Lu Li walked up to General Swanwick and patted him on the shoulder, “Her name is Fio La, and under the influence of my personality, she has changed her ways, abandoned darkness and followed the light, and vowed to dedicate her life to the great cause of serving the people.” ”

After hearing this, the cold sweat on General Swanwick’s forehead suddenly broke out, and Colonel Ryan on the side muttered dissatisfiedly: “She looks like a prisoner, since she is a Kryptonian invader, she should be handed over to us to be imprisoned!”

As soon as he heard this, Lu Li immediately smiled and asked, “Are you sure?” Then I will really leave her in your custody!”

After speaking, Lu Li gave Fio La a look, and Fio La unconditionally obeyed Lu Li’s order.

She stepped out from behind Lu Li and walked all the way towards General Swanwick and Colonel Lane.

At this moment, Swanwick and Ryan were completely unprepared, and they just watched Fiora walking towards them, and they were terrified at the thought of the Kryptonians’ devastating combat power.

“Stop! stop!”

“Don’t go any further, or we’ll shoot!”

The soldiers on the side were all like facing a great enemy, and they raised their machine guns and aimed them at Fio La, who was walking towards their commander step by step.

However, Fiora did not receive Lu Li’s order, so he would not stop.

General Swanwick struggled to meet the gaze of Fio La, a general who had been riding all his life and was as imposing as anyone else.

But in the face of the alien warrior with terrifying power in front of him, the two just glanced at each other, and General Swanwick felt that his whole body was soaked in ice water, and his whole body was cold.

“That’s enough, Mr. Lu Li, it’s this guy Ryan who thinks a little too much, we are not sure to take care of this Kryptonian invader, I hope you can control her more!”

How could General Swanwick not understand Lu Li’s intentions, they didn’t know the weakness of the Kryptonians, and even if they did, they wouldn’t be able to get Kryptonite, so they couldn’t control Fiora at all.

If you want to control her, the White House will be demolished for you!

“Come back, Fio La. Lu Li said lightly, and Fio La returned to Lu Li’s back.

Louise Lane, a reporter for the Daily Planet, immediately ran over after hearing the news of Superman’s return, and she took out the notebook she had prepared a long time ago, wanting to give Superman a special interview.

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Colonel Lane was reluctant to do this, but he was helpless.

General Swanwick squeezed out a smile and said to Lu Li: “Mr. President just called, I have reported the situation on the scene truthfully, Mr. President praised you greatly after hearing it, and said that the American ZF is willing to fund the construction of the headquarters of the Justice League.” ”

Diana heard that the president knew about the situation in the metropolis, and hurriedly asked, “The president didn’t blame us for the destruction of the metropolis, did he?”

“How is it possible, if it weren’t for you, I’m afraid that the entire earth civilization would have been destroyed, and there are no casualties in the battles in human history, you don’t have to worry too much!” General Swanwick assured.

Lu Li: “By the way, can I choose a random area to establish the headquarters of the Justice League?”

“That’s right, Mr. Lu Li, since the Justice League is an independent organization composed of vigilantes, I personally think it’s best to establish it far from the city. General Swanwick suggested.

“For example… Here?” Lu Li pointed to the makeshift military base at his feet.

“Yes, our military base is in a good location, not only close to the metropolis, but also in the middle of Gotham City and Canterlot…”

Speaking of this, General Swanwick suddenly felt that Lu Li’s eyes were very wrong, and hurriedly asked, “Mr. Lu Li, do you want to…”

“General, since you have recommended this place so much, then I reluctantly agree. ”

Lu Li was very satisfied with the location here, “The headquarters of the Justice League is built here, General, all your planes and tanks have been driven away, and the rest of the electronic equipment, monitoring satellite instruments and the like are left!”

In addition, to build a building here, it is not too expensive, about 200 million US dollars, plant some flowers and plants around, decorate it a little, and I will make do with this place as the headquarters of Zhenglian!”

After listening to Lu Li’s request, General Swanwick’s smile gradually disappeared, and he said in his heart, “You can only pit my equipment and instruments, but you actually ask for a building with 200 million US dollars, why don’t you grab it!”

The White House doesn’t cost 200 million US dollars, are you the devil?

Just as General Swanwick was complaining frantically, a soldier in the corner raised his pistol, loaded the bullet, and aimed it at Louise Lane, who was talking and laughing with Superman.

With a ‘bang’, tongues of fire erupted, and a bullet suddenly shot towards Louise Lane’s heart.

Everyone present was startled by the sudden sound of gunshots.

The smile on Clarke’s face froze as he realized that the bullet was actually aimed at Louise.

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