When Leng Chengyu wondered how this little girl ghost could not be the leader, the sky suddenly became gray.

   There are no trees in the air above the well, but a shadow like the shadow of a tree slowly moves towards the surface of the water under the well.

   This shadow is very heavy.

   As the shadow slowly moved from the wall of the well to the surface of the water, the water in the well suddenly became even colder, like a sudden snow and ice, making Leng Chengyu feel bitterly cold.

   Leng Chengyu dodges the girl ghost who hit him, and looks at the moving shadow in surprise.

   And the girl ghost looked at the shadow in horror, her body trembling.

   Suddenly, this group of shadows quickly separated into two halves, turned into two shadow claws, and surrounded the girl ghost and Leng Chengyu respectively.

   The girl ghost shouted in horror: "Boss, don't kill me!"

   And Leng Chengyu took out Guan Gong's broadsword from the storage space and slashed at the Shadow Claw that was grabbed at him.

   The shadow claw felt the golden light smashed past, and hurriedly retracted back, not daring to hold on to Leng Chengyu again.

   However, the girl ghost was not so lucky, and was completely caught by Shadowclaw.

   Shadow claws, which are bigger than a human body, wrap the girl’s ghost like a silkworm egg.

   The girl ghost struggled and shouted inside, but it was useless at all.

   After a while, the shadow claws opened, and the girl ghost was no longer visible, turned into a white gas, and was sucked into the shadow claws.

   The whip that tied the girl's ghost before is floating on the water.

   Leng Chengyu hurriedly swam over, took the long whip back, and at the same time slashed at Yingclaw with the Guan Gong knife.

The Shadow Claw did not collide with Leng Chengyu’s Guan Gong knife, but retracted it and returned to the well. Then, the two Shadow Claws slowly merged, becoming bigger and becoming a tent, sealing the mouth of the well. .

   There is darkness below the well.

   "Is this going to trap me?"

   Leng Chengyu wanted to use the Guan Gong knife to continue cutting the shadow, but the shadow was too high to cut.

   Even if Leng Chengyu used a long whip to smoke the shadow, he still couldn't.

   Leng Chengyu's whip couldn't reach the position of the well.

   Darkness enveloped the entire well, and in front of Leng Chengyu, he couldn't see his fingers.

   Leng Chengyu, he can't be trapped here.

   He originally wanted to come here to solve the boss of the water ghost, and at the same time, he also wanted to make a lot of money to help the ghost.

   When he first entered the lake, Leng Chengyu searched the lake for a long time, but did not find a ghost.

   Later, after the blue giant ghost suddenly appeared, he made a fortune from the blue giant ghost.

   He was too happy at the time and believed too much in the blue giant ghost, so he followed the blue giant ghost into the lake village to meet the leader.

   His purpose is also to earn a good value in helping ghosts in the village. At the same time, he also wants to confirm whether the leader is the boss of the water ghost, so as to take the opportunity to solve the boss of the water ghost.

   After all, in the task introduction column, the level of the water ghost boss is only the 9th level of the white ordinary ghost. He can solve it with a long whip, not to mention that he is also related to the big sword.

   But, who knows, after coming to this lake village, not only the ghosts in the village avoid him, but the blue giant ghosts are also capricious. After bringing him to the side of the well, they actually pushed him into the well.

   pushed into the well and met a little girl ghost. The little girl ghost first said that she was the leader, but she wanted to drown him here.

   After the little girl ghost was subdued, shadow claws suddenly appeared again, which squeezed the little girl ghost away.

   Although he used the Guan Gong knife to drive away Shadowclaw, Shadowclaw sealed the well, making him trapped here.

   Recalling the whole process, Leng Chengyu felt that he was too careless in order to earn a helping hand for the ghost, which led to the current situation and made him very passive.

   And just now I heard the little girl yelled "the leader" before the ghost and soul flew away.

   Is this shadow claw the leader?

   And when Leng Chengyu used Guan Gong knife to cut Shadow Claw, Shadow Claw was also very afraid of Guan Gong knife.

   Leng Chengyu guessed that the level of this leader must be lower than the sixth level of the black evil ghost.

  Leng Chengyu is not afraid if he confronts this Shadowclaw leader head-on.

   But, now that Shadowclaw is trapped in this well, he can't get out and can't get out. Leng Chengyu didn't know what to do for a while.

   Leng Chengyu quickly called for the girl ghost in the arm tattoo space.

   want the girl ghost to fly him to the well.

   However, the girl ghost fell asleep after being slapped by the invisible ghost in the Leyang bar. She has not woken up, and she has not yet woken up. No matter how Leng Chengyu calls, she can't wake up.

How to do? Trapped in the well now?

  Although there are water droplets and will not be drowned by well water, if he is trapped for a few days, Leng Chengyu will also starve to death.

   can't just sit and wait for death.

   The wall of the well is too slippery to climb out, so use a Guan Gong knife to cut out pits.

   Leng Chengyu tried to use the Guan Gong knife to chop on the well wall.

  Sure enough, the Guan Gong knife can cut through the well wall.

   As soon as the Guan Gong knife was cut down, a large hole was damaged in the well wall.

   Leng Chengyu went on to cut another hole a little higher.

   Then, Leng Chengyu jumped from the water to the top of the pit, and then went on to cut out another pit.

  Although, the pit is only the size of a washbasin, and the person standing on the pit is not very stable. When jumping up to cut another pit, Leng Chengyu will fall into the water again due to unstable standing ~www.wuxiaspot.com~.

   But it’s okay, Leng Chengyu has water drops, and it’s okay for him to fall into the water.

   As long as the new hole can be cut out, it is considered a success.

   Leng Chengyu climbed up the cut hole, and then continued to cut the hole higher.

When    was cutting, Leng Chengyu would fall into the water again, but the pit was still cut out by him.

   Just like this, Leng Chengyu kept climbing up one pit one by one, and then cut out one pit one by one.

   After unremitting efforts, Leng Chengyu was finally able to climb to the well wall, and his Guan Gong knife was getting closer and closer to the shadow covering the well wall.

   Although he was constantly falling into the well, he kept climbing up in this dim well.

   It is not always possible to climb up successfully, which makes Leng Chengyu feel very tired.

   However, Leng Chengyu still did not give up.

   His Guan Gong knife can finally cut the shadow that covers the well.

   After being hit by the Guan Gong knife, the shadow had to leave to escape.

   The well will suddenly become brighter.

   At the same time, the sky suddenly became extremely dazzling.

   Leng Chengyu took the opportunity to jump outside the well.

   However, the dazzling light made Leng Chengyu have to close his eyes.

   Leng Chengyu wondered if it was because the darkness suddenly became bright, and his eyes were difficult to adapt, so the sky became so dazzling.

   Leng Chengyu closed his eyes, feeling that he has adapted, so he opened his eyes.

   At this time, Leng Chengyu found that the scene before him had changed.

   He saw that the well and the entire courtyard had disappeared, and he was standing in a room.

   And in front of him, there was a black coffin.

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