I was so happy that I was stubborn, I wanted to say something, but I didn't dare to say it.

   Hong Qingsheng's stern eyes swept across his happy face: "It seems that you are still dissatisfied. I brought you out and I recommended you to come here as the team leader. However, if you are not up to date, who can you blame?"

   Happy to stop speaking, his bitter gaze swept away from the stage, and then fixed on Leng Chengyu's body.

   Leng Chengyu has been looking at the stage, and at this moment, seeing that all his eyes are swept down, he feels extremely cold.

On the host stage, Hong Qingsheng continued: "I interceded with the above. After you remove your position as team leader this time, you will be allowed to be a member of my squadron for a period of time. If you perform well in the future, There is still a chance for promotion."

   At this time, the happy gaze turned back to Hong Qingsheng's face.

   Hong Qingsheng looked happy, and then asked, "Do you accept this arrangement?"

   said happily: "I took it."

Seeing that Xingquan had been persuaded, Hong Qingsheng turned his head and looked at the students in the trial, and said, "The students who come here for the trial are all from Fuyang No. 1 High School, right? I was also from Fuyang No. 1 High School. I came out, my name is Hong Qingsheng, I wonder if you have heard of this name?"

   Now, although Hong Qingsheng’s expression has eased a bit, although it is not so serious, the students below still dare not say a word.

   Hong Qingsheng asked again: "Have you heard of me?"

   At this time, the students below dared to answer in a low voice.

"heard about it."

   "Of course I have heard of it."

   "Master Hong is a role model for us to follow."

Hong Qingsheng said again: "Very good. Since everyone knows me, you should also know that I am now the captain of the defense line station in Xicheng District, Fuyang City. I hope that after the trial, some of you will be qualified to be a member of my squadron. "

   After speaking for a while to encourage the students, Hong Qingsheng left with joy.

   After the meeting, all the students breathed a sigh of relief.

   "I was so stressed in front of Senior Hong just now!"

   "Yes, I don't dare to catch my breath."

   "Our seniors are too good. It would be nice if we could join his team."

   "Don't think about it, I heard that his team is very demanding."

   Hong Qingsheng left, and the students also dismissed the meeting, but after the meeting, many students still talked about Hong Qingsheng unfinishedly.

   And Leng Chengyu went to Fan Zhong and asked Fan Zhong if he could now take on the task of solving the water ghost boss.

  Because I am happy, I have been dismissed, and Fan Zhong is now the acting team leader. As long as Fan Zhong agrees, no one will object to the task.

   Therefore, Leng Chengyu finally successfully took the task of solving the water ghost boss.

   Upon receiving this task, Leng Chengyu immediately went to the Yuanzhong Lake in Shihu Park, where the head of the water ghost was located.

   came to Shihu Park, because Shihu Park has been closed and there are no tourists.

   So, when he walked into Shihu Park, Leng Chengyu saw dilapidated leaves everywhere.

   Leng Chengyu stepped on the road covered with rotten leaves and headed directly to the Yuanzhong Lake in Shihu Park.

   The lake in the garden is very large, with a radius of several hundred meters. Looking at it, the calm and blue lake is so charming.

  Before, when this lake was not haunted by water ghosts, there were a lot of tourists.

   But, besides the water, there are no boats or people on this lake now.

   Leng Chengyu stood on the shore of the lake and observed the lake for a long time, but he did not see anything unusual about the lake.

   This lake is not popular just because there is no one to visit it.

   Now, in the empty lake and the entire empty park, there is only Leng Chengyu alone.


   Suddenly, a strange noise came from behind Leng Chengyu.

   Leng Chengyu looked back, because this park has more rocks and artificial hills.

   Therefore, when Leng Chengyu looked over, he didn't know where the strange sound came from.

  At this moment, since there is no one in the park, when Leng Chengyu looks at the rockery, he feels like piles of tombs.

   Leng Chengyu couldn't help feeling a chill in his back.

   He shook his head.

   Why am I afraid of this imaginary grave? This is a world of horror resurrection. There are many ghosts, and there is a ghost in the space of his arm tattoo. He is a ghost defender. What is there to be afraid of?

   If you are afraid, unless it is an invisible ghost here.

   Thinking of the invisible ghost, Leng Chengyu's eyes only carefully searched for the strange rocks and rockery behind him.

   However, no trace of the invisible ghost was seen, and no abnormal sounds continued to be heard.

   It seems that you have to get into the lake quickly and earn enough 2,000 grants as fun.

   Otherwise, all day long, I would worry about the invisible ghost being nearby, and then suddenly I would be attached to myself, and when I fell asleep at night, I would come out to inhale Yang.

   Such a worry would make Leng Chengyu dare not go to bed all night. He was afraid that when he fell asleep, he would be sucked by the invisible ghost and become a corpse without knowing it.

Leng Chengyu used the ghost spirits who helped other students in the Leyang bar to help the ghosts as a bonus, and exchanged them for a water-repelling bead in the system mall~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When a thought is moved, the water-repelling bead appears. In Leng Chengyu's hands.

   This water-repellent bead is as big as a thumb, and the color is bright red, as bright as blood.

   It smells a bit fishy.

   Just like this water-repellent bead is pinched with blood, it makes people want to gag before they can eat it.

   However, Leng Chengyu still closed his eyes, put the water-repellent bead into his mouth, and swallowed it forcefully into his stomach.

   His throat was stuck with a water-repellent bead the size of a thumb. After a little itching, Leng Chengyu finally swallowed the water-repellent smoothly.

   After eating the water droplets, Leng Chengyu did not feel any discomfort, nor did he feel any strength gained.

   It seems that only by entering the water can I know if this water-repelling bead has any effect.

   Leng Chengyu put his feet into the water first, and the cold lake water made Leng Chengyu unable to help but fight a cold war.

   However, Leng Chengyu slowly waded his whole body into the water.

   The water on the shore of the lake is not very deep, it only reaches the neck.

   Stepping on the mud at the bottom of the lake, Leng Chengyu continued to walk towards the center of the lake.

  The water from the lake finally reached his mouth and his nose. Leng Chengyu was still wondering if it would be poured into his nose.

   At this time, Leng Chengyu found that he could breathe smoothly when the water was under his nose.

   In other words, his nostrils are already immersed in the water, and he can still breathe.

   This water bead is really useful.

   Leng Chengyu squatted down, and his entire head did not enter the lake.


   Leng Chengyu discovered that after immersing his head in the lake water, his eyes could still see things without any discomfort.


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