"Are you stuck here?"

   Leng Chengyu wondered whether it was because the ghost of Huzhong Village refused to accept a little girl ghost to take care of him, so he sank the little girl ghost into the well and got trapped here.

   "Please help me out!"

   The little girl ghost said pitifully.

   "I asked Big Blue Giant to bring you here, just to let you save me."

   "Really? That's true, but..."

   Leng Chengyu still feels something wrong.

   Just now, when the blue giant suddenly pushed him down, he said that the leader wanted to punish him.

   Now the little girl ghost who claims to be the leader said, let him save her.

   Isn’t this a contradiction with each other?

   Leng Chengyu suddenly became alert.

   Leng Chengyu can't figure out if this girl is really trapped here, and really wants him to save it.

   Leng Chengyu asked: "How do you want me to save you?"

   The little girl giggled.

   The laughter is very oozing.

   Leng Chengyu couldn't help taking a step back.

   But the little girl just laughed there and never answered.

   Leng Chengyu didn't know what the little girl meant, so he asked, "What are you laughing at?"

   The little girl stopped laughing and said, "Are you really willing to save me?"

   Leng Chengyu said: "It depends on how to save it. I fell into the well now, and it is hard to protect myself. The wall of the well is so smooth that I can't get out."

   The little girl smiled and said, "You can save me without going out."

   Leng Chengyu is puzzled, how can I save you if I don’t go out? This well is so high, even if I put you on my shoulders, you can't climb out. "

   Leng Chengyu thinks about it again, no, this little girl is a ghost that can fly out, she doesn't have to climb at all.

   The little girl is trapped here. She must be bound by something, and wants Leng Chengyu, a human being, to take this thing away or get rid of it.

   As a ghost, there is no way for this thing, only human beings can do it, so, I will not hesitate to let Leng Chengyu come here.

   Is it because of this reason?

   Leng Chengyu asked: "Then how do you want me to save you? Tell me, as long as I can save you, I will definitely save you."

   At present, Leng Chengyu doesn't know if this little girl who claims to be the leader is the leader of the water ghost mentioned in the mission.

   However, she was naturally trapped here, and she was also drawn here, and she was trapped here.

   If you save this little girl, you can get out of the well and get out of the well.

   Even if the little girl is the leader of the water ghost, Leng Chengyu can deal with the leader of the water ghost outside without being trapped here.

   The little girl ghost suddenly asked in a serious voice: "I ask if you want it?"

   Leng Chengyu was puzzled. Didn’t he already say it just now, the meaning is already very clear, doesn’t what he said just now means he is willing?

   Seeing the little girl quietly waiting for him to answer.

   Leng Chengyu had to say directly: "I am willing."

   At this time, the little girl smiled again, and said while smiling: "You can do it yourself. I didn't force you, so don't regret it."

   The little girl smiled very happily, but she was also very lame, she didn't know what she was thinking in her heart.

  Since she was trapped in this well, someone came to rescue her and smiled happily, which is understandable, but Leng Chengyu felt that the little girl laughed too much, which was very strange.

   Leng Chengyu had to ask again: "Go ahead, how do you want me to save you?"

   The little girl giggled and said, "It's very simple, as long as you drown me in the well, I can be rescued."


   Leng Chengyu took another step back. Although he couldn't see it, he still raised his head vigilantly and looked in the direction of the sound.

   Listening to the sound, the little girl did not walk towards him, she was still in the original place, motionless, except for speaking.

   "What's so funny?" Leng Chengyu asked, "I was trapped in the well, and you were also trapped in the well. Neither of us can get out."

   "But you have already said that you are willing to save me." The little girl still smiled, "As long as some humans say that they are willing to save me, I can go out."

   Then, Leng Chengyu heard the little girl rushing to the surface of the water, and at the same time shouting out of the well: "Blue giant, throw the rope in, my curse is lifted."

   At this time, I heard the blue giant above the well throw a rope into the well, and the sound of falling into the water made Leng Chengyu imaginable. It was a rope.

   After the rope was thrown in, the little girl grabbed the rope and shouted to the blue giant: "Pull me up."

   "It's not that easy, do you want to leave me in the well and trap me?"

   Leng Chengyu suddenly took out his evil whip from the storage space in his body, and at the same time he swam up the water. After swimming to the surface, he saw the appearance of the little girl.

   Although it is a little dark, it is still visible that she is indeed a little girl. At this moment, the little girl is grasping the rope, and the blue giant is pulling her up.

   "Want to go up? It's not that easy!"

   Leng Chengyu threw his whip at the girl ghost.


   The girl ghost was thrown by Leng Chengyu’s suffocating whip, UU reading www.uukanshu. com screamed.

   However, she continued to hold on to the rope, and at the same time shouted to the blue giant outside the well: "Quick! Pull me up!"

   The blue giant pulled up the rope forcefully.

   How could Leng Chengyu let the girl ghost leave so easily.

   The girl ghost left, then Leng Chengyu will be trapped here to die.

   He continued to throw the whip at the girl ghost.

   The girl ghost screamed again with "Ah".

   This time it might be because it was too painful. She couldn't help but let go of her hand holding the rope and fell into the water.

   Leng Cheng Yuma went upstream and used his whip to tie the girl ghost.

   This suffocating whip can restrain the girl's ghost's power. It doesn't take much effort that Leng Chengyu tied the girl's ghost.

   The girl ghost was **** and she shed tears: "You killed me! Do you know you killed me!"

   actually started crying loudly.

   "You are the one who killed me first." Leng Chengyu said.

   "But you said you were willing to die for me, you didn't believe it!"

   The girl ghost cried very sad, staring at Leng Chengyu with spiteful eyes, and Leng Chengyu couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

   "You don't have to resent me so much, we could have gone up together, but you went up alone, wanting to keep me trapped here."

   "If you don't die for me, I can't get out at all, and the leader won't let me out. I'm done, but before my soul is gone, I will also find a cushion."

   said, this girl ghost actually hit Leng Chengyu with her head.

   "Didn't you say that you are the leader? Why? You are not the leader?"


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