Leng Chengyu continued to walk into the depths of the lake, and his whole body was also immersed in the lake.

   However, breathing and seeing things can be as usual on the ground.

   However, when looking at things in this lake, the surrounding area is blue.

   And if he looks at the lake, he can also see things on the lake, even the sun in the sky.

   It’s just that the things on the lake don’t look as blue as they are in the water.

   The surface of the lake is like an interface, the inside of the lake is dark blue, and the outside of the lake is light blue.

   Unexpectedly, the effect of avoiding water droplets is such that it can really make people walk on the ground in the lake.

   After feeling the effect of avoiding water drops, Leng Chengyu began to look for water ghosts in the lake.

   However, when he looked into the lake, he didn't see any ghosts.

   What he saw in his eyes was lake water, small fishes that occasionally swim over, and water plants growing at the bottom of the lake. Apart from that, he didn't see anything.

   "Huh? What's that in front?"

   Leng Chengyu discovered that there was a withered yellow thing between the green water plants, which was very conspicuous.

   This withered yellow thing is long, like a withered bone after a human hand rots.

   "Human bones?"

   "Why is there such a thing in this lake?"

   "Didn't the bodies of tourists who were drowned here before have been picked up?"

   "This is impossible."

   "Or is it a water ghost?"

   "This is too possible."

   Because Leng Chengyu has been walking in the bottom of the lake for so long, but he has not seen a water ghost.

   And it was introduced in the mission that there are a lot of water ghosts in this lake.

   Leng Chengyu suddenly became nervous.

   He slowed down, and slowly walked over to the yellow thing.

   Leng Chengyu stared closely at the thing that was covered by aquatic plants, showing only a little bit of withered yellow, and approached him.

   Suddenly, this thing moved, and Leng Chengyu's footsteps suddenly stopped.

   Leng Chengyu worried that this was an arm of the water ghost, and then suddenly stretched out to him and grabbed him.

   But I took a closer look and found that it was a fish that arched the yellowish thing, which made the yellowish thing move.

   Knowing that it was just a fish that made the yellow thing move, Leng Chengyu touched his bouncing chest, calmed his mind, and finally plucked up the courage to move forward.

   Actually, Leng Chengyu also wanted to take out Guan Gong's knife to embolden himself.

   However, he was afraid of scaring the water ghosts in the bottom of the lake. The water ghosts were scared away, so he couldn't earn the value of helping the ghosts.

   Therefore, if you want to take Guan Gong's knife out, you will only take it out unless you are attacked by a water ghost and your life is threatened.

   Otherwise, Leng Chengyu still wants to make a gesture of kindness and come to meet these water ghosts for a while.

   Leng Chengyu walked over empty-handed, gently pushed aside the waterweed, and found that the withered yellow thing was nothing but a boat's oar.

   This oar is immersed in the water, most of it has rotted.

   is probably left by the boat sinking at the bottom of the lake after the tourists who were playing on the lake capsized.

  Since this is the place where tourists overturned the boat, it is very likely that there are water ghosts here.

   However, Leng Chengyu did not find any traces of water ghosts.

   Leng Chengyu bent down and reached out to pick up the rotted ship's oar.

   When Leng Chengyu's hand just touched the oar, suddenly a bright light flashed into Leng Chengyu's eyes.

   "Where does the light come from?"

   Leng Chengyu yanked, he quickly retracted his hand.

   The light seemed to flash from a distance.

   Leng Chengyu stood up straight, looked up, did not see the imaginary water ghost.

   What Leng Chengyu saw was that there were two faint bright spots in the lake far away, and the light should have flashed from there.

   "Since there is light, will there be water ghosts?"

   Leng Chengyu swam over there.

   Bright light seems to be approaching Leng Chengyu too.

   The distance between Leng Chengyu and Bright Light is getting closer and closer.

   Leng Chengyu discovered that the two bright lights looked like two white paper lanterns. In the blue lake, they exuded white light, which contrasted sharply with the blue lake.

   Leng Chengyu thought, wouldn't it be the water ghost carrying the lantern.

   If the water ghost is not carrying the lantern, how can the lantern move by itself?

   Now that the suspicious traces of the water ghost have been found, of course Leng Chengyu continued to move towards the two white paper lanterns.

   Soon, the distance between Leng Chengyu and the two lanterns was less than 10 meters.

   Leng Chengyu saw clearly that the two lanterns were not carried by the water ghost, but moved by themselves.

   This is strange.

  How can the lantern move by itself?

   Is there a water ghost carrying a lantern but I can’t see the water ghost?

   Suddenly, the lantern went out.

   The lantern just went out for a while, then suddenly came back on.

   Leng Chengyu felt that the way the lantern went out and lit up was very strange, like a person with wide eyes suddenly closing his eyes and then opening his eyes again.


   Leng Chengyu looked at it, the lantern is round and looks really like eyes.

   Leng Chengyu approached and took a closer look, and suddenly found that there was really an outline of a human face beside the two lanterns.

   This face is very big, the color is the same blue as the lake.

   And the position of these two lanterns is just at the position of the eyeballs of this human face.

The distance between    and the two lanterns is less than 5 meters~www.wuxiaspot.com~Leng Chengyu finally sees clearly.

   These two lanterns are the two eyes of this face.

   The blue of this human face is mixed with the blue of the lake water. When you look at it from a distance, you can't see it clearly.

   Leng Chengyu continued to look closely, and found that there were neck, body and limbs under the face.

   The body under the face is also blue, which is confused with the blue of the lake.

   If he doesn't move, he can't tell it at all, but Leng Chengyu can see it as soon as he moves.

   This is a blue giant!

   The blue head is bigger than the table, and the long hair combed behind his head is blue.

   Except for the white eyes, the rest of the body is blue.

   The blue arms and legs are also very strong, and the blue body is stronger than a cow.

   The height of this blue giant is probably more than ten meters high.

   Approaching the blue giant, Leng Chengyu also discovered that when the blue giant’s feet stepped on the water plants, the water plants and the silt at the bottom of the lake would sink deeply.

   It seems that the strength is very large.

   Is he the leader of the water ghost?

   Leng Chengyu couldn't help feeling a chill in his back.

  According to the introduction in the mission, most of the water ghosts in this lake are good ghosts, but the leader of the water ghost is evil.

   There are many ship capsizing incidents, all caused by this water ghost leader.

  In other words, this water ghost leader will kill at any time.

   And Leng Chengyu is now less than five meters away from the blue giant.

   If the blue giant is the leader of the water ghost, he can slap Leng Chengyu with a slap.

   It can be said that Leng Chengyu is in danger now.


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