“What? The Justice League has been recognized by the American ZF, and they have unconditionally sponsored a building worth 200 million US dollars?” Batman looked incredulous, their Wayne Group building is luxurious enough, and the cost is only 100 million US dollars.

The most important thing is that the American ZF will actually recognize the existence of vigilante organizations?!

You must know that when Batman first became a vigilante, the police/prosecutor treated him as a criminal and wanted to arrest him, after all, in any country, it is not allowed to privately arrest criminals instead of the police/prosecutor.

And the establishment of this kind of vigilante armed organization, if it is not done well, it will be regarded as a terrorist and wanted by the whole United States.


The current situation is not only not wanted, but even President O’Guanhai has endorsed the Justice League?!

“Of course, Lord Destruction discussed a lot of details with the president and the two military generals today, and it won’t be long before the Gotham Police Department receives a letter from the White House that the Justice League exists, and that the Blue Members of the Justice League have authority second only to the Director of the Police Department. Fio La explained.

“What about me, what is my authority?” asked Batman, holding back the surprise in his heart.

“You’re a member of the purple and have authority second only to Shi Chang!” Fio Ra said Lu Li’s rating of Batman.

Although Batman is not a superpower, and his basic attributes are only beyond the scope of ordinary people, but based on his record of defeating and strengthening Bane, as well as his intelligence, perseverance, creativity and other factors, he was reluctantly given a purple-level authority.

Of course, this authority is not a direct replacement for the original ZF officials, but in special cases, it has that level of decision-making power.

In the case of the Death Knell’s Fortifiers, in an emergency, the chief of the police / prosecutor has the authority to mobilize the National Guard, but at that time the chief of police was killed by a premeditated enabler, and the National Guard could not be mobilized.

And now the blue member of the Justice League has authority second only to the chief of police, and when the post of chief of police is vacant, he has the right to mobilize the National Guard, and even command the entire police force, and issue emergency evacuation orders in advance.

If Oliver had such authority at the time, the casualties caused by the Fortified Legion would have been reduced by more than forty percent.

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“Purple members have authority second only to Shi Chang!”

Batman exclaimed in surprise at the time, “Isn’t there anyone who is worried about abusing his power like this?”

He really didn’t dare to imagine if the vigilantes would maintain their original intentions after they had great authority, or whether they would indulge in power.

Fio Ra saw his concerns: “Don’t worry, the Justice League is very strict about the assessment of authority, and many people are staring at it, once there is an abuse of power, it will also be punished, after all, let the members of the Justice League have a certain amount of authority, in order to better carry out the work… Then again, Batman, would you abuse your power?”

“Of course not!” replied Batman, without even thinking about it.

A dark hero like him is actually very unpopular with the police, and thanks to the fact that there is a Sergeant Gordon in the police department, Batman is not wanted by the police.

But he was not wanted, and when he was chasing the criminal, the police were often reluctant to cooperate, after all, the existence of the vigilantes destroyed the original balance of the entire city.

In the United States, the police and many capitalists have been implicated in inexplicable ways, and they have formed a set of unwritten rules for a long time, and the emergence of vigilantes has directly broken the original rules.

In particular, the original group of police officers/detectives in Gotham City died in Bane’s trap, and the newly transferred police officers were very tired of Batman.

But now, with the authority of the purple members of the Justice League, those police officers who are unhappy with him have to cooperate if they are not willing to cooperate.

“That’s not enough, now including you, there are only three purple members, and the God of Destruction said that the number of people will be strictly controlled in the future, and there will be no abuse of power. Fio La explained.

According to the Justice League Seven in Lu Li’s memory in his previous life, none of them have any examples of blackening because of power in the mainstream DC universe.

Of course, the Injustice Alliance must be excluded, after all, Superman’s blackening is not because of power, but because the Joker caused him to mistakenly kill his beloved wife and children.

Batman stared at this invitation closely, it is impossible not to be impressed, especially since he has always been cheated by police officers with ulterior motives recently, Bruce Wayne naturally ignores those little policemen/detectives, but Batman does not tire of it.

With the background of the Justice League, his identity as Batman will be supported by ZF, which will undoubtedly benefit his actions.

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