Seeing that everyone was fighting with the monster in front of them, Barry Allen, who was still at the back, took a deep breath and said to himself: “This monster is not scary at all, I just need to run over, and then attract his attention, and then run back…”

As if with a great deal of determination, Barry rushed out, yellow lightning dragging a long shadow behind him.

The Flash joined the battlefield, he circled around Doom Sun’s extreme speed, yellow sparks and lightning swirled around, Doom Sun’s eyes were slightly startled, and he swung his arm violently, trying to slap the buzzing fly.


Doom Sun’s huge palm slapped on the ground, and the whole earth trembled violently, although his speed was fast, it was still much slower than the Flash’s speed power state.

Barry easily dodged Doomsday’s slap, but the shockwave from the slap still knocked him flying.

At this moment, Clark stepped up and threw a heavy punch into Doom Sun’s hideous face, as if he was avenging the punch at the beginning.

Not to be outdone, Fiora and Diana cooperated to attack from the left and right, successfully smashing it hundreds of meters away, and getting a lot closer to the Metropolis’s harbor.

“Well done, Barry, keep it up!” Diana complimented.

Encouraging, Barry Allen grinned, and he instantly felt that this monster was not so scary, “Thanks, I feel like I can handle it.” ”

With that, he turned into lightning again and rushed over.


North American Air Force Joint Command.

“General Swanwick, the President is calling. The female operator at the command reported.

General Swanwick, who had just returned to the command headquarters from the nuclear bomb silo, was staring at the live broadcast of the Met, rubbing his temples vigorously with his hands, “God, first the mechanical zombies that came out of nowhere, then the nuclear bomb silos, and now this monster again… After this incident, if I am still alive, I must resign, and labor and management will quit!”

Spit and spit and spit out, the president’s phone still has to be answered.

“Mr. President…”

Before General Swanwick could finish speaking, Ao Guanhai’s roar came from the other end of the phone: “Calvin, what the hell is that monster that appeared in the Metropolis?”

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“I don’t know, Mr. President, that it might be an alien creature,” replied General Swanwick, who was also holding back his fire.

“Alien creatures, I also know that he is alien creatures, God, didn’t you just repel a batch during the day?

Facing Ao Guanhai’s questioning, General Swanwick looked aggrieved, and roared angrily in his heart: How can I know, if you ask me, I will ask who to go!

Of course, he only dared to think about this in his heart, and General Swanwick coughed lightly: “Mr. President, please rest assured, I have sent helicopter gunships to support, and the Pemberton nuclear bomb silos are ready…”

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a moment, and Ao Guanhai asked indifferently: “What are you sending an armed helicopter to do?”

General Swanwick: “…”

“Do you have a problem with your brain? Of course the alien matter has to be solved by the Justice League! What are you doing with the helicopter gunship? Deliver food to the enemy?…… Why don’t you call me back yet!”

After saying this, Ao Guanhai hung up the phone with a ‘snap’, leaving General Swanwick with a bewildered face.

Lu Li flew all the way back to the town and landed in his yard.

Walking to a corner of the yard where small saplings were planted, Lu Li waved his hands quickly, like a pangolin, and dug down for two or three meters.

“Found it. ”

Lu Li pulled out a lead box from the soil, which was about the same length as a kryptonite sword.

Just as Lu Li jumped out of the dirt pit, a roar of machines came, and in the sky, a single mecha with the shape of a bat flew in, it was Batman’s Nightkin 1.0 armored machine.

The Nightkin folded its wings opened, and the turbine turned in one direction, like a bat slowly landing in the courtyard of Lu Li’s house.

Batman Bruce Wayne opens the front window and jumps from above.

“Lu Li, you got the kryptonite, let’s go and support Clark and them together!”

Facing Batman walking towards him, Lu Li squinted, his see-through eyes couldn’t see through the opponent’s suit, “Bruce, you put a layer of lead on the suit?”

“Uh… Yes, Clark suggested, you all know who I am anyway, and the most important thing now is to deal with that monster!”

Batman stretched out his hand and said urgently: “Lu Li, give me the kryptonite.” ”

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