There were a few shadows on the invisible ghost that pulled out, which was very long.

   However, now there are only two shadows pulling out, and the pulling is not so long.

   has shrunk a little and went back.

   And the facial expression of the invisible ghost is no longer so painful, but has become hideous, and it seems that there is a ferocious aura brewing.

   This momentum was so powerful that Leng Chengyu couldn't help but grasped the Guan Gong knife in his hand again.

The invisible ghost who has been resisting the pain in his body and has not spoken all the time suddenly burst into laughter, and his hideous face became more hideous. Now he started to talk, and he seemed to be so excited that he wanted to share his joy in his heart. And have to say.

   "Hahaha... really unexpected! I swallowed this water ghost leader, not only healed his wounds, but also suddenly became stronger."

   "Has he become stronger?"

   The Guan Gong knife in Leng Chengyu's hand became tighter.

   And the blue giant also looked nervously at the invisible ghost, but he didn't believe that the invisible ghost became powerful so quickly.

   He said: "Impossible, after the leader swallows the villagers, it will take several days to digest the strength to increase a little. He can't become strong all at once, he should be falsely strong.

   Look at his shadow, but he has not been able to completely retract it, indicating that he is still under the influence of the leader's power.

   And he is so excited now, he should be going crazy, he will definitely be in a coma like a leader. "

In order to prove that what he said was right, the blue giant turned his head to look at Leng Chengyu, and added: "Yes, look at the shadow on his body, which is still stretching out. He can't control the power of the leader at all. You Look, his shadow has grown longer again."

   While the blue giant was still talking to Leng Chengyu, the invisible ghost glared at the blue giant, and laughed like crazy.

   "Hahaha...Can't I control the shadow? The shadow is elongated because I think you talk too much nonsense. I want to control the shadow and crush you in the past!"

   said, the elongated shadow on the invisible ghost quickly extended to the blue giant, then turned into a shadow claw, and grabbed the blue giant.

   The blue giant slumped on the ground, unable to dodge at all, and was immediately caught by Shadowclaw.

   The shadow claws quickly wrapped the blue giant, and then quickly tightened.


   Only heard the sound of a balloon being crushed, the blue giant disappeared from the shadow claw, then turned into a white gas, and was sucked into the shadow claw.

   "The blue giant was pinched to death?"

   "The invisible ghost has mastered the leader's shadow claw skills?"

   The shadow claw crushed the blue giant but in the blink of an eye, Leng Chengyu was stunned at this moment.

The invisible ghost crushed the blue giant to the point where the soul flew away, and after sucking the blue giant’s soul crystals, it controlled the shadow claws to move towards Leng Chengyu, and at the same time laughed grinningly: “Now it’s your turn, you can’t escape. Fall, now my strength has increased, and your knife has no effect on me!"

   Hearing the invisible ghost said that the knife has no effect on the invisible ghost, and seeing the fast moving shadow claw, no matter if the invisible ghost said what is true or not, Leng Chengyu didn't dare to take the risk, he turned around and ran forward.

   But, because of holding a Guan Gong knife, I can’t run fast.

   Leng Chengyu took the Guan Gong knife back into the storage space and ran forward empty-handed.

   Because Leng Chengyu took Zengli Pills and his strength became stronger, he ran very fast.

   He rushed out several tens of meters, but the shadow claws behind also moved very fast.

   Soon, it moved to Leng Chengyu's feet less than a foot.

   However, at this moment, Shadow Claw stopped suddenly.

   It turned out that the reason why Shadowclaw stopped was because the invisible ghost could not control Shadowclaw to leave the body too far.

   Although Shadow Claw could no longer move, Leng Chengyu ran forward lifelessly.

   He wants to stay away from the invisible ghost, the farther he can escape, the better.

The invisible ghost cannot continue to extend forward because of the shadow claw, and when he controls the shadow claw to extend forward, his body movement is restricted. He can't control the shadow claw to extend forward while flying over to chase Leng Chengyu. .

   Therefore, the invisible ghost had to take Shadowclaw back into his body before chasing Leng Chengyu.

When the Shadowclaw was retracted, the invisible ghost did not forget to shout at Leng Chengyu who was constantly running away: "You can't escape, you can only run forward with your feet, but I can fly in the air. , No matter how far you escape, you can't escape from the palm of my hand. You are dead today!"

   Hearing such arrogant words behind the invisible ghost, Leng Chengyu ran forward lifelessly and fast.

Because there are a lot of leaves on the road in this dilapidated park, when running forward, Leng Chengyu ran too fast and fell to the ground several times, but he quickly got up again and continued. Run forward.

   He didn't even dare to look back. He was afraid that when he looked back, it would affect his escape speed.

   He just ran forward lifelessly.

After    ran a few hundred meters forward, when he almost ran to the entrance of the park, Leng Chengyu dared to run forward and looked back.

   When Leng Chengyu looked back at, he didn't see the invisible ghost chasing him.

   Leng Chengyu felt very puzzled in his heart.

   "Aren't the invisible ghosts chasing you?"

   "That's not right, when I ran away, the invisible ghost still ranted a lot. I must die. How could I not chase me?"

   Leng Chengyu couldn't help slowing down, and then looked back carefully.

   However, there is still no invisible ghost.

   Regardless of whether he can see the invisible ghost, Leng Chengyu still decides to run out of the park first. It is best to run back to the Yuguizhe Office in Xicheng District.

   Otherwise, it is not safe for him to be alone.

   You know, invisible ghosts can be invisible, if invisible ghosts chase them incognito, it will be troublesome.

   And just as Leng Chengyu turned his head to quicken his pace and continue to run forward, he found that a shadow suddenly appeared under his feet.

   At first he thought it was his figure.

   However, this group of shadows quickly turned into shadow claws, entangled his feet, making his feet unable to move forward.

   Then, the shadow claw slowly spread to his body, wrapping it around his body.

When the shadow claw wrapped Leng Chengyu's body, the invisible ghost suddenly appeared a few meters in front of Leng Chengyu.

The invisible ghost sneered to Leng Chengyu: "I said, you can only run on the ground, but I can fly in the sky. You can't run away from me. Now you should believe my words? I told you. Die today, you must die today!"

   While talking, the invisible ghost controlled the shadow claws, slowly spreading over Leng Chengyu's body, trying to wrap Leng Chengyu's entire body.

   And the shadow claws that entangled Leng Chengyu's feet were so tight that Leng Chengyu's feet couldn't move at all, and he couldn't run even if he wanted to.


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