You must know that since the explosion of Krypton, the Kryptonian meteorite that fell to Earth with the Clark spaceship can be said to be the last batch of kryptonite in the whole universe.

Maybe there will be one in the universe, but in the vast universe, it is far more difficult to find kryptonite than looking for a needle in a haystack.

Even Breniac couldn’t guarantee that he would find the second.

Therefore, the kryptonite in Lu Li’s hand became the final key point.

Take the kryptonite in Lu Li’s hand, Doom Day is an invincible existence, he can kill anyone on Earth, including Superman.

Even if Doom Day fails, the Data Demon can still use the technology of the Wisdom Core Star to mass-produce a large number of kryptonite, and it will be easy to deal with Superman when the time comes.

“Hey… Feed…… Lu Li, there’s no time, are you still there?…… Where’s Kryptonite?”

There was a sound of Batman urging from the other end of the communicator, Lu Li pondered for a moment, decided to take the plan into account, and said:

“I’m sorry, the signal wasn’t very good just now, I hid the kryptonite at home, and you may not be able to find it, so I’d better get it. ”

“Kryptonite at your house?” the other party seemed to be a little surprised.

Lu Li coughed lightly and said in an unquestionable tone: “That’s right, and it’s hidden in a location that only I can find.” ”


With a terrible roar, he suddenly broke into the bright night market.

A terrifying storm of energy burst through the city’s floors, cracking the building, shattering all the windows and falling down like a goddess scattering flowers.

In an instant, the people in the streets screamed in terror, and everyone was like a headless fly.

A flash of lightning flashed through the street, and all the people who were about to be hit by falling objects disappeared in place at some point.

Before the people could react, the lightning came on again, and it shuttled back and forth, and in a few moments, the whole street became empty.

“I’m clearing the field here!”

After Barry had rescued all the civilians and returned to the streets, Diana appeared as well, and she pressed the communicator in her ear and said:

“Superman, throw this monster out of the city and don’t fight in the metropolis!”

Not far ahead, Clark and Fio Ra were holding one of Doomsday’s arms, but the monster was so powerful that it flung them out with a flick of its arms.

Boom! Boom!

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Clark and Fio Ra crashed through the two buildings, and large pieces of concrete fell from the sky and fell onto the street with a clatter.

Fio Ra struggled to get up from the rubble, shook her dizzy head, pressed the communicator in her ear and said, “Ahem… Diana, don’t look at the excitement, come and help!”

Diana answered, then set up her shield, her right hand holding the Vulcan Sword forged with destructive energy, and stared at the rampant Doom Sun in the street.

She said to the Flash on the side: “Barry, I’ll block that monster from the front later, and you look for an opportunity from the side…”

“Wait a minute!Wait a minute!!”

Flash Barry Allen looked a little nervous, “I’m encouraged to see that you’re all scrappy, but… That’s not what I was dealing with before!”

The strongest person that The Flash has fought before is Tony Woodward, the metal man, and the strength of the other party… Well, weak.

And Doom Day’s strength even surpasses Superman.

To put it simply, in the face of Doom Day, Barry coaxed.

Diana glanced at Barry with a look of ‘I knew I would have brought Carla here’, “You use your speed to get the monster’s attention.” ”

“And then?” asked Barry, swallowing his saliva.

“Then leave it to us!”

Superman Clark and Fio Ra return to the battlefield, and the four stand together, and Doomday notices them across the street.

The two sides looked at each other silently for a moment, and then charged at the same time.

Clark took the lead, flying in front of Doom at great speed, slamming his hands out and slamming them into Doom Sun’s rock-covered chest.

With a muffled thud, Doom was knocked backwards for a short distance, and the ground was ploughed out by his feet in two furrows, and he slapped it down, grabbing Superman and throwing him to the ground.

The concrete floor shattered instantly.

Then, Fio Ra circled behind Doom Sun and slammed his knee with all his might.


Doom Day suffered pain and knelt down on one foot, Diana seized the opportunity to hold a shield and rain down from the sky like a long rainbow, smashing heavily towards Doom Day’s head.


The earth seemed to crack, and a shockwave spread, and Doom’s massive body flew out, tumbling and smashing into a series of craters on the ground.

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