Seeing the invisible ghost being forced to step back, a smile appeared on the face of the woman in black, and Leng Chengyu was also relieved.

   The woman in white yelled at the giant: "Smash his shadow shield and attack his body directly!"

   Hearing the words of the white-clothed woman, the power of the giant's fist hitting the shadowclaw shield increased even more.

   Bouncing sound kept coming.

   However, at this time, the invisible ghost did not retreat.

   There was a disdainful smile on his face, and he said, "It turns out that it's just this ability."

   Then, the invisible ghost even removed the Shadowclaw shield and directly exposed the body in front of the giant.

   Leng Chengyu was very surprised: "What happened to the invisible ghost?"

   The white-clothed woman gave Leng Chengyu a white look and said, "Don't you see it? He was afraid that our ghost would crush his shadow claws and severely injure him, so he had to take it back."

   "But what he said seems to despise your ghosts."

   "This invisible ghost is just trying to save face. He has always been like this."

   stopped arguing with Leng Chengyu, the woman in white turned her head to look at the giant and shouted: "Go up and grab him, don't let him run away!"

  The giant formed by the combination of ghosts and spirits stepped forward, stretched out his hands, and grabbed the invisible ghost.

   is like an adult fat man trying to catch a thin child. It seems that the invisible ghost can no longer escape.

   Suddenly, the invisible ghost sprang up along the giant's grabbed hand, and then opened his mouth to bite the giant's head.

   is like devouring the leader of the water ghost in the lake village. The mouth of the invisible ghost is very wide, bigger than the mouth of the crocodile.

   just bit the entire head of the giant.

   If it wasn't for the giant to be too big, I'm afraid he would have bitten his whole body.

   Leng Chengyu looked at the two female commissioners and wondered: "Does the invisible ghost want to devour your ghost-spirit combination?"

   At this time, the woman in white hurriedly shouted at the giant: "Don't let him bite!"

   The giant was also very vigilant, and his hands went to break the open mouth of the invisible ghost to prevent the invisible ghost from biting down.

   And the hands of the invisible ghost also pulled the giant's hands, trying to pull the giant's hands away from his mouth.

   In this way, the invisible ghost and the giant stalemate together.

   The invisible ghosts and the giants both burst into black air.

   It seems that they are all trying their best.

   However, it seems that the black gas emerging from the giant's body is rising, while the black gas emerging from the invisible ghost is spreading underground.

   Suddenly, Leng Chengyu discovered that something was wrong. The ones that emerged from the invisible ghost and spread to the ground were not black energy at all, but shadows.

   These shadows quickly spread to the two female commissioners.

   The speed was very fast, and in the blink of an eye, he reached the feet of two female commissioners.

   The two female commissioners reacted and wanted to escape, avoiding the spreading shadows.

   But, they just turned around, the shadow has wrapped their legs, they can't escape at all.

The shadows turned into two shadow claws with 5 long fingers, one on each side, like a black poisonous snake, entangled the bodies of the two female commissioners, entwining them from under their feet to their heads. The tighter and tighter the body.

   The two female commissioners were short of breath and their faces flushed.

   Leng Chengyu did not expect that while the invisible ghost went to bite the giant, he was also able to show his shadow claws distractedly and wrap it up to the two female commissioners.

   After the white-clothed woman was entangled, she hurriedly asked the giant for help: "Help us!"

   The face of the woman in black also showed disappointment.

Before   , Leng Chengyu was also entangled by the shadow claws of the invisible ghost, and two female commissioners arrived in time to rescue him.

Now, seeing that the two female commissioners were also entangled, Leng Chengyu didn’t care about the three-seven-ones, he carried the Guan Gong knife up to cut the shadows on the ground, no matter whether it was useful or not, he slashed there violently. .

   After cutting a lot of knives, Leng Chengyu discovered that Shadow Claw had slowly released the bodies of the two female commissioners.

   "Huh? What's going on? My Guan Gong knife works on Shadow Claw?"

However, when Leng Chengyu looked back at the invisible ghost, he realized that it was not his Guan Gong knife that worked, but because the hair on the giant's head stood up, and the pointed hair pierced into the invisible ghost's mouth. , Making the invisible ghost hurt, and then unable to control the shadow claws here.

After    was released, the two female commissioners hurried back.

   However, Leng Chengyu was standing next to Shadow Claw. Before he could step back, he was actually wrapped in Shadow Claw.

   However, it just wrapped it up and then released it again. After releasing it, Leng Chengyu hurried away.

After moving away from Shadowclaw, Leng Chengyu said to the two female commissioners who were still breathing, "It seems that even if your ghosts fit together, I'm afraid they won't be able to catch invisible ghosts, not only that. , And we may be killed by invisible ghosts."

   The white-clothed woman gave Leng Chengyu a white look, and said, "You can't stand up and talk, but we have done our best. If you have a way, you can catch invisible ghosts."

Leng Chengyu never thought that this woman in white clothes had such a stubborn personality. UU reading clearly showed the fact that their ghosts were indeed at a disadvantage in fighting against invisible ghosts. Convinced.

   Leng Chengyu had no choice but to say: "I don't think it's time to be stunned. I think I should find a way to subdue the invisible ghost."

   "What can you do?" The woman in black looked at Leng Chengyu and asked.

"I have a way to try." Leng Chengyu said, "We can go back to the shore of the lake in the park. I have a baby that fell in the lake. As long as I get that baby, I can kill the invisible ghost. "

   "You have a baby, don't you say it soon!" The white-clothed woman said to Leng Chengyu again angrily.

The black-clothed woman said to Leng Chengyu with a serious face: "Then you go to the lake to find the baby. We are dragging the invisible ghost here. We have been chasing the invisible ghost for so long, and this time I don’t want him anymore. Ran away."

   "But..." Leng Chengyu thought that the woman in black was going to run away before trying to catch the invisible ghost. Unexpectedly, the woman in black hadn't given up on catching the invisible ghost.

   "It's nothing but, go ahead."

   As he said, the woman in black took out another signal flare and launched it into the sky. She was asking for help from nearby ghost defenders.

   Leng Chengyu saw that the woman in black had such a firm attitude, so he had to run to Yuanzhong Lake by himself.

And just as Leng Chengyu ran towards the lake in the garden, the shadow claws of the invisible ghost spread to the two female commissioners again, very fast. The two female commissioners wanted to avoid but couldn't hide, and they were immediately wrapped up again. .

   On Leng Chengyu's side, it didn't take long before he finally ran to the lake.

   As soon as he ran to the lake, Leng Chengyu jumped into the lake.

   However, he soon discovered that after he entered the lake, he could not find the village in the lake.


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