Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1002: :0Xianxian emperor asks Madman Chu for help, Hetu Luoshu, you are too nian...

Immortal Emperor Qianxi's face was extremely gloomy.

In this battle, he was severely injured by the Heavenly Sword, and the Dao in his body almost fell apart. If there is no cure, then he will do nothing for a long time.

How can he stand this? !

"Xianting's great cause is unsuccessful. I can't just fall down like this. I must find a way to recover from my injury. What can I do?"

Emperor Qianxi thought secretly.


He seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes lit up.


Chu madman.

The other party had some kind of quick way to heal the wounds of Hedao. In the past, Yun Zhongyue was also severely injured by the Heavenly Sword, and then he was healed.

He may be able to help himself.

Thinking of this, he felt a little aggrieved. The other party was the culprit who drove Xian Ting out of the immortal realm. Now that he is going to ask for help, he is really too aggrieved. Do you want this face?

But when he thought that the great cause was unsuccessful, he took a deep breath, "No matter how big a man can bend and stretch, what is such a small thing?!"


With the help of Gu Xi, he found Madman Chu.

The other party was drinking tea with Zijin Wheel and Ye Zhu, and looked at ease on this **** battlefield.

"Oh, isn't this Emperor Qianxi? How can you be so embarrassed? Could it be that the attack on the thirteenth continent failed? No way, no, the famous Immortal Emperor Qianxi would actually fail."

Madman Chu said strangely.

Qianxi Immortal Emperor heard this, his face was blue and white, if it was any other time, he would definitely quarrel with the other party now.

But now, he can't.

After all, there is something to ask for.

"Mad Chu, I was severely injured by the Heavenly Sword. I hope you can help me like the last time you treated Yun Zhongyue."

Emperor Qianxi said lightly.

"Why do you want to help you?" Madman Chu played with taste.

"Now is the moment when the two universes are facing each other, Madman Chu, my combat power is indispensable, and I hope you can put the overall situation first."

"Indispensable? You look at yourself too highly."

"After all, I am also an important combat power, and I also ask the fairy king to be able to help." Immortal Emperor Qianxi pressed down his anger, said in a low voice, and even changed his mouth to call Chu Kuangren the Immortal King.

Madman Chu smiled faintly, and then said: "You don't know anything about Immortal Emperor Qianxi. I cannot use the power of creation of Qinglian at will. Every time I use it, I will pay a great price."

Emperor Qianxi understands.

The other party is asking him to pay equivalent rewards.

Before coming to find the other party, it was not that he hadn't thought about this possibility, so he was already prepared and took out a Qiankun ring.

"There are tens of billions of immortal crystals in it, as well as all kinds of heaven and earth treasures, I think it is enough to pay." Qianxi Immortal Emperor said.

Madman Chu shook his head, "I don't need these."

"Then what do you want?"

"Oh, I have to ask the person next to you."

Madman Chu glanced at Gu Xi.

But the other's face changed, and there was already a guess in his heart.

Immortal Emperor Qianxi also pondered for a while.

"You want Hetu Luoshu!"


Madman Chu could feel a resonance from Gu Xi, that was the fluctuation that only the most precious treasure transformed by the Chaos Qinglian could send out.

Hetu Luoshu, this is the treasure of the Pangu universe.

At the same time, it is also transformed by the two largest lotus leaves of Chaos Qinglian.

For the Mad Chu, it is helpful.

Gu Xi's expression changed. He Tu Luo Shu was indeed in his hands. Since losing to the Mad Man Chu, he has been looking for various opportunities to strengthen himself. This He Tu Luo Shu is one of his opportunities.

These two things helped him tremendously.

Even, he regarded it as one of his hole cards to deal with Madman Chu in the future. He didn't expect that the opponent would want this when he opened his mouth.


Immortal Emperor Qianxi nodded, and ignored Gu Xi's thoughts.


Gu Xi's face changed, and he wanted to say something.

But Qianxi Immortal Emperor said indifferently: "Gu Xi, since you join Xianting, then you should give priority to Xianting's interests. I am seriously injured now, and everything must be restored first."

"do you understand?"

Emperor Qianxi looked straight at Gu Xi.

And the other party also understands.

In this case, there is no room for resistance.

So he took out the Hetu Luoshu, which was a scroll that looked like a long river of stars, and a simple tortoise shell with mysterious patterns such as the heavenly stems and earthly branches engraved on it.

Hetu Luoshu, an ancient treasure, it is said that one contains the mystery of stars, and the other can deduce the past and the future. It is mysterious and extraordinary.

"You can only take the same two treasures."

Qianxi Immortal Emperor said.

"Then Luoshu."

Madman Chu didn't think much, he took out the tortoiseshell-shaped Luoshu and put it away.

He looked at the angry Gu Xi in his eyes, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, very good, the seeds of suspicion had been quietly planted.

Although it is said that the book of Hetu Luo was proposed by the madman of Chu.

But it was Immortal Emperor Qianxi who forced Gu Xi to take out the Hetu Luoshu.

The other party must have suspicion and hatred in his heart.


In time, how much this suspicion will grow, and what changes it will bring to Xian Ting, no one knows.

Madman Chu secretly looked forward to it.

"Then let's start."

When Madman Chu raised his hand, a wave of green lotus creation power circulated in his palm, injected into the body of Immortal Emperor Qianxi, and recovered his injury.

The power of creation is mysterious and extraordinary.

Even Qianxi Immortal Emperor's injury was quickly recovered, and most of it recovered soon.

Immortal Emperor Qianxi exclaimed inwardly, "With this kind of power, Madman Chu will be like a fish in this void battlefield."

"All right."

Madman Chu regained his power of creation and said lightly.

at this time.

Not far away, Yun Zhongyue rushed over, still holding a woman in her arms, the other person's face was pale, and he was obviously hit hard.

"The fairy king, please help Yan'er."

Madman Chu nodded in no hurry. "

He urged the power of creation, injected it into the woman's body, and quickly recovered the other party's injury, looking very relaxed.

Immortal Emperor Qianxi looked pale as he looked at the side, and said that it would cost a great price to use this power?

This is obviously to be able to use it at will!

I went to the other side to heal, but the other side declined in every possible way, and even cheated on a treasure. If I changed my job to someone else, I would take action without saying a word.

Okay, what a madman of Chu!

Immortal Emperor Qianxi was itchy and resentful.

But there is no alternative.

With a wave of his sleeve, he turned and left.

From beginning to end, Madman Chu never looked at him.


"Gu Xi, I used your treasure in exchange for the Madman Chu to treat his wounds. Are you dissatisfied?" Immortal Emperor Qianxi asked lightly.

Hearing this, Gu Xi snorted inwardly.

He was indeed dissatisfied.

But where can I say it?

"The Xiandi is the mainstay of Xianting. As long as the Xiandi can recover, it will be worth all the price I pay."

Gu Xi said sincerely.

Immortal Emperor Qianxi nodded with satisfaction, "You are very good, and Tianzi is also outstanding. Given time, it will become a great weapon, but it's a pity..."

Gu Xi was a little puzzled.

What a pity?

"You are too young, and your emotions are not concealed enough to leak." After the words of Emperor Qianxi finished, he immediately raised his hand to urge Dao Ze's strength and shrouded toward the other party.


Gu Xi paled in shock, with horror in his eyes.

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