Boom, boom, boom……

With each punch falling, everyone vaguely felt the ground tremble slightly, and in their opinion, Batman overwhelmingly pressed Bane to the ground and hit him.

“Well done, Batman!”

“Kill this criminal, he dares to threaten us with a nuclear bomb!”

“Kill him and get rid of Gotham City!”

Whether it was the people at the scene or the people in front of the TV at home, when they saw Batman beating Bane, everyone swept away the haze of last night, as if they saw the moment when the crisis was resolved.

However, Bane, who was beaten by Batman, slammed his head into Batman’s head, and with a ‘dang’ sound, Batman only felt as if he had been hit on the head and smashed into a mess.

Holding his head and taking a few steps back, Batman almost fell to the ground unsteadily, Bane slowly stood up and patted the dust on his body, “Batman, it’s really surprising that your strength is much stronger than yesterday, but you still can’t save your city.” ”

Batman watched Bane walk towards him, and struck again, slamming a knife at Bane’s neck, followed by an elbow and knee strike, like a raging storm.

But Bane didn’t move, and after Batman’s outfit was done, he raised his knee and slammed it into his stomach, causing Batman to curl up like a roasted shrimp.

Then he opened his bow left and right, and his fists were like two heavy hammers, and with just a few strokes, he knocked the heavily armored Batman to the ground.

Finally, Bane reached out and grabbed Batman by the neck, lifting him up to face the news media.

“You’re counting on this man to save the world? It’s over, and Gotham City will be ruined and reborn, hahaha…”

Bane’s gaze suddenly became very fierce, and the surrounding news reporters froze for a few seconds, and finally broke out into a scream, and the birds and beasts began to flee.

The news of Batman’s defeat spread, and in an instant, the entire Gotham City was plunged into panic and chaos.

Batman, who was caught by Bane, also felt it, and the improvement of his equipment completely surpassed that of yesterday’s Bane, but he still lost, and there can only be one explanation, that is, Bane has also become stronger.

“Bane, stop the super-energy reactor before it’s too late!”

Batman desperately tried to break Bane’s fingers, but the other party’s fingers were like iron pincers, clamping his neck tightly, and no matter how much he struggled, he couldn’t break free.

“Don’t bother, the hero or something is just a ridiculous lie, Batman, you’re a joke!”

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Bane taunted mercilessly, Batman pulled his legs in, quickly wrapped around Bane’s arm, and then used the instep of his foot to penetrate the tube on Bane’s shoulder and hook it hard.


The tubes on the right were pulled out alive by Batman, who stomped his legs on Bane’s chest and kicked them hard.

Bane was kicked down again, and Batman rolled in mid-air and landed smoothly, “Bane, you’ve lost!”


Bane, who should have lost his strength due to the gas pipe being pulled out, stood up like no one else, staring at Bruce Wayne with a playful look in his eyes, as if he was looking at a clown.


Lu Li and Diana appeared together in the sports center, they hovered high in the sky, and Lu Li glanced at the situation below.

“The nuclear bomb is in the underground parking lot, and in addition to the nuclear bomb guards, there are one hundred and two mercenaries in the entire sports center. ”

Diana tilted her head, “I’ll enter through the front door, you enter through the back door, whoever of us will get rid of all the mercenaries first, and whoever will go to the underground parking lot first, how about it?”

“No problem. ”

The two separated, one after the other entered the sports center, and Lu Li quietly eliminated the mercenary in front of him.

He and Diana swaggered in, and before the patrol mercenaries could report the news, they were instantly put down.

For these mercenaries who create terrorist acts, Lu Li is not soft, so he naturally kills one by one, and kills one pair at a time.

Soon, he took the lead in the parking lot under the sports center, and Diana caught up with Lu Li two seconds later.

The parking lot below is huge, and at this time, the light shines inside like daylight, and the device composed of a transparent ring is one person high, and Lu Li can feel that a violent nuclear fusion reaction is taking place in this device.

“Now, game over, hand me the nuclear bomb remote control in your hand. Lu Li said to the man standing next to the nuclear bomb with his back to him.

In this person’s hand, he is holding the remote control to detonate, or terminate, nuclear fusion.

The man next to the nuclear bomb slowly turned around, Lu Li saw his face clearly, and quickly searched for this person’s information from the memory bank.

“I remember you, you were the mercenary who followed Lex back then, what, are you following Bane now, or… Lena Luthor was also involved in this?” Lu said.

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