“No !!”

He roared, and suddenly exerted his super speed, reaching out to block the bullet for Louise.

Unfortunately, Clark found out too late, and although he was fast, the fatal bullet almost pierced Louise’s heart.

“It’s too slow!”

When Lu Li’s words fell, the whole world suddenly stopped, and only Clark slowly stretched out his hand in front of him, trying to block the bullet.

However, just a few tenths of a millimeter away, the bullet grazed Clark’s palm and flew towards Louise’s heart.

Lu Li walked forward quickly, stretched out his hand to squeeze the bullet in his hand, and at this time, Lu Li’s hand was almost touching Louise’s chest.

He coughed lightly and hurriedly took a step back, and Clark’s gaze caught up with Lu Li’s figure, and when he saw the bullet appear in Lu Li’s hand, his expression suddenly relaxed.

At this time, the surrounding people were still immersed in the gunfire just now.

Fio La noticed that Lu Li had teleported again, appearing in another location.

Diana was not surprised, she looked at the person who shot her, and her figure rushed out, grabbed the person who shot him by the neck, and pressed him to the ground.

“Who are you, who ordered you?”

General Swanwick and the others hurriedly stepped forward, and an officer immediately recognized the person who fired the shot, “Corporal Evan, are you a spy infiltrated by the enemy?”

“Bastard, dare to murder my daughter, I’ll kill you!” Colonel Ryan pulled out his gun and yelled at the corporal named Evan.

“I’m wronged! I really don’t know why I shoot, you have to believe me!”

Corporal Evan saw Colonel Ryan pointing a gun at his head, especially the superman who flew away looking at him with a murderous face, if it wasn’t for his strong will, he would have been scared to pee.

“I saw you shoot Louise with my own eyes, why did you kill Louise?” asked Clark sharply, he really couldn’t imagine that if Lu Li hadn’t been there just now, Louise would have fallen in his arms and was dying.

Although Clark and Louise haven’t known each other for a long time, and they have only met twice in general, they have an inexplicable feeling about each other.

The feeling that when you see each other, you will be very happy, and when you look at each other’s eyes, you will have the urge to kiss each other.

Unbeknownst to Clarke, this is what it feels like to fall in love at first sight.

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Faced with Superman’s questioning, this poor Corporal Evan trembled uncontrollably: “I swear to God, I didn’t want to hurt anyone, I really don’t know why I shot it!”

Louise was kind-hearted, she looked at Corporal Evan’s expression, and suddenly softened: “Will he have something unspeakable?”

“Let me interrogate him with a lasso of mantra!”

Anyone who was bound by the noose of the truth would speak the truth without reservation, and after explaining it to everyone, Diana took out the noose of the truth and tied it to Corporal Evan.

“Who are you following orders?” asked Diana sharply.

“I’m at the mercy of General Swanwick!”

Under the power of the Lasso of Truth, Corporal Evan spoke his truest thoughts.

For a moment, all eyes were on General Swanwick.

“It’s not me, I didn’t instruct him to kill Louise, what’s in it for me?” General Swanwick quickly explained, sensing that Superman’s gaze was terrifying.

Diana shook her head and continued, “Did General Swanwick order you to shoot Louise?”

“No, I heard a whisper in my ear that said, ‘Kill Louise and shoot her,’ and I shot the hell, but I swear it wasn’t my intention!”

Corporal Evan was crying profusely, and every word he said was true under the noose of the truth.

This kind of explanation is simply fantastical for the American GIs present, how can it be possible to hear a whisper in their ears and do it, could it be that there is a superpower nearby who can control the will of others?

But after Diana heard this explanation, she slowly turned to Lu Li and said with a serious face: “It’s Ares, he has the power to bewitch people’s hearts, he must have instructed this soldier to kill Louise! Why Louise?”

Clark still couldn’t figure it out, “No way, if there’s any whispering, I’ll be able to hear it!”

“The person who is bound by the noose of the truth is telling the truth, and maybe the whisper he says may be something spiritual. ”

In fact, Lu Li originally wanted to talk about magic, maybe the other party was really Ares, maybe not, but the other party chose to kill Louise, why is that?

In the memories of Lu Li’s previous life, Louise’s death made Superman black, but now Clark and Louise have just met, and the relationship between the two parties is far from reaching the level of blackening Clark.

Maybe the other party didn’t know what Louise meant to Superman at all, and he killed Louise just to provoke a dispute.

“It’s kind of interesting. ”

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