Leng Chengyu struggled desperately, trying to get rid of Shadow Claw, but it was useless at all. This Shadow Claw was too powerful.

   Leng Chengyu took out the Guan Gong knife from the storage space again, and wanted to use the Guan Gong knife to chop away the shadow claw.

   However, Guan Gong Knife does not work on Shadow Claw either.

   When the Guan Gong knife slashed the Shadow Claw on the ground, it was as if it hadn't cut it. Shadow Claw didn't react at all, and it continued to wrap Leng Chengyu's body continuously.

   As expected, the strength of this invisible ghost has increased.

   When the leader of Huzhong Village controlled Shadowclaw to wrap Leng Chengyu, Leng Chengyu used Guan Gong's knife to slash, Shadowclaw retreated immediately.

   But now, when Leng Chengyu uses the Guan Gong knife to chop the shadow claw controlled by the invisible ghost, it has no effect at all.

   It's useless to chop with a Guan Gong knife.

In this way, the shadow claws wrapped around Leng Chengyu’s body, and quickly spread from the legs to the abdomen, then to the chest and back, then the hands, then the neck, and finally the head, giving Leng Chengyu his entire body. It was wrapped, even the Guan Gong knife was wrapped in it.

Because Shadow Claw tightened Leng Chengyu’s body very tightly, and Guan Gong’s sword blocked it, not only did it have no effect on Shadow Claw, but it also knocked Leng Chengyu into Leng Chengyu’s body, causing pain in Leng Chengyu’s body. Yu had to move his mind and retracted the Guan Gong knife into the storage space in his body.

   Although the Guan Gong knife is wrapped around Leng Chengyu's body by Shadow Claw, it can still be retracted into the storage space.

   Now, Leng Chengyu has nothing on him.

   He pushed away the sticky and tough shadow claws that wrapped him like a black cloth, but couldn't push away at all.

   After the shadow claws wrapped Leng Chengyu's body, he tightened Leng Chengyu tighter and tighter.

First of all, Leng Chengyu’s legs were strangled together, and his hands were strangled with his elbows leaning against his chest because he pushed his shadow claws, his abdomen was also severely painful, and his chest was also strangled. I was very depressed.

   Even his neck was tightened, causing Leng Chengyu's throat to tighten, and a feeling of suffocation hit him in bursts.

   And the most terrifying thing is that Leng Chengyu's head was also strangled very tightly. If he continues to tighten, Leng Chengyu suspects that his head may be strangled.

   In short, every part of Leng Chengyu's entire body was tightened, and it seemed that he might be strangled at any time.

   Under this situation, Leng Chengyu was already powerless to struggle, and at the same time, his suffocation became more and more serious.

   not only suffocated, but Leng Chengyu discovered that he also had hallucinations.

   Through the tight black shadow claws, in the dim, Leng Chengyu saw that in front of him, there seemed to be a skeleton flying towards him.

   In front of him, there seems to be a bunch of hair flying towards him.

   This group of hair is also very strange, it looks like a human shape, and it is as tall as a human.

   The most terrifying thing is that the eyes, nose, mouth, and ears on the face of this hair are all made of hair, but it seems that bright red blood is constantly flowing out of it.

  The bright red blood flowing on the body of the black hair makes people feel very scary. If you see it in the dark night, the timid will definitely be scared to death.

   Leng Chengyu didn't know why he had such hallucinations.

   Moreover, this illusion is very realistic.

   One is a skeleton on the left and right, and the other is human-shaped hair. As they fly closer, Leng Chengyu sees more clearly.

   Not only that, when the skeleton flew towards Leng Chengyu, he also raised his pair of skeleton claws, just like Jiuyin white bone claws, and quickly grabbed Leng Chengyu.

   And the humanoid hair is even more terrifying.

   When the human-shaped hair approached Leng Chengyu, the hair on his body looked like an angry crown, and the hair stood upright, like a hedgehog.

   And those hands made of hair, like steel fibers, all pierced Leng Chengyu's body.

   "What's wrong with this? How can such an illusion occur?"

   "It was already miserable enough to be held back by the shadow claws of the invisible ghost, but now suddenly another skeleton flew over, and a bunch of human-shaped hair, and it stabbed me indiscriminately!"

   "Isn't this an illusion?"

   "Is this another skill of the invisible ghost?"

   "The invisible ghost doesn't want me to die so cheaply. To torture me, first pierce my body with sore holes, and then strangle me?"

   "This is too cruel!"

   Leng Chengyu looked at the invisible ghost controlling Shadowclaw a few meters in front of him. Leng Chengyu discovered that the invisible ghost at this moment also looked at the flying skull and the bunch of hair.

   The invisible ghost doesn't seem to know that there will be skeletons and hair flying over.

   Seeing the invisible ghost and looking at the skeleton and hair in surprise, Leng Chengyu realized that the skeleton and hair should not be an illusion, it should be real, that is, something that actually exists flying over, and then directly stabbing him.

   "Huh? No!"

   Leng Chengyu suddenly thought that he is now wrapped in shadow claws. Then, when the skeleton still has hair stab at him, isn't it the shadow claws stab at him?

And when the sharp claws of the skull and the sharp needle-like hair of the humanoid hair pierced the shadow claws on his body, Leng Chengyu felt that the shadow claws seemed to loosen a little, not so tightly. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Is this skeleton and this bunch of hair here to save me? "

"No way?"

   "I have no relatives with Skeleton and Hair, so why would they come to rescue me?"


   "Are these skeletons and hair ghosts? Are there ghosts who control these two ghosts to save me?"

   Leng Chengyu suddenly saw a glimmer of hope, a glimmer of hope of living, he was already desperate, and he thought he would be strangled to death by the shadow claw controlled by the invisible ghost.

  Who knows, now suddenly there are skeletons and hair.

   The eyes of Leng Chengyu's face, which was still restrained by the shadow claws, turned with difficulty. He suddenly saw that more than ten meters away, two women were running towards him.

   The two women got closer, one in black and the other in white.

   Leng Chengyu recognized them, they turned out to be the two female commissioners sent by the headquarters of the Union of Ghosts to hunt down the invisible ghosts.

   "It's them. I didn't expect them to come. They came too in time. It seems I can be saved!"

   Leng Chengyu now has confidence. Although he can't struggle, he still struggles hard. He wants to cooperate with the skeletons and hair outside and break away the shadow claws.

   It may be that after being stabbed by the skull and hair, the power has weakened, and Shadowclaw slowly loosened Leng Chengyu.

   Then, the invisible ghost turned to control Shadowclaw to deal with the skeleton and hair.

   After Leng Chengyu was rescued, the skeleton and the hair did not fall in love with each other, but suddenly flew to the two female commissioners who came.

   The skull flew to the woman in black, and the hair flew to the woman in white.

   And Leng Chengyu slumped on the ground after the shadow claws were released.


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