Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: : 1 sword frightening **** and killing demon, practitioners of different levels

Book Page Collection Catalog Setting Daytime Chapter 1294 One Sword Frightens God and Kills Demons, Practitioners of Different Levels

2021-02-19 Author: wind flow laugh

Chapter 1294: One Sword Frightens God and Kills Demon, Practitioners of Different Levels

The strength of the Buddha's sword made Su Yun feel desperate.

And just when the sword of Buddha was about to kill him, the other party suddenly stopped, looking into the distance, a solemn look appeared in his eyes.

Not just him!

Wang Tianba also sensed something and looked into the distance, "A breath of greatness!"


The sound of sword chanting suddenly resounded through the world.

In the distance, a white streamer suddenly flew over, wrapped in boundless sword energy, and inserted impartially in the center of the battlefield.

That is a sword!

A sword with a body like jade and engraved with countless mysterious Dao patterns!

The sword stuck to the ground, and an endless stream of sword pressure swept out like a raging wave, covering everyone present!

The sword pressure shocked the sky, making countless swordsmen feel a sense of suffocation.

"What a terrifying sword pressure!"

The gentleman Langya couldn't help but said solemnly.

"This sword, familiar!"

While Linghuzun looked at this ancient white jade sword, his pupils shrank slightly, already guessing something, "He is here!!"

The words fall.

The overwhelming coercion fell from the sky, sweeping across the nine heavens and ten earth!

A figure in white clothes slowly descended from the air, with flying robe, graceful and charming, as handsome as a real fairy!

Come, light footsteps!

But the moment the toe fell, it was an unbearable weight for the earth!

I saw that the tens of thousands of miles of the earth seemed to be hit by a star, and it shook violently, and huge cracks spread out. It turned out to be a mountain collapse and a big change in the terrain!

The giant sword that stood between the heavens and the earth trembled!

One person, one sword, the coercion seems to make this world surrender!

Many people were shocked when they saw this scene.

"Madman Chu!!"

Someone pronounced the name of a person, and it was an existence capable of shaking the starry sky arena.

"he came!"

"Is he also here to compete for Qingye Jiantong?!"

"What a terrible breath, is this the top evildoer?!"

Some people were amazed.

And some female sisters couldn't help but secretly promise, looking at the Madman Chu, there was a look of admiration in her beautiful eyes.

If you say, the gentleman Langya is like a jade.

Then Madman Chu is a true immortal in the sky, extraordinary and otherworldly, the two are simply not comparable.

In front of the madman of Chu, Gentleman Langya seemed to have become a boy serving tea and pouring water, regardless of his temperament and appearance, he was crushed.

"Mad Chu..."

Su Yun also noticed the arrival of Madman Chu, and looked at the other party, with surprises, expectations, and anxiety in his eyes.

He didn't know that Madman Chu was here to help him, or, like the Buddha's Sword and others, he was also fighting for Qingye Jiantong.

"This friend, I still owe you a favor. How about letting me pay it back today?"

Madman Chu looked at Su Yun and smiled faintly.

He raised his hand to draw a yin and yang life and death chart, and penetrated into Su Yun's body to recover his injury.

As early as when Madman Chu stepped into the starry sky arena, Su Yun had approached him and told Lan Yu that he was besieged and killed by the people of Evil Immortal Valley.

Therefore, he owes him a favor.

So, this time, he came to pay back the favor.

Hearing his words, Su Yun's expression was overjoyed, and at the same time, his heart was extremely moved.

He didn't expect that he had done such a big favor today just to get closer to Madman Chu.

Even more did not expect that Madman Chu would confront Buddha's Sword, Wang Tianba and others for such a favor.

After all, these people are all evildoers, top talents.

The forces behind them are also extraordinary.

"Madman Chu!! It really is you!"

Linghuzun looked at the Madman Chu with solemnity and even a trace of fear in his eyes.

As early as when Madman Chu was making trouble in Luohu Ancestral Land, he took a long look and knew how terrifying the other party was.

For him, Shi Tianxuan was his goal.

But Madman Chu is a lingering nightmare in his mind!

He will never forget how that whole Demon Dao was messed up because of the other party, and how the countless Demon Dao Tianjiao died in the opponent's hands.

"Since you know it's me, don't kneel down and kowtow to beg for mercy, then turn around and get out."

Madman Chu said lightly.

Hearing his words, Linghuzun's face flushed, and the fear in his heart was replaced by a wave of anger.

"Chu Madman, don't be too arrogant. In the past you made a lot of trouble in the ancestral land of Luohuo. I hadn't grown up at that time, but now I am not what I used to be!"

"I got the inheritance of the sword demon, even if it is a monster, I can fight for a fight!!"

With a long whistle, he rose into the air, and his body was swept by billowing devilish energy. In the void, the devilish energy and Dao patterns were intertwined, turning into a completely dark sword shadow!

"Madman Chu, let you see, this one of the twenty-four methods of kendo is annihilated for nine days!!"

Linghuzun roared.

Slashed down with a single sword, the sword energy in the dark sword shadow gushed out, as if to slaughter for nine days and kill everything, it was terrifying!

Twenty-four methods of kendo, the most advanced practice in kendo!

And this Devil Nine Heavens is one of them!

It is powerful and mysterious, surpassing the vast majority of Da Luo Fa in this world!

"Twenty-four methods of kendo, it seems like no one can't."

Madman Chu gave a chuckle.

Seeing his sword fingers condensed, the Kunwu sword beside him rose into the sky, and the seals of proof on his body were illuminated.

"Fright Shendao Sword!!"

Madman Chu drank indifferently, and the newly obtained Sword Dao Law, which is also one of the twenty-four methods of Sword Doctrine, was brazenly used!

I saw the infinite Dao pattern condensed on the Kunwu sword body, a layer of white sword light appeared, turned into streamer, and burst out of the sky!

This sword is bitter and brilliant!

Like a meteor flashing by in the starry sky, it amazed the gods and Buddhas in the sky!

Kunwu was wrapped in the frightening **** sword light, the seal of proof flickered, and he pierced straight into the devilish air!

Two great kendo twenty-four methods, crashed together!

However, the devilish energy was torn apart by the white sword light!

White sword light, like a broken bamboo!

Stabbed straight towards Linghu Zun, the infinite sword pressure locked him!

"how come!!"

Linghuzun's pupils shrank, and there was a look of horror in his eyes.

But before he could react, the white sword light had passed through his chest, directly smashing his internal organs! !


In the next instant, Linghuzun's body exploded on the spot, turning into blood mist!

One sword, shocking!

One sword, punish the devil!

All the sword repairmen who saw this scene couldn't help taking a breath, a chill burst from the soles of their feet, rushed straight into their heads, and exploded on the scalp!


Jian Xiu couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, "This, how is this possible. The same as the twenty-four methods of kendo, how can this gap be so large?!"

"Yeah, how is this possible? Linghuzun, he can't even take a single sword!"

Jianxiu took a deep breath, "It's not the kendo practice that has a big gap, but the humans!!"

If the level of the same powerful practice is different, then the power of the practice will vary greatly.

no doubt.

Demon Devil Nine Heavens and Shocking Shendao Sword are the same level of practice!

However, Linghu Zun and Chu Madman are not practitioners of the same level!

"This, is this still a human?"


(End of this chapter)

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Start with ten consecutive draws and then invincible-Chapter 1294

2021-02-19 Author: wind flow laugh

Chapter 1294: One Sword Frightens God and Kills Demon, Practitioners of Different Levels

The strength of the Buddha's sword made Su Yun feel desperate.

And just when the sword of Buddha was about to kill him, the other party suddenly stopped, looking into the distance, a solemn look appeared in his eyes.

Not just him!

Wang Tianba also sensed something and looked into the distance, "A breath of greatness!"


The sound of sword chanting suddenly resounded through the world.

In the distance, a white streamer suddenly flew over, wrapped in boundless sword energy, and inserted impartially in the center of the battlefield.

That is a sword!

A sword with a body like jade and engraved with countless mysterious Dao patterns!

The sword stuck to the ground, and an endless stream of sword pressure swept out like a raging wave, covering everyone present!

The sword pressure shocked the sky, making countless swordsmen feel a sense of suffocation.

"What a terrifying sword pressure!"

The gentleman Langya couldn't help but said solemnly.

"This sword, familiar!"

While Linghuzun looked at this ancient white jade sword, his pupils shrank slightly, already guessing something, "He is here!!"

The words fall.

The overwhelming coercion fell from the sky, sweeping across the nine heavens and ten earth!

A figure in white clothes slowly descended from the air, with flying robe, graceful and charming, as handsome as a real fairy!

Come, light footsteps!

But the moment the toe fell, it was an unbearable weight for the earth!

I saw that the tens of thousands of miles of the earth seemed to be hit by a star, and it shook violently, and huge cracks spread out. It turned out to be a mountain collapse and a big change in the terrain!

The giant sword that stood between the heavens and the earth trembled!

One person, one sword, the coercion seems to make this world surrender!

Many people were shocked when they saw this scene.

"Madman Chu!!"

Someone pronounced the name of a person, and it was an existence capable of shaking the starry sky arena.

"he came!"

"Is he also here to compete for Qingye Jiantong?!"

"What a terrible breath, is this the top evildoer?!"

Some people were amazed.

And some female sisters couldn't help but secretly promise, looking at the Madman Chu, there was a look of admiration in her beautiful eyes.

If you say, the gentleman Langya is like a jade.

Then Madman Chu is a true immortal in the sky, extraordinary and otherworldly, the two are simply not comparable.

In front of the madman of Chu, Gentleman Langya seemed to have become a boy serving tea and pouring water, regardless of his temperament and appearance, he was crushed.

"Mad Chu..."

Su Yun also noticed the arrival of Madman Chu, and looked at the other party, with surprises, expectations, and anxiety in his eyes.

He didn't know that Madman Chu was here to help him, or, like the Buddha's Sword and others, he was also fighting for Qingye Jiantong.

"This friend, I still owe you a favor. How about letting me pay it back today?"

Madman Chu looked at Su Yun and smiled faintly.

He raised his hand to draw a yin and yang life and death chart, and penetrated into Su Yun's body to recover his injury.

As early as when Madman Chu stepped into the starry sky arena, Su Yun had approached him and told Lan Yu that he was besieged and killed by the people of Evil Immortal Valley.

Therefore, he owes him a favor.

So, this time, he came to pay back the favor.

Hearing his words, Su Yun's expression was overjoyed, and at the same time, his heart was extremely moved.

He didn't expect that he had done such a big favor today just to get closer to Madman Chu.

Even more did not expect that Madman Chu would confront Buddha's Sword, Wang Tianba and others for such a favor.

After all, these people are all evildoers, top talents.

The forces behind them are also extraordinary.

"Madman Chu!! It really is you!"

Linghuzun looked at the Madman Chu with solemnity and even a trace of fear in his eyes.

As early as when Madman Chu was making trouble in Luohu Ancestral Land, he took a long look and knew how terrifying the other party was.

For him, Shi Tianxuan was his goal.

But Madman Chu is a lingering nightmare in his mind!

He will never forget how that whole Demon Dao was messed up because of the other party, and how the countless Demon Dao Tianjiao died in the opponent's hands.

"Since you know it's me, don't kneel down and kowtow to beg for mercy, then turn around and get out."

Madman Chu said lightly.

Hearing his words, Linghuzun's face flushed, and the fear in his heart was replaced by a wave of anger.

"Chu Madman, don't be too arrogant. In the past you made a lot of trouble in the ancestral land of Luohuo. I hadn't grown up at that time, but now I am not what I used to be!"

"I got the inheritance of the sword demon, even if it is a monster, I can fight for a fight!!"

With a long whistle, he rose into the air, and his body was swept by billowing devilish energy. In the void, the devilish energy and Dao patterns were intertwined, turning into a completely dark sword shadow!

"Madman Chu, let you see, this one of the twenty-four methods of kendo is annihilated for nine days!!"

Linghuzun roared.

Slashed down with a single sword, the sword energy in the dark sword shadow gushed out, as if to slaughter for nine days and kill everything, it was terrifying!

Twenty-four methods of kendo, the most advanced practice in kendo!

And this Devil Nine Heavens is one of them!

It is powerful and mysterious, surpassing the vast majority of Da Luo Fa in this world!

"Twenty-four methods of kendo, it seems like no one can't."

Madman Chu gave a chuckle.

Seeing his sword fingers condensed, the Kunwu sword beside him rose into the sky, and the seals of proof on his body were illuminated.

"Fright Shendao Sword!!"

Madman Chu drank indifferently, and the newly obtained Sword Dao Law, which is also one of the twenty-four methods of Sword Doctrine, was brazenly used!

I saw the Infinite Dao pattern condensed on the Kunwu sword A layer of white sword light appeared, turned into streamer, and burst out of the sky!

This sword is bitter and brilliant!

Like a meteor flashing by in the starry sky, it amazed the gods and Buddhas in the sky!

Kunwu was wrapped in the frightening **** sword light, the seal of proof flickered, and he pierced straight into the devilish air!

Two great kendo twenty-four methods, crashed together!

However, the devilish energy was torn apart by the white sword light!

White sword light, like a broken bamboo!

Stabbed straight towards Linghu Zun, the infinite sword pressure locked him!

"how come!!"

Linghuzun's pupils shrank, and there was a look of horror in his eyes.

But before he could react, the white sword light had passed through his chest, directly smashing his internal organs! !


In the next instant, Linghuzun's body exploded on the spot, turning into blood mist!

One sword, shocking!

One sword, punish the devil!

All the sword repairmen who saw this scene couldn't help taking a breath, a chill burst from the soles of their feet, rushed straight into their heads, and exploded on the scalp!


Jian Xiu couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, "This, how is this possible. The same as the twenty-four methods of kendo, how can this gap be so large?!"

"Yeah, how is this possible? Linghuzun, he can't even take a single sword!"

Jianxiu took a deep breath, "It's not the kendo practice that has a big gap, but the humans!!"

If the level of the same powerful practice is different, then the power of the practice will vary greatly.

no doubt.

Demon Devil Nine Heavens and Shocking Shendao Sword are the same level of practice!

However, Linghu Zun and Chu Madman are not practitioners of the same level!

"This, is this still a human?"


(End of this chapter)

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