“Diana, the first one with your name on it, the second one with Clark Kent, the third one with Bruce Wayne, and the fourth one with Oliver Quinn, from today, the Justice League is officially established!”

Diana took the invitation in Lu Li’s hand with a smile, glanced at the content of the invitation, picked up the pen and wrote down the name of the invitee.

“Signed, Lu Li, are you going to sign the end of the invitation?”

“Of course, you are the one who is invited, and I am the one who invited you, and the last name is, of course, signed by me. ”

Lu Li took the four invitations again, signed his name at the end one by one, and then stamped the big red seal of the Justice League, although this big red seal has no other purpose, but at least it looks very formal.

“That’s it, Diana, this is your invitation, Fio La, and you can help me deliver the remaining three copies to them, okay?” Lu Li asked.

Fio La has been standing behind Lu Li, and after watching the whole process, it is impossible not to be envious, although it makes no difference to Fio La whether he joins the Zhenglian or not.

But soldiers pay the most attention to honor, and in her opinion, joining the Justice League is the highest honor recognized by Lu Li, at this moment, Fio La secretly made up her mind in her heart to complete all tasks and be recognized by Lu Li.

“Obey, General Lu Li, and promise to complete the mission!” said Fio Ra, standing still, with a military salute.

“Call the master!”


The Justice League invitation was sent out, and Fio Ra found Clark while he was chasing a car.

It seems that some fat people with the courage robbed a jewelry store, ran into the car and couldn’t even drive out of the street, and hit a superman from the sky at full speed.

I didn’t grab the fart, but I crashed the car and lost blood!

“Hey, Fio La, are you looking for me?” Clark asked, looking at Fiora in surprise.

Fio La saw an unlucky robber pointing the barrel of his gun at Superman, and wanted to remind him, but when Superman asked about something, he ignored it: “Lord Destruction God and Okukanhai have talked about the Justice League, and the Justice League was established today, and officially invites you to join.” ”

Bang! Bang!

Several of the robbers shot at Superman, but Clark ignored them for now, taking the invitation from Fiora and reading it carefully.

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“Teacher Lu Li is so good!Haha, I didn’t expect him to really establish the Justice League, anyway… He promised to make me vice president!” Clark said with a serious face, ignoring the bullet in his back.

While Clark was poring over the invitation, Fio Ra leaned over and said to the robbers behind Superman, “I suggest you run away now, after all… Your weapons are useless to him!”

Grabbing a small pistol and wanting to fight with Superman, I don’t know if the brains of these robbers have been squeezed through the door.

Following Fiorra’s advice, the robbers woke up from a dream and began to flee in the opposite direction, carrying a large bag of jewels.

Clark carefully put away the invitation and asked Fio La, “What else do you need to do next, I mean, the procedures for joining the Justice League.” ”

“Print out an application and hand it in, don’t write it by hand, and then a two-inch ID photo of you wearing a battle suit, that’s all. After Fio Ra explained clearly, he said goodbye to Clark and flew towards Gotham next door.

Seeing Fio La leave, Clark glanced back at the robbers and saw that they had just run back to the door of the jewelry store.


In Gotham City, Batman drives a bat-chariot and chases a speedy modified motorcycle through the streets.

In the city, motorcycles can adapt to many terrains, and seeing that the other party is about to get into a small alley, Batman presses the communicator on his ear.

“Help me check the map and calculate their possible escape routes…”

Before Batman’s words could fall, a woman in a black suit suddenly fell from the sky, kicked on the motorcycle, and at the same time reached out and grabbed the criminal in her hand.

“…… Alfred, don’t look it up. Batman’s voice was low.

“What’s the matter, sir?” Alfred said with some surprise, “Hmm? The motorcycle stopped in the alley. ”

“It was Fio Ra who caught the criminal. ”

After Batman finished speaking, he turned off the communicator, opened the door of the Batcart, and walked inside.

“You came all the way here, you shouldn’t have come to catch criminals for me, did you?” said Batman, walking forward.

Fio Ra threw the half-frightened prisoner in his hand at Batman’s feet, and then said, “Before, Lord Destruction verbally invited you to join the Justice League, and now I have sent you an official invitation. ”

Batman knocked the criminal unconscious, stepped over him, walked over to Fiora to take the invitation, opened it and read it.

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