When the invisible ghost controlled the shadow claw to grab the hair ghost, his head and his hands suddenly broke apart and flew towards the skeleton ghost.

   Invisible ghosts use shadow claws to deal with hair ghosts, and at the same time use heads and severed hands to deal with skeleton ghosts, so the two skills are used together.

   The shadow claw quickly caught the hair ghost, and the hair ghost also erected the sharp corners of his hair and pierced the shadow claw that wanted to wrap him.

   Occasionally, Shadowclaw is stabbed by the hair, and will retreat, but soon it crazily wraps around the hair ghost.

   It seems that the ghost of the hair had a slight disadvantage in dealing with this shadow claw.

   And the skeleton ghost is also here.

   The invisible ghost controlled his two severed hands to resist the two claws of the skeleton ghost, and at the same time, he used his head to hit the skeleton ghost's body.

   In order to avoid the decapitation of the invisible ghost, the skeleton ghost also appeared to be in a hurry.

   It seems that the skeleton ghost is also at a disadvantage in the confrontation.

   When the two female commissioners saw this, they were surprised again.

The woman in white said, "How is this possible? A few days ago, our ghosts fought this invisible ghost. At that time, we obviously had the upper hand. Within a few rounds, the invisible ghost had to escape, but now you see. …"

   The woman in white cast an anxious look at the woman in black.

   The woman in black said, "It seems that the strength of the invisible ghost has really increased."

   The woman in white anxiously asked, "Then what should we do now?"

   On the other side, Leng Chengyu felt very anxious when he saw that the invisible ghost had the upper hand.

   Leng Chengyu did not escape because of this.

   He knew that he had fought against the invisible ghost several times, and the invisible ghost had already hated him.

   Even if he fled back to the Guizhe Office in Xicheng District, it would be useless.

   Xicheng District Yuguizhe Office does not have the strength of a single person, but the strength of these two female commissioners is strong.

   is the wisest to follow these two female commissioners.

   However, it is unexpected that these two female commissioners have not only failed to catch the invisible ghost, but they are very difficult to fight against the invisible ghost.

   Leng Chengyu, he thought of his Guan Gong knife. If he can bless the first level of the Guan Gong knife, then he can use the Guan Gong knife to kill the ghosts of level 9 of the black evil spirit.

   And Leng Chengyu already knows that the level of these two female commissioners is the 8th level of the black ghost guardian, and the previous invisible ghost is also the 8th level of the black evil ghost, which is the same level as the two female commissioners.

   Although the strength of the invisible ghost has become stronger, it has not crushed the ghosts of the two female commissioners.

   That is to say, even if the strength of the invisible ghost is increased, it will increase to the ninth level of the black evil ghost at most, and it is impossible to reach the first level of the green-headed ghost.

   As long as the level of the invisible ghost is only the ninth level of the black evil ghost, then, after Leng Chengyu blessed the first level of the Guan Gong sword technique, he can be killed.

   The invisible ghost has already swallowed the leader of the water ghost before, that is to say, the first threat to the villagers in the lake has been removed.

   And the second biggest threat is the foreign enemy, the invisible ghost.

   However, the invisible ghost has swallowed the leader of the water ghost, and the injury has healed, and it shouldn't go to harass the villagers in the lake village anymore.

   Not knowing whether it counts or not is equivalent to removing the second major threat from the villagers in Huzhong.

   I don’t know if the villagers recognize it or not, but the system recognizes it or not?

  The only way to go to the lake is to see if the villagers are willing to let him help.

   As long as the villagers are willing to let him help, and the system recognizes it, they can earn 2,000 ghosts as a bonus to bless the first level of the Guan Gong Sword Technique.

When Leng Chengyu was thinking about this, he suddenly heard the woman in white asking what to do. He immediately shouted to the two female commissioners: "It's better to go to the lake. As long as I go to the lake, I can kill. Invisible ghost."

   The white-clothed woman looked at Leng Chengyu strangely: "What are you doing, you can kill the invisible ghost, where can you not kill it?"

   Leng Chengyu didn't care about the woman in white, but instead turned his attention to the woman in black.

   The woman in black condensed her eyebrows for a while, then looked up at the two ghosts who were fighting hard, and then said: "It seems that we have to merge with the twin spirits."

When the white-clothed woman saw the black-clothed woman say this, she nodded and said: "Well, although the merger of the two spirits consumes a lot of our ghosts, it can only be done like this. I can't think that the invisible ghosts will become stronger so quickly. It actually forced us to use the twin spirits to merge!"

   "Shuangling merged?"

   Leng Chengyu didn't know what skills these two female commissioners had.

   But since these two female commissioners have a way, let them try first.

   After all, even if he himself goes to the lake, he can only try it out, and he may not be able to earn the value of helping ghosts to bless the invisible ghosts with the sword technique of Guan Gong.

   Judging from the expressions of the two female commissioners, Leng Chengyu could also see that the merger of the two spirits should be their trump card.

   The card is out, if he still can't beat the invisible ghost, then he can only try his own way.

   When the time comes, even if the two female commissioners disagree to go, he will try it out in the lake himself.

   Leng Chengyu was watching by the side, to see what kind of skill the twin spirits of the two female commissioners merged.

   I saw two female commissioners shouting at their two underwind ghosts: "Prepare for the merger of the two spirits!"

   When the two ghosts heard, UU read www.uukanshu.com immediately gave up the confrontation and flew back.

   After flying back to a certain distance, the skeleton ghost actually got into the body of the hair ghost, and the hair ghost wrapped the skeleton ghost with his hair.

   wisps of black air radiated from the two ghosts, and soon, the two ghosts merged into one ghost.

   The combined body is larger than the combined bodies of the previous two ghosts.

   has become a giant!

   The merging giants immediately walked towards the invisible ghost as soon as they merged.

   Seeing the two ghosts merged together, such a big change occurred, and the invisible ghost looked very solemn.

   The invisible ghost also put back his head and severed hands, and spliced ​​them into a complete body.

   At the same time, he also placed his thick black shadow claws in front of his body, forming a shield, a posture of waiting.

"Da da da…"

   The giant with two ghosts together stepped on the ground and made a loud voice. The momentum was very strong, much stronger than when the two ghosts were alone.

   The giant walked toward the invisible ghost fearlessly.

When    walked in front of the invisible ghost, the giant raised his fist without any tricks, and hit the shadow claw shield like a giant slap standing in front of the invisible ghost.

   This fist has not only the sharp hairpin of the hair ghost, but also the sharp claws of the skeleton ghost, and at the same time it pierced the shadow claw shield in front of the invisible ghost.

   The shadow claw shield suddenly burst into black air.

   The invisible ghost couldn't help taking a step back.

   The giant kept up, raised another fist, hit the Shadowclaw shield in front of the invisible ghost, and knocked the invisible ghost one step back.


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