As if to fulfill the words of the blue giant, the invisible ghost floating on the lake suddenly stopped beating his stomach with his hands, but constantly beating his head.

   It can be seen that the invisible ghost should no longer have a pain in his stomach, and it is his turn to have a headache.

   The invisible ghost has a terrible headache, even if he keeps beating his head with his hands, he still cannot relieve his pain.

   He was so painful that his whole body got into the water with a "boom", and then got out of the water with a "crash" and floated above the water.

   But when I was floating on the water, I was lying on my back.

   lie on his back and still feel uncomfortable, and then turn his body over again and lie on his side.

   However, he only lay on his side for less than a second, then turned over and lay on his back.

   The painful appearance of the invisible ghost is like the kind of tossing about when you can't sleep in the bed.

   and more intense and irritable than that situation, just like the fast-forward mode of that situation.

   tossed over and over for a while, and didn't feel comfortable, then jumped into the water "boom" again.

After    jumped into the water, water came out soon again.

After    came out, it floated above the water again, and tossed again.

   That's it, repeated back and forth.

  Looking at the invisible ghost like this, anyone can see that the invisible ghost can be said to be painful to the extreme.

   Leng Chengyu held the Guan Gong knife in his hand by the bank and watched vigilantly.

   and the blue giant was sitting on the ground, looking at him jokingly.

   Suddenly, the invisible ghost stood up.

   After he got a headache, he either plunged into the water or lay on the surface of the water.

   But now, he stood up straight and floated above the water as before.

   And he doesn't cover his stomach anymore, he doesn't beat his head anymore.

   Seeing this, Leng Chengyu couldn't help asking the blue giant strangely: "What's the matter? Is he alright?"

The blue giant also stared at the invisible ghost who stood up suddenly, and said: "No, my leader is not like this. After the leader has a headache, he will go crazy. When he is crazy, he will throw things and throw things indiscriminately. Tired of tossing, and without the strength, he fell into a coma. But why is he standing quietly now, shouldn't he?"

   "Ah! Look, what is the dark thing that pops up all over his body?"

  While the blue giant was talking, Leng Chengyu discovered an abnormality in the invisible ghost again.

   Some black things appeared on the invisible ghost, which looked like black air, but not black air.

  Because of the black air coming out, it should be rising continuously.

   However, after these black things emerged from the invisible ghost, they seemed to stick to the invisible ghost.

   is like something sticky sticking to the invisible ghost, and then pulled out by some force, but it can't be pulled away from the invisible ghost's body.

   At this time, the black thing, sticky, wrapped the entire body of the invisible ghost.

   The invisible ghost at this moment is like being trapped in a thick black plastic bag.

   However, through this black thing, I can vaguely see the invisible ghost again.

   "It's the shadow!"

   also fixedly looked at the abnormal blue giant on the invisible ghost, and suddenly judged.

"Our leader’s skill is to shoot out shadows from his body and turn into shadow claws to attack others. Now these black things emerging from his body are very similar to when the leader cast shadows, but it seems a bit wrong. ..."

   Although the Blue Giant made a judgment, he still had some doubts.

   And Leng Chengyu, under the reminder of the blue giant, also carefully looked at the black sticky things that appeared up and down the invisible ghost.

   Leng Chengyu feels that these things can indeed be said to be shadows.

   However, this shadow is very heavy, unlike the shadows that ordinary sunlight shining on the human body, it is like splashing thick ink on the shadows.

   Therefore, Leng Chengyu didn't think about the shadow for a while, and now he feels alike when reminded by the blue giant.

   Suddenly, a thick sticky shadow emerged from the invisible ghost's body and began to stretch and expand outside the invisible ghost's body.

   And it stretched very fast, like the invisible ghost was caught by a net, and then the invisible ghost hit the net with his fist inside, trying to tear the net.

   And the slimy shadows on the invisible ghost, like being pulled by this kind of force, continue to stretch out.

   The force of pulling outward is very large, and the shadow is stretched very long.

   was only stretched to be a little longer than the height of the invisible ghost's body at first, but later, it was even longer than the total height of several bodies of the invisible ghost.

   And this group of black shadows that completely envelop the invisible ghost are not elongated in one place, but elongated in many places, as if there are many long fists stretching out inside.

   Looking at the strange changes in the invisible ghost, Leng Chengyu couldn't help asking, "What happened to the invisible ghost?"

The blue giant said: "I don't know too well. The shadow emerging from him now looks like the leader when he cast shadow claws. However, when the leader cast shadow claws, it was not like him at all. Instead, the shadow slowly separated into two shadow claws.

   And, wherever the leader wants these two shadow claws to go, the two shadow claws go wherever they go.

   But now you see these shadows emerging from him, it seems that he is not under his control at all. "

Concentrating his eyebrows for a The blue giant suddenly raised his head and said, "Is it because he swallowed the leader, so he was backlashed by the power of the leader? Yes, it should be like this. When the leader swallows the villagers, Sometimes he will be backlashed by the power of a certain villager, and he should be backlashed by the power of the leader now."

   Leng Chengyu listened to the words of the blue giant and looked at the invisible ghost again.

   Through the thick black shadow, Leng Chengyu saw that the facial expression of the invisible ghost was indeed very painful. The invisible ghost seemed to try hard to pull the elongated shadow back into his body.

   However, these shadows kept escaping uncontrollably from all parts of the invisible ghost's body.

   "Is it really backlashed by power? If that's the case, can I take the opportunity to go forward and chop him down?"

   Looking at the invisible ghost standing there, trying to pull the shadows running around back into his body, Leng Chengyu felt that if he went up to kill the invisible ghost, the invisible ghost should not be able to avoid it because of the shadow.

"better not!"

After listening to Leng Chengyu's words, the blue giant stopped and said: "He is now being backlashed by power. If you go forward rashly, the backlashing power may also hurt you. He is now being backlashed so badly by power. He should go mad soon, and after he goes mad, he will fall into a coma. You just have to wait until he is comatose and you can kill him whatever you want.

   Leng Chengyu thinks about it, too, if he goes forward now, those shadows that keep pulling out may also hurt him.

   Leng Chengyu had no choice but to stand there, waiting for the invisible ghost to go mad and unconscious.

   "Huh? What's the matter?"

   It didn't take long for Leng Chengyu to discover that the shadows of the invisible ghost pulling outwards seemed to be less powerful.


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