Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1001: : The grudge between Feng Qiyu and the Snow God King, false information is more than

"I heard that you have some holidays with Feng Qiyu."

Suddenly, Madman Chu asked curiously.

Hearing his words, the Snow God King showed a tangled color on his face, then took a deep breath and said: "Since she and I are both members of the Yuan Tian Guild, then I am willing to write off my grievances with her."

Madman Chu nodded in satisfaction.

"Tian doesn't want to see Yuantian's internal chaos, Rong Tian asked curiously, what is the festival between you and Feng Qiyu?"

"It's nothing, she killed my Taoist companion."

Hear this.

Madman Chu's mouth twitched slightly.

Is this nothing?

"But to be honest, I didn't hate her much. After all, it was the dog man who couldn't control his lower body. He was greedy for beauty and wanted to defile her. If he was counter-killed, I couldn't blame others. It's my Taoist companion, I can't justify it without doing anything, so I have been chasing her, and later it became a habit to chase her..." The Snow God King said calmly.

Madman Chu just suddenly.

Then, the two returned to the general mansion on the thirteenth continent.

Feng Qiyu is here too.

When she saw the Snow God King, she stood up after a quick rub, and looked alert, "President, how can you come back with her?"

"Introduce, she is a new member of the Round Sky Club."


Feng Qiyu exploded on the spot, "Chairman, is there any mistake? Can this crazy woman join us at the Yuantian Party?"

"Who is the crazy woman?"

"Whoever takes a seat will say whoever is seated."

The two women glanced at each other, flashing sparkles in their eyes.

The atmosphere was tense for a while.

Madman Chu snorted softly beside him, "You two, is this president of the day the air? Give the sky quiet!"

The two women calmed down for a while.

"From now on, you two will work together, Feng Qiyu, the Snow God King has agreed to reconcile with you."

Madman Chu said lightly.

Feng Qiyu was taken aback for a moment, and then sneered: "Reconciliation? She has chased me for so many years. Will she reconcile if she says reconciliation?"

"Hmph, I'm just giving the president a face, and I won't chase you anymore. Of course, if you want to kill each other, I will stay with you to the end."

"Are you afraid of you?"

"Your cultivation base, I will let you spit on your hands and feet, and you can kill you with a spit. I don't mind waiting for you to become the King of God.

"No, I..."


Strong sword pressure enveloped the audience.

The two women looked at the frosty Madman Chu, and suddenly shut up.

Madman Chu was also quite helpless, but he knew that the grievances between these two people for so many years could not be eliminated in a short while.

He did not intend to mediate.

All he wants is that these two people do things for him.

"Snow King, I want you to keep 30% of the output of immortal gold here in the future and send it to the Ninth Continent on a regular basis."

Madman Chu said, this is the reason why he left the Snow God King. He needs someone to collect the immortal gold for him so that he can refine and arrange the materials for the Zeguo battle map without any distractions.

The Snow God King is in charge of the thirteenth continent and is a figure of the Supreme God King level, so he has the qualifications to do this for him.

"Thirty percent?"

The Snow God King was a little startled.

Three percent of the immortal gold, this is not a small amount, if Madman Chu wants other resources, then she understands well.

But this immortal gold can't be used for cultivation except for refining weapons. What exactly is the other party going to use for it?

"Why, is there a problem?"

"No, no."

The Snow God King said respectfully.

She didn't ask too much.

After that, Madman Chu did not stay on the 13th Continent for a long time.

Leaving Feng Qiyu and the Snow God King, they returned to the Ninth Continent on their own. When he saw the ancient star of the military disaster over the Ninth Continent, he couldn't help but smile, "He recovered pretty quickly."

The ancient star of military disaster, this is a broken chaos treasure.

Last time, in order to incubate the Devil’s Egg, he designed a family of disasters and absorbed a lot of grievances, making the ancient star of the disasters almost paralyzed. Later, he refined this treasure into a clone.

That is, military disaster.

Now, the opponent came to this void battlefield.

"As soon as you come back, then I will leave."

The sound of the disaster sounded in Chu Madman's mind.

Immediately afterwards.

The ancient star body shook with a bang, and swept away in the distance.

Madman Chu watched this scene and didn't stop it.

The growth of the ancient star of the military disaster requires a lot of grievances. Now, where is the grievance comparable to this huge void battlefield?

The ancient star of military disaster is here, and it will be greatly developed.

"Heaven is looking forward to seeing you next time."

Madman Chu smiled faintly.

Inside the General's Mansion.

"Master, you are back."

After seeing Madman Chu returning, Tian Ying stepped forward to greet him.

"Tian Ying, the last time the King Thousand Flame God, Mo Tian Yin two people attacked, thanks to you for keeping here." Madman Chu said.

"This is what the devil should do."

"General, you finally came back." At this time, An Zhixun walked up, "General, you don't know, during your absence, a major event happened on the Ninth Continent. We were caught by a group of unknown people. The strong attacked and almost fell."

"Really? What's going on now?"

"Thanks to Lord Tianying, this saved the Ninth Continent, and, before the general returned, I had comforted the soldiers."

"Really? That means there are laborers."

"It should be."

An Zhixun said.

"It's okay, the military division first step back."

"Yes, then I won't disturb you and Master Tianying."

After speaking, An Zhixun bowed and left.

"Master, why keep him?"

Tianying didn't understand, even he could see that there was a problem with An Madman Chu couldn't see it without reason.

"For the time being, he can help Tian manage the Ninth Continent, which is still useful, and he is here. Those who want to deal with Tian can obtain information, right?" Chu Madman smiled faintly.

Hearing his words, Tianying's eyes lit up.

He understood that Madman Chu wanted to use An Zhixun to occasionally pass some false information to those who wanted to deal with him.

Sometimes, false information is more terrifying than no information.

"Ha, the master is foresight, and the devil admires it."

"Some tricks that are not on the table."

Madman Chu said lightly.

In fact, he didn't really like to calculate everywhere.

He believes in only absolute strength.

If he is Hunyuan now, all conspiracies and tricks will disappear with a single sword, but the current situation does not allow him to do this, and he can only use these calculations to make up for it.

"Well, God is going to retreat for a while first."

This time.

He has brought back a lot of immortal gold from the 13th Continent, and he intends to refine it into the formation of the Ze Kingdom Battle Map as soon as possible.

This is the guarantee of his absolute strength.

And on the other side.

Inside the Pangu Universe Line of Defense.

Immortal Emperor Qianxi, Emperor Longying, and the Great Black Demon fled back from the Thirteenth Continent in embarrassment.

This time, they can be described as a big defeat.

Not only did he fail to occupy the thirteenth continent, Immortal Emperor Qianxi was also hit hard, and the Dao in his body almost fell apart.

"Damn it, **** it!"

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