Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 259: : Tiansha undefeated body shows its power, battles 6-step saints

The surging spiritual power surged in the body, offsetting the suppression of the formation.

The sage of the Shang clan took the opportunity to attack the Madman of Chu, and the terrifying Dao Yun was circulating, and he felt like the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed with one punch.

Madman Chu saw this, he was about to cut with a sword.

But at this moment, a terrifying suction suddenly surged on the ground. This suction was not aimed at people, but at the sword in the hands of Kuangren Chu. The entire ground seemed to have become a magnet!

Because of this suction force, Madman Chu's sword was slow for a moment, and he could only hold his cross sword in front of his chest, and forcibly received the attack of the Shang clan saint, and the huge counter-shock force blasted him nearly a hundred feet away!

"This underground, something is affecting my sword."

Madman Chu frowned and looked at the underground.

In addition, he noticed that the Shang clan saints and others did not have any weapons in their hands. In other words, the underground things were not only aimed at swords, but also other metal weapons? !

"It seems that it is really a magnet. The only thing that can possess this kind of magnetism is the legendary element magnet!" Chu Madman laughed.

The patriarch of the Shang clan smiled and said: "Yes, Madman Chu, we have investigated your fighting style a long time ago. Your strength is indeed very strong, but most of them are swordsmanship, whether it is your swordsmanship or sword formation. This is your main method against the saint!"

"As long as your sword is restricted, your combat power will be reduced by at least half. Before you came, I had let people bury nearly a thousand kilograms of yuan magnets in the ground. Now, your Kunwu sword and sword formation can't help it. If you use it, plus the influence of our clan formation, you will die today!!"

The patriarch of the Shang clan and others have a well-established appearance.

The saints who were observing secretly were also quite surprised. They did not expect that the Shang clan had prepared so much in just three days.

"Now, Madman Chu is really dangerous."

"Yes, if you can't use swordsmanship, Madman Chu's combat power will be reduced by at least half. How can you deal with the saints of the Shang clan in this way?"

"Yes, and this Shang clan saint is still a six-step saint, much stronger than most saints."

"Does Madman Chu really fall here today?"

Everyone suddenly felt a little weird.

Over the years, Madman Chu has shocked them too much, and faintly, he actually gave people a feeling of invincibility in the world!

Not the young generation is invincible.

But invincible in the world!

Although a bit exaggerated, Madman Chu has indeed had such a momentum in the past few years, giving people a sense of invincibility.

Even a saint has to acknowledge the strength of the other party.

But now, he is going to lose?

"It's a pity, a generation of peerless arrogance, if he does not fall, the next 10,000 years will probably be his era!"

A saint couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"It doesn't matter if he is dead, we have no days for the patriarchs of all genres." There are also saints who are happy to see this result.

"Don't draw conclusions, Madman Chu hasn't reached a desperate situation."

A saint said lightly.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone looked at the battlefield.

In the eyes of everyone, Madman Chu, who was supposed to be in a desperate situation, didn't panic, looked calm and didn't worry about his situation at all.

"You know me quite well, and there are a set of methods against me, but unfortunately, what you know is just the me before, and what you prepared... is far from enough!!!"

I saw the madman Chu put the Kunwu sword into the spiritual ruins in his body, and then burst out an extremely terrifying evil spirit and Dao Yun! !

Undefeated body! !


The terrifying evil spirit swept out like a tide, and the monks with a little strength and Dao heart were all shocked by this power!

"This evil spirit is terrifying!"

"What means is this."

"Wait, this is the aura of the Taoist body, the evil spirit, the Taoist body, is it possible that this is the legendary supreme Taoist body, the undefeated body of the Tiansha!"

The Shang clan chief's pupils shrank suddenly, his eyes full of shock.

The undefeated Tiansha body is the top ten terrifying Dao body among these three thousand physiques, and it is not worse than the Nine Orifice Exquisite Sword Heart.

Madman Chu has such a Taoist body!

There is no such information!

Not to mention the people of the Shang clan, even the saints who watched the battle changed their expressions, and they were extremely shocked by the Chu Kuangren possessing such a Taoist body.

"Isn't he Jiuqiao Linglong Sword Heart? How could he suddenly have an invincible body, what is going on!!"

"Damn it, who can tell me, what's the situation?"

"The exquisite sword heart of the nine orifices, the undefeated body of the gods, these are the sixth and seventh peerless Dao types among the three thousand physiques. He has these two types of Dao types alone. It is too terrifying! !"

There are only a few of the three thousand physiques of the supreme Dao body. As long as they don’t fall, sanctification will be almost certain.

Even born in this world of great controversy where the avenue manifests itself, they can have the opportunity to attack the throne and become the mighty emperor!

Ordinary monks can have one kind of great good fortune, and they will be regarded as the pride of heaven by any orthodoxy, and countless resources are poured into them.

But Madman Chu has two of them alone!

The two supreme bodies are gathered in the same person!

"Damn it!"

The sage of the Shang clan didn't expect that Madman Chu would still have this kind of method, but the matter was already there, and there was no room for recovery.


With a violent shout, the Shang saint slammed out.

Seeing this, Madman Chu also urged his spiritual power, and the evil spirits gathered on his fists. The majestic Tao Yun and evil spirits converged to form a black fist mark, erupting with a terrifying breath of destruction! !

The saint human Dao Yun collided with the power of the Dao body, exploded directly with a violent boom, and the violent energy spread out like a tide.

The warlords of the Shang clan were all shaken out.

In the field, only the madman of Chu and the saint of the Shang clan were fighting.

The sage of the Shang clan looked old, but his punches and kicks contained powerful power, and his every move was capable of turbulent mountains and rivers.

The Madman Chu's undefeated Tiansha body is also extremely terrifying. Although it is only 40% of the progress from Dacheng, the power that erupts is no worse than the six-step saint of the Shang clan.

The two were fighting, and everyone present was extremely palpitating.

"Nine-day wind disaster!!"

The sage of the Shang clan urged the sage, and this trick was displayed in his hands, which was far different from that of Shang Han!

The violent storm swept towards Madman The power contained in it was enough to kill most saints under six steps.

"Heavenly evil spirit!"

Madman Chu gave a soft sigh, urging the exclusive magical powers of Tiansha's invincible body, and the terrifying evil spirit gathered around him, forming a huge black figure, revealing an unbeaten intent to fight!

The figure punched out, the air was squeezed, and a terrifying boom broke out!

The collision of two peerless forces caused the entire Shang clan territory to tremble crazily, the ground was torn apart, and countless buildings were destroyed...

Everyone of the Shang clan was accidentally swept in by the turbulent flow of energy, and was shattered in an instant, leaving no scum.

Even with the saint’s spiritual mind, it is difficult to see this battle clearly under the disturbance of this violent energy.

"This battle is probably one of the most peak battles under the Great Sage."

"Unexpectedly, this Madman of Chu possesses this kind of combat power, the undefeated body of the Tiansha, the exquisite sword heart of the nine orifices... enchanting!"

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