In front of the black coffin, a few candles were burning, illuminating the black and white photo sticking to the front of the coffin.

   When I first looked at it, Leng Chengyu hadn't noticed anything abnormal. This photo was just a very ordinary posthumous photo.

   But when Leng Chengyu continued to look around, he couldn't help his pupils shrinking.

   "Eyes are bleeding?"

   "The eyes in the photo actually ooze blood?"

   "And it's still oozing blood, not the kind of blood that has blood stains on the corners of the eyes when taking pictures."

   Leng Chengyu was really frightened, his hand holding Guan Gong's knife became tighter, and at the same time, his feet kept moving back.

When    stepped back, he accidentally hit the threshold.

   Fortunately, I didn't fall over.

   finally got out of the house, and when he looked inside, under the candlelight, the photo of the dead body in front of the coffin not only leaked blood from his eyes, but the corners of his mouth also evoked a strange arc.

  He is smiling.

   He stared at Leng Chengyu.

   is laughing.

   Leng Chengyu stepped back a long way, and then he calmed his mind.

   "What are you afraid of? I am a ghost defender. There is a girl ghost in his arm tattoo, and he holds a large sword in his hand. This is a level 6 killer that can kill the black evil ghost."

   "Even if there are ghosts in the house, what are you afraid of?"

   "Isn't it just the eyes bleeding out a little? Isn't it just a weird smile on the corner of the mouth? Isn't it just the eyes staring at it?"

   "I'm not afraid of Leng Chengyu!"

   "Just watch a ghost movie."

   "Can he harm me? If he comes out to harm me, I have a public knife in hand, and I am still afraid of him?"

   After Leng Chengyu stepped back a few meters, he finally stood still, his eyes staring at the photo unblinkingly.

   "You stare at me?"

   "Okay, then I will stare at you too."

   "Look who is afraid of whom?"

   Not to mention, after staring at each other with Leng Chengyu for a while, the eyes in the photo no longer ooze blood, and the corners of the mouth no longer show the weird smile, and they have returned to the normal ordinary photos before.

   "Huh! Fight with me?"

   "I am a ghost defender, am I afraid of you?"

   "Unless you have the level 8 strength of the black evil ghost like the invisible ghost!"

   "Otherwise, ordinary ghosts, I won't be afraid."

   After staring back at the aura of the photo, Leng Chengyu turned his attention away and took a look at the house.

   After he came up from that well, the scene suddenly changed to what it is now, he didn't know why.

   So he has to look around to see what's going on, and see if there is any danger waiting for him around, so he can deal with it.

   Holding the Guan Gong knife in his hand, Leng Chengyu scanned the outside of the house.

   Leng Chengyu saw that the architectural style of this house resembled a temple, and there was a plaque on the door that read "Huzhong Village Ancestral Hall".

   "Huzhong Village Ancestral Hall?"

   "So I came to the ancestral hall of Huzhong Village."

   Leng Chengyu continued to turn his head and look around.

   In addition to this temple-like house in this ancestral hall, there is also a high wall surrounding the house.

   Inside the wall is a very wide flat ground.

   This flat land seems to be the place where the villagers of the lake village placed sacrifices during the sacrifice, and where they stood during the worship.


   Just as Leng Chengyu was observing the surroundings, a sound that sounded like something was dragging on the ground suddenly came from behind him.

   This voice is very loud in this silent ancestral hall.

   Leng Chengyu looked back, a look of astonishment suddenly appeared on his face.

  The first thing that caught Leng Chengyu's eyes was the long hair.

   There is a mutilated body behind the long hair.

   Both legs of this body are gone.

   The most shocking thing is that there are oozing bones on the cross-sections of the two legs. There is blood on the bones. The **** bones drag on the ground, leaving a long bloodstain, extending to the gate of the wall.

   "Who are you? What's wrong with you?"

   Leng Chengyu couldn't help but ask in surprise.

   The man who crawled in with his mutilated body and covered his face with long hair finally raised his head.

   her hair opened, revealing her beautiful face.

   Leng Chengyu couldn't help sighing in his heart.

   It's a pity, the legs of such a beautiful girl...

   While Leng Chengyu was sighing, the mouth of that beautiful face opened.

   She wants to talk.

   She wants to speak hard with a voice.

   But, I don’t know why, her mouth split open.

   Besides, she was still speechless.

   However, she still works very hard.

   At the beginning, she made an "Ahhhhh" sound in her mouth, and couldn't hear what she was talking about.

   As she tried to speak with her mouth wide open, her beautiful face began to change.

   The face began to swell.

  'S originally beautiful face, after swelling, became a bit unbearable to witness.

   Look a few more times, I'm afraid I will vomit.

  Because of the swelling of the face, it is like being immersed in water for a long time, and then it becomes white and swollen. It seems to be full of water stains and it is very shiny.

   The whole face was pale, shiny and swollen.

   And because of the swelling of the face, the mouth did not become smaller, but rather cracked larger.

   "If you can't talk, you still don't want to talk."

  Leng Chengyu couldn't help but stop when she looked at her trying to transform herself.

   But at this time, the girl was finally able to speak clearly.

   She said, "I came to the ancestral hall for a meeting, and the leader ordered us to come to the ancestral hall for a meeting right so I came."

After    said this long sentence, the girl began to gasp.

   What happened to this girl?

  Although Leng Chengyu looked at the girl's face and felt sick, he still felt very admired.

   It seems that the girl is enduring great pain in her heart, but she is very strong.

  Leng Chengyu can see this from the look in the girl's eyes and her effort to speak.

   At this moment, Leng Chengyu felt that the girl didn't look so sick anymore.

   instead, she felt that the girl had not only a beautiful face, but also a beautiful heart.

   It's just her legs, her mouth that splits when she speaks, and her swollen face.

   Leng Chengyu couldn't help but wonder how she became like this.

   "How did your body and your face become like this?"

   Although he couldn't bear to expose others' scars, Leng Chengyu couldn't help but ask.

   The girl said: "I am the ghost of the Lake Village. I was drowned. My face was swollen with water. My legs were clipped by the boat when it capsized."

When    said this, the girl's eyes couldn't help but tears.

   However, as soon as the girl said this sentence, suddenly, the girl's eyes became frightened again, and then the whole face was scared from swelling and shrunk back, turning back into a beautiful face.

   However, there are horrified eyes on the beautiful face.

   Then, the girl lowered her head, and her long hair covered her entire face.

  What did the girl see? Make her so scared?

   Leng Chengyu followed the girl's previous eyes and turned to look over.


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