Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 260: : The saint of the Shang Clan, do you do it yourself or I do it

Chapter 260-Swordsman of the Shang Clan, I Do It Yourself

Tiansha undefeated body hard to resist the six-step saint!

As the battle progressed, Madman Chu became more proficient in mastering the undefeated body of the **** of heaven, and the face of the **** of **** behind him became more solid!

One punch after another, the evil spirit was surging and violent, terrifying.

Even the six-step saints like the Shang clan saints feel the pressure, and the saints' Taoist rhyme is just overwhelming.

After a fierce battle, the madman of Chu and the sage of the Shang clan retreated more than a hundred feet, and the two looked at each other, seeing the killing intent in each other's eyes!

"Mad Chu, this battle should be over."

The sage of the Shang clan took something out of his arms.

It was a fascinating red flower, surrounded by mysterious Taoist rhyme. The saints in secret were surprised when they saw this red flower.

"This is a hidden blood flower."

"The Holy Medicine Hidden Blood Flower. According to rumors, this object can stimulate the potential of the monk, allowing him to exert a combat power far beyond normal."

"Indeed, I didn't expect the Shang sage to hide this thing."

I saw the Shang clan sage urging his spiritual power, and the blood flower in his hand was instantly shattered and turned into a coquettish red dot to be absorbed.

At the same time, his breath was constantly rising.

Seven-step saint!

He went from a six-step saint to a seven-step saint!

A step difference, but the combat power has been upgraded to a level. At this time, the Shang clan saints, the combat power is so strong, just the aura released has already made the surrounding void feel distorted.

"Yeah, it's over!"

Madman Chu said lightly.

I saw that his body suddenly burst into boundless brilliance, and the Taoist rhyme flowed on him, boxing, kendo, sword, nature, five elements, thunder, and Buddhism...

Surrounded by countless Dao Yun, the Madman Chu at this time seemed to have turned into a Dao ancestor, and everyone was amazed and shocked!

"How can he do so many kinds of Taoist rhymes?"

"Oh my God, this power... is it all in one body! No way, no way, wouldn't it be real?"

"The supreme Dao body, second only to the Chaos body, the magic of the Xuanhuang Tianzun body is in one body!! God, how could he have it."

Even if the saints are knowledgeable, they are dumbfounded at this time.

There is a kind of supreme Dao body in a person, it is the great fortune of heaven, the madman of Chu has the exquisite sword heart of nine orifices, and the invincible body of the **** of heaven has been judged by the saints as unprecedented.

But now, the other party has performed all the methods together!

There are three kinds of supreme body!

Does this still have to live?

In addition, he himself has condensed six kinds of supreme foundations, which even the supreme Taoist body may not be able to do.

The saints dare not imagine how the other party did it.

The sage of the Shang clan was also frightened, but this made him more determined to kill, roaring and urging his strongest blow!

"Nine-day typhoon!"

With a roar, the Shang clan saint who used the hidden blood flower burst out incomparable Dao rhyme, endless squalls gushing crazily from the sky, and the black storm almost obscured the sunlight.

This blow actually formed a terrifying scene like the doomsday!

The oppressive force of terror swept everywhere.

Kuangren Chu was in the darkness, locked by the endless black storm, but the light of Dao Yun on his body was extremely dazzling!

"The power of all magic!!"

With a low drink, the countless Dao Yun in Madman Chu's body condensed into a supreme mighty force that burst out instantly! !

I saw Chu Madman eating, his **** were brought together, and his sword pointed to the sky!

This mighty force combined with the majestic evil spirit, gushing out from his fingertips, turning into a ray of light, a sword shadow composed of black, gold and purple!

The power of ten thousand magic, the aura of the evil spirits, and the sword aura cultivated by the exquisite sword heart of the nine orifices, how terrifying is the combined power of these three supreme bodies?

That is a force that can scare the saints!


With a soft drink, Chu Madman sword commanded it down!

With an unstoppable momentum, that peerless sword shadow tore through the black storm in an instant, and fell on the Shang clan saint without reservation.

Even the body of a saint is as fragile as a piece of paper under this force, being easily torn in half!

A large amount of holy blood spewed out and spilled on the ground.

There was a thud.

The body of the saint who had been cut in half fell to the ground.

Madman Chu stood in the void, wearing a wide-sleeved white robe without any wind, his ink was flying, and there was still a murderous aura on his body.

At this time, he is like a fairy!

More like crazy fairy!

All the saints observing secretly lost their voices.

The strength displayed by Madman Chu is too terrifying, not only that, but his invincible posture is even more obvious!

"Ten thousand years from now, it will be this person's time!"

"There is such a monster in the world of great controversy. I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing!"

"Chu madman, this method is too extraordinary, he alone can be better than one, no, even a few saints."

"The saint is aloof, but this person has cut three saints in a row in just one year, which is terrifying."

The spiritual thoughts of the saints receded like a tide.

In today's battle, Madman Chu gave them too much shock, and they had to recover after returning.

The sage of the Shang clan was beheaded, and all the descendants of the Shang clan were shocked beyond words. Looking at the Madman Chu in the sky, only despair was left in his eyes.

The biggest backer of the Shang clan has been cut down by others. What else can they use to fight each other? !

Thinking of this, they were desperate and frightened.

As for the dead young emperor Shang Han, he had no intention of reverence and cursed in his heart.

It was Shang Han who brought such a terrifying enemy to them!

"Chu madman, you really dare to kill the saint of our clan, you are too domineering!" the Shang clan chief roared.

"First, I have the strength, second, I have a famous teacher, and third, I have given you a chance."

Madman Chu said lightly, slowly falling back to the ground, raising his hand to **** the remains of the Shang clan saint on the ground into the gluttonous space for refining.

The spiritual power that had been consumed by the battle against the saint is quickly recovering.

"Now, do you commit suicide and apologize, or do you want me to do it myself?!" Chu Madman looked at the Shang clan chief.

"you you……"

The patriarch of the Shang clan trembled with anger, and saw him slap a palm at Chu Madman, then turned and fled towards the distance.

Madman Chu lightly shattered the opponent as an attack. Looking at the opponent's escape, he shook his head, "Stupid."

He can kill even the saints of the Shang clan The cultivation of the clan chief of the Shang clan is nothing but the supreme supreme. In the eyes of others, he may be extremely powerful, but in front of him, there is no room to escape.

However, before he could do anything, a few elders of the Shang clan looked at each other and shot out, stopping the patriarch of the Shang clan!

"Patriarch, you can't go!"

"You are gone, what can we do?!"

"For the merchant, please sacrifice!"

Several elders of the Shang clan stopped the Shang clan chief and said.

"Reverse, reverse, you traitors!!"

Seeing this, the patriarch of the Shang clan turned blue with anger, and at the same time a strong sorrow welled up in his heart.

He didn't expect that before he died in the hands of Madman Chu, he would be driven into desperation by his tribe!

(End of this chapter)

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