Two and a half months later, the first phase of the Justice League’s Earth Headquarters was completed, and the rest should be completed by the end of the year.

The industrial level of the United States is very high, and most of its building structures adopt plate and column structures, rather than the first beam, plate and column frame structure, although the cost of construction in the United States is very high, but the advantage is to save labor and greatly shorten the construction cycle.

So every time it is destroyed, it can be rebuilt as quickly as possible.

President Oguanhai specially met with Lu Li, and together with General Swanwick and General Lane, they discussed many details together.

That’s right, Louise Lane’s father, Colonel Sam Lane, after experiencing the Battle of Metropolis, was directly promoted to at least general and became one of the few representatives of the American military.

“In any case, whether it is the military or ZF, you are not allowed to monitor in any form and listen to the privacy of the members of the Zhenglian, I heard Superman say that some time ago he found a drone trying to track him. Lu Li, as the God of Destruction, sat opposite Ao Guanhai and the others and said.

When General Swanwick heard this, his face darkened: “That’s a drone that costs 50 million US dollars, and Superman smashed him like this! ”

“You go, you go, and no one stops you, General Swanwick, even if you drive your tank to capture Superman, I will never interfere!” Lu Li spread his hands and looked at Swanwick with supportive eyes.

The corners of General Swanwick’s mouth twitched, and he looked at President Ao Guanhai with an aggrieved face, and he was quick to talk for a while, if he really went to catch Superman, let alone drive a tank, even if he drove an aircraft carrier, he wouldn’t dare!

President O’Aoguanhai didn’t want to worry about the unmanned aircraft, he cleared his throat, put a professional smile on his face, and asked:

“Mr. Destroyer, how can you convince us that you are genuinely cooperating if you do not publicly intend to reveal your identity to us?”

There is no external threat, Okukanhai is much more confident, he can recognize the legitimacy of the Justice League, but as the supreme leader of the United States, he, like all those in power, does not like to see things that break the balance.

To put it simply, once the Justice League is built, they will have the power to crush the American army, even if this possibility is only one in a thousand, Oguanhai will prevent this from happening.

The open and honest cooperation between the two sides can slightly dispel Ao Guanhai’s worries to a certain extent.

The reason is very simple, Superman once confessed that he has lived on Earth so far, so he must have family and friends, as long as he controls Superman’s relatives and friends, he can restrict Superman’s behavior to a certain extent.

It is true that a few months ago, such negotiations would not have been possible, but now they are different.

At the time of Lu Li, they did not have this qualification.

“OK! I can understand your concerns, Mr. Destruction God, then according to your will! I, Ao Guanhai, on behalf of the United States of America, promise not to trace the identities of all the members of the Zhenglian in any form!” Ao Guanhai waved his pen and wrote this clause on the contract.

Seeing that Ao Guanhai had expressed his position, the two generals, Swanwick and Ryan, also let go of the mustard in their hearts: “I, Swanwick (Sam Lane), on behalf of the American military, promise not to track down the identities of all members of the Zhenglian in any form!”

The terms of the first contract were finalized, and Lu Li showed a malicious smile, “That, Mr. President, will your annual appropriation be too small?”

“That’s a lot! Not a lot! Counting the 20 percent military expenditure of the Seventh Military Region, your Justice League’s funding has already exceeded that of the CIA!” Ao Guanhai didn’t want to directly refuse Lu Li’s request.

It is impossible to add money, it is impossible in this life!

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Even if I jump down from here and tear up the ‘watching the sea and listening to the waves’ on the wall, I won’t add a penny to you!

This is the OS of Okuguanhai’s heart.

“Are you sure?, Mr. President?” Lu Li said with a light smile.

Ao Guanhai and Swanwick glanced at each other, and immediately made a decision: “I will allocate you an extra 100 million every year!”

Lu Li: “Mr. President is really a good president, a president who really cares about the people, so… What about the two generals?…… Huh?”

In this voice, it was still full of seductive divine power, and the tiger bodies of the two generals trembled suddenly, and the eyes that looked at Lu Li were like looking at a tiger that eats people and does not spit out bones.


But they couldn’t resist it.

“We, the Seventh Military Region, are willing to give up 20 percent of our military spending!” General Ryan said abruptly to his feet.

“We, the Joint Command of the North American Air Force, are willing to give up 40 percent of our military spending!” General Swanwick was not at all ambiguous, and as soon as he opened his mouth, he said 40 percent.

Lu Li nodded with satisfaction, “You are all good (S) Zhi (B)! On behalf of all the people of the earth, I salute you!”

“Okay, let’s move on to the next article, let’s talk about the level of authority…”Lu Li waved his hand at the three of them, motioning for them to sit down, and they could continue to discuss the relevant details.


There is nothing to say about the terms after that, but Ao Guanhai deliberately wants to arrange a few agents for the Justice League, in the name of assisting Lu Li in their work.

Thinking with his ass, he also knew what Ao Guanhai’s idea was, but Lu Li decisively refused.

There are talents in all aspects of superheroes, weapons and equipment are provided and maintained by Batman, the database has the consciousness of Superman and his father, and the daily patrol and security work can be handed over to Fio Ra, a multi-faceted little expert.

This is still already joined, and there are more talents in the later stage, such as Barry Allen, the world’s fastest delivery man, Caitlin Snow in refrigeration and air conditioning, Firestorm in heating and air conditioning, Arthur Currey, a water worker, and Poison Ivy, a gardener… Uh, Poison Ivy forget it.

In short, Lu Li’s talks with Ao Guanhai did not last long.

Especially under the inducement of Lu Li’s divine power, Ao Guanhai and the others signed a lot of unequal treaties in a daze.

So much so that the Secretary of State doubted the positive alliance of Ao Guanhai’s feedback.

Oguanhai, General Swanwick, and General Lane, the three of them united to scold the Secretary of State.

When he got home, Lu Li took out four invitations, and on the light blue cover, the ‘Justice League Invitation’ was written in extremely beautiful flowery English.

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