The mercenary standing on the edge of the nuclear bomb smiled, “I don’t work for Bane, and I don’t represent Lena Luthor, to be honest, Lena Luthor is much better than his brother, at least in some ways… Of course, we’re not talking about this today. ”

He raised the remote control in his hand and said with a smile, “You want the nuclear bomb remote control in my hand, right?”

Lu Li was silent, his mind moved, and the time around him stopped instantly.

He walked slowly towards the mercenary Tate, stretched out his hand to snatch the nuclear bomb remote control from the other party’s hand, and then returned to the position where he had been standing.

When everything returned to normal, Lu Li smiled at the mercenary Tate and raised the nuclear bomb remote control in his hand: “This thing is in my hand now.” ”

But the other party’s reaction was surprisingly calm, he just raised his eyebrows and withdrew his hand that was raised in the air.

“He’s not reacting properly! Could it be a trap, pressing the stop button of the remote control will explode, pressing the explosion button will stop. Diana also noticed this, and she approached Lu Li to remind her.

Lu Li glanced at the remote control of the nuclear bomb in his hand and did not find anything abnormal.

“There was nothing wrong with the remote control. Lu Lidao, he aimed the nuclear bomb at the super energy reactor in the center of the underground parking lot and pressed the pause button.

Under normal circumstances, the fusion in the reactor will stop when the pause button is pressed, but the reactor in front of you is not reacting, and it is still running as usual.

Lu Li pressed the stop button a few more times, but there was no movement, and he smiled clearly, “Where is the real remote control?” Or is there actually no remote control to stop this nuclear bomb?”

“The remote control that Bane gave me is this, if this is fake, it means that there is no real remote control, maybe from the beginning, this nuclear bomb is destined to explode. The mercenary Tate shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently.

At this time, the super-energy reactor is still running, and once its fusion reaches its peak, the metamorphosis will explode, according to the data on the instrument, it has reached 70%, and it is expected that there will be two or three hours left.

“It doesn’t matter if there’s a remote control or not, I’ll just drop this nuclear bomb out of Gotham City. Lu Li shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

“Then you have to hold it safe, once this reactor is placed here, all the protection is removed, which means that a slight shake will accelerate the fusion reaction, and it may even explode early. ”

Tate smiled sheepishly, Lu Li also smiled, his eyes suddenly turned red, blazing light erupted, and two parallel red rays shot towards Tate.

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However, after the thermal vision fell on Tate, his figure suddenly disappeared, and Lu Li controlled his gaze, and did not let the thermal vision affect the energy reactor on the side.

“Are you angry so soon, if I’m not mistaken, the nuclear bomb explosion shouldn’t have killed you, right?”

Tate’s voice came from behind Lu Li and Diana, and when they looked back, this person had appeared behind them at some point.

“Who are you?” Diana drew the Vulcan sword, which she hadn’t drawn when dealing with the mercenaries above.

“Who am I? I’ve been asleep for so long that I’ve almost forgotten my name—” The man’s eyes drooped slightly, as if he was reminiscing about something far away.

“Ares, you’re Ares!” Diana’s voice trembled, not because she was afraid, but because she was excited.

Her mother, the Queen of the Amazons, grew up telling Diana the story of the Age of the Gods, Ares, the god of war, the initiator of the destruction of world peace, endless wars, whose presence would plunge countless people into the abyss.

Now seeing Ares’s deity, Diana feels that it is time to fulfill her destiny!

After hearing the name ‘Ares’, the man’s appearance changed instantly, he changed from a white mercenary to a middle-aged man with wheat skin, but his beard and hair were all white, and there was no brilliance in his eyes: “Ares… Yes, Ares, the god of war, the only surviving god of the Age of the Gods… Oh no, now there’s one more you. ”

Diana didn’t listen to Ares’s words at all, she held the sword of the god of fire in both hands, and walked towards the man step by step: “I, Diana from Paradise Island, daughter of Hippolyta, the queen of the Amazons, I represent all the good thoughts of this world, and hereby fulfill the mission of the Amazons, to expel you, Ares, from this world!”

With that, Diana snorted, raised the Vulcan sword, and stabbed it at Ares’ chest.

Seeing that the Vulcan Sword was about to pierce the other party’s heart, Ares raised his palm, and Diana’s Vulcan Sword stabbed his palm, and the invincible sword seemed to be made of paper at this moment, instantly falling apart and turning into a mess of powder.

With only the hilt of the Vulcan Sword left in Diana’s hand, she looked incredulous and said, “The Sword of the God Killer, how could it be?”

Ares sneered a few times and said, “You call this boring toy the God-killing Sword? Don’t be naïve, only a god can kill another god…”

Before he could finish speaking, two blazing rays of light fell violently, slamming into Ares’ body protection divine power, crushing him to the ground, and the ground around him burst open, and hideous cracks spread out in all directions.

Lu Li slowly fell from mid-air, his red eyes gradually fading, “Dare to pretend to be forced here, after my consent?”

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