress the excitement in his heart, he walked up to Lu Li and the others, gave them a standard military salute, and said:

“On behalf of the United States, I thank the three for defeating the alien invaders…”

He noticed that there was a strange woman behind Lu Li, as if he had seen it somewhere!

“Damn, she… She…… Isn’t she just a Kryptonian invader?”

The surrounding soldiers immediately recognized it, and even one of the air fighters watched as Fio La tore apart an armed fighter with his bare hands.

Hearing this, the corners of General Swanwick’s mouth twitched violently, and ‘Fack’, who completely disregarded his image, snorted and said excitedly: “Haven’t the Kryptonian invaders been killed?”

“Don’t be nervous!”

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