Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1003: : The gentleman moves his hands, the Buddha moves his heart to kill, this breath is t

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An indifferent voice sounded, and then there was a solemn and sacred Brahma sound between heaven and earth.

I saw a young man wearing a golden armor slowly coming, wherever he went, golden lotus blossoms bloomed like a Buddha descending to the earth.

"It's him, the sword of the Buddha!!"

"The strongest swordsman of the younger generation of Buddhism, the sword of the Buddha!!"

Someone who knew this person couldn't help but exclaimed.

Buddha's sword, this is a monster!

"Buddha's Sword cultivates kendo, even if he is a Buddhist, but for this Aoba Sword Hitomi, it is estimated that he will not easily let go."

"Buddha's sword, Wang Tianba, plus a Linghu Venerable who is not weaker than the enchanting evildoer, this time, the Sanqing Dao Sect is really over."

"It's not just them, look at the sword repairs, all of them are waiting to fish in troubled waters."

Even if Wang Tianba, the bully in the fairy, saw this person, his eyes couldn't help showing a dignified look.

"Why, does Buddhism want to mix this muddy water?"

"Qingye Jiantong, never fall into the hands of you waiting for crooked ways."

The sword of Buddha looked at Linghu Zun, Wang Tianba said indifferently.

Wang Tianba sneered, "It sounds good, but after all, it's not because of this Qingye Jiantong!"

"I have the sword pupil, and you wait for the sword pupil, there is a world of difference. You wait for the evil way, and I use it for the right way, protect the common people, and the right way!"

The Buddha's sword puts his hands together, the Buddha's light on his body is flowing, and the righteousness is awe-inspiring.

"The master is right, this sword pupil must never fall into the hands of the demon gate or this evil fairy."

A gentle voice sounded.

A sword light flew by.

It was a young man dressed in white, holding an iron fan in his hand, handsome and handsome.

As soon as she showed up, there was a splendor in the eyes of some young girls.

"It's him, the gentleman of Langya Sword Sect, Langya!"

Gentleman Langya, the most powerful tianjiao of the Langya Sword Sect in the contemporary era, like Linghu Zun, is the top tianjiao second only to evildoers.

Rumor has it that this person behaves upright and angered, so he is called this gentleman.

"Gentleman Langya, he is really handsome."

"Yeah, it's so extraordinary."

"Handsome, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, just like the person in the painting."

"It is rumored that Madman Chu is also a rare beautiful man in the world. I don't know how he compares to this gentleman Langya?"

A group of female cultivators looked at the gentleman Langya, their beautiful eyes filled with splendor.

"I have seen the donor."

The sword of Buddha put his hands together towards the gentleman Langya, and smiled faintly.

Gentleman Langya smiled back.

As for Su Yun and other people from the Sanqing Daomen not far away, despair was already in his eyes.

A Linghuzun is enough for them to deal with.

But now, with Wang Tianba, Buddha's Sword, Langya Gentleman, and top-notch Tianjiao added, they hardly have any chance of winning.

"Gentleman, monk?"

"Oh, it's funny, after all, it's not all because of my senior brother's Aoba Jiantong, why bother with awe-inspiring appearance."

Su Yun took a deep breath and said.

The gentleman Langya chuckled softly when he heard the words, "Sword pupil should be for the good, and the capable. I believe Brother Ye Zhu is a good person, but the sword pupil is bound to be coveted by countless people. Among them, there are even sword demon, Wang Tianba and other evil ways, with the strength of Brother Ye Zhu, I am afraid that they cannot be properly kept."

"Well, leave it to me, I will definitely handle it properly and not let the evil demon touch it."

Hearing what he said, Su Yun and the others hadn’t said anything, so Linghu Zun next to him couldn’t help but sneered: “What a hypocrite, you can speak so fresh and refined as to steal treasures. Compared to our magic way, There is nothing worse than it is, at least we dare to dare to speak!"

"Waiting for the magic way, you deserve to be compared with me!"

Gentleman Langya's eyes flashed cold, the iron fan in his hand shook, and the biting sword energy hovered in front of the fan bone.

Take a closer look, that fan bone is actually composed of a handful of fairy swords.

"It's useless to say more, it's better to fight first, I've long wanted to see, who is the first person under this evildoer!"

Linghuzun sneered.

The black fairy sword in his hand trembled slightly, filled with bloodthirsty, vaguely, there was blood flowing.

"I said, if you continue to fight like this, then Ye Zhu will refine Qingye Jiantong."

Wang Tianba said lightly, looking at the cyan giant sword in the distance.

The aura of Ye Zhu has become stronger and stronger, and it is estimated that he can almost completely refine the pair of sword pupils.

He was originally the incomplete Green Leaf Sword Eye. Refining this sword eye was naturally faster than other monks.

Upon seeing this, Linghu Zun, who was still arguing, and even almost fought, all converged together, and there was a hint of urgency in their eyes.

"Sanqing Dao Sect, don't be obsessed and hand over Jian Tong!"

Gentleman Langya flew towards the cyan giant sword.

Sword Qi gushes out of him, and there is a chill in his heart that freezes the space into ice.

"If you want to win the sword pupil, ask me first!!"

Su Yun did not retreat and rushed towards the gentleman Langya, the cultivation method of the Taiqing line was urged to the extreme by him.

Under the sword qi collision, although he successfully blocked the gentleman Langya, Su Yun, who had been exhausted because of the battle against Linghu Zun, was also spitting blood and flying out.

The Buddha's sword stepped out, trying to seize the sword pupil.

But the other monks from the Sanqing Daomen rushed towards him, and everyone's face was determined.

There are cultivators, and they will not hesitate to burn life, increase their strength, just to be able to resist the Buddha for a moment.


The eyebrows of the Buddha's sword frowned slightly, the golden lotus that the surrounding Buddha light turned into shattered, and countless petals turned into sword energy and swept out.

One by one, the cultivators of the Sanqing Dao Sect were torn apart by sword energy.

The Buddha has a murderous heart, and he still has a sense of compassion in his body, but under the sword aura, what he creates is a scene of purgatory.

Wang Tianba and Linghuzun also shot one after another.

These four people are not evildoers, or the top arrogant talents. The monks of the Sanqing Dao Sect can hardly resist even if they lose their lives, and the disciples continue to fall.

But Su Yun was so distraught that his eyes were splitting apart.

"You guys, **** it!!"

Su Yun roared, his life was burning, and the sword energy emitted from his body, actually forcing gentleman Langya back dozens of feet.

"The method of burning life, but it is still ants!"

The Buddha's sword said lightly, before the sword was released, he gently raised his hand, and his face suddenly showed compassion, "Slash with great compassion!"

He uses his palm as a sword, and the endless light of the Buddha condenses into a golden giant sword. The atmosphere of compassion and compassion fills the world!

Su Yun urged Xian Yuan to the extreme and also cut out a sword.

But in the face of evildoers, even if he spared his life, it was still useless!

Sword Qi is broken!

A compassionate sword slashed on him cruelly, leaving a scar on his body that was almost bone-visible, almost cutting him in the middle!

"Is this the evildoer?"

The gentleman Langya looked at the sword of the and his eyes showed jealousy.

He feels that if he fights with each other, he probably won't be able to survive ten moves!

But the sword of Buddha looked not far away, and took a sword from the front, but Su Yun, who was still lingering, showed a strange color in his eyes.

"Still alive, it's just that struggling so hard is just adding pain."

He raised his hand and planned to end Su Yun's life.

But at this moment.

The sword of Buddha stopped moving suddenly, his eyes condensed, and he looked at the distant sky, "This breath... is the strong!"

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