Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 120: And then to the village in the lake

   Can't see Huzhong Village, Leng Chengyu is very anxious.

  He doesn't know how long the two female commissioners can contend with the invisible ghost.

  Looking at the situation, the invisible ghost has the upper hand even when the two ghosts merge.

   Invisible ghosts can also separate shadow claws to strangle two female commissioners as proof.

   However, after Leng Chengyu came to this lake, he searched the lake for a long time, only to see the blue lake water and the water plants in the bottom of the lake, but he couldn't see the village in the lake before.

Just when he was unable to do anything, Leng Chengyu suddenly remembered that when he had just come to this lake before, he walked up and down like this, but he didn’t find any ghosts. Later, he didn’t know what was going on. After the Blue Giant appeared. Under the guidance of the blue giant, Leng Chengyu discovered Huzhong Village.

   "By the way, it's the oar, maybe the oar is the trigger point!"

   Leng Chengyu suddenly thought that when he had just arrived in the lake before, the reason he was able to see the blue giant was because he had touched the decayed oar in the waterweed.

   Regardless of whether the oar was the trigger point, Leng Chengyu decided to give it a try.

   The ship's oar was easy to find, and Leng Chengyu didn't look for it long before he found the previous rotting ship's oar.

   He went up to the bottom of the lake, bent over to touch the paddle.

   "Sha Sha Sha..."

   Suddenly, a strange sound came from a distance.

   This sound is very different from other sounds in the lake.

   Isn’t it the sound of a crocodile crawling over and grinding its teeth?

   did not die in the hands of the invisible ghost, is it going to die in the mouth of the crocodile?

   No, why haven’t I heard of crocodiles in this lake before? Shouldn’t crocodiles be in the sea?

   The rustling voice was getting closer and closer.

   Leng Chengyu couldn't help trembling in his heart. He looked up and saw that a few meters high water plants were shaking in the distance.

   Shaking was moving here, Leng Chengyu couldn't help taking out the Guan Gong knife and holding it in his hand.

   Guan Gong knife can suppress the power of ghosts, but I don’t know if it can deal with sharks.

   Whether Guan Gong Dao can beat a shark? You have to fight, even if you fight to death, you can't be eaten by sharks!

   Leng Chengyu became vigilant.

   He squatted down and waited quietly for the rustling sound to approach.

   Sha Sha Sha's voice continued to approach, and Leng Chengyu was able to judge that the voice was walking in his direction.

How is this going?

   Did the shark find me here?

   Leng Chengyu's hand holding Guan Gongdao was sweating.

   Leng Chengyu was not sure if the rustle's voice was a shark, and even more uncertain whether the rustle's voice came in his direction because the shark found him?

   Leng Chengyu really wanted to move to another place and squat down, but he was afraid that changing the place would cause noise, which would even attract the attention of the rustling thing.

   The rustling sound was less than 10 meters away from Leng Chengyu.

   is less than five meters.

   is less than three meters.

   Leng Chengyu covered his mouth, not daring to let out the atmosphere, while staring at the place where the rustling came from.

   However, because the water plants there are too dense, he can't see what it is, only the water plants are shaking.

   Suddenly, the rustling sound disappeared, and the water plants did not move.

Is    a shark? Did it stop? Did it stop because it couldn't find me?

   Leng Chengyu held his breath, squatted there nervously, holding the hand of the Guan Gong knife, because it was too hard, the hand hurt.

   Sha Sha Sha's voice stopped there for a while, then suddenly moved again.

   However, the direction in which the voice moved was slightly offset from where Leng Chengyu was squatting.

   It seems that the direction the sound is moving is towards the decayed ship's oar.

   And Leng Chengyu squatted a little a little less than a meter away from the oar.

   Leng Chengyu hopes that the aquatic plants in front of him and between the oars will be thicker at this time, so that the rustling sound can't see him.

   However, the aquatic plants between Leng Chengyu and the boat's oar are still a little loose, and when he walked over just now, he stepped on and broke a few, making it even more loose.

   If the rustling sound comes to the oar and turns its head to look at him, it must be able to see him.

   Leng Chengyu kept praying in his heart, hoping that the thing would not turn his head and look towards him.

   The rustling sound is less than half a meter from the oar.

   Leng Chengyu was even more nervous at this time. Not only did he dare not breathe, he even closed his eyes. He was afraid that the light reflected from his eyes would attract the attention of that thing.

   And just as Leng Chengyu was about to close his eyes, suddenly, he saw that thing.

   The thing that made the rustling sound was not a shark at all, nor was it a terrible thing, but something that Leng Chengyu was very familiar with.

   This thing turned out to be the ghost of the broken-leg girl in Huzhong Village.

   Unexpectedly it will be her!

   Leng Chengyu's tense nerves suddenly relaxed.

   He couldn't help asking: "Why did you come here?"

  The broken leg girl ghost turned her head and saw Leng Chengyu. She also asked Leng Chengyu: "Did you trigger the mechanism?"

   "Organization?" Leng Chengyu asked with some confusion, "What institution?"

The broken leg girl ghost said: "The boat oar is the As long as someone touches it, the people in our lake village will know that the blue giant came out to investigate before, but now the blue giant It’s no longer in the Lake Village, so I will investigate it."

   "It turned out to be like this."

   Leng Chengyu finally realized it.

   It seems that his previous guess was correct, and he was right to touch the oar. Finally, the ghost girl with broken leg was ushered in.

   Leng Chengyu said: "I touched the oar of the boat. I would like to take a trip to Huzhong Village and tell the villagers a great news."

   "Really? Then you come with me." The girl with the broken leg turned and crawled in the direction where she had come.

   "Okay." Leng Chengyu agreed, and followed the ghost girl with the broken leg.

   As soon as Leng Chengyu agreed, suddenly, the scene before him changed, and a village appeared not far away, it was the village in the lake.

   It turned out that to enter the lake village, you need the guidance of the ghosts of the lake village.

   Leng Chengyu followed the broken-leg girl ghost to the ancestral hall of Huzhong Village.

  The girl with broken leg rang the bell of the ancestral hall of Huzhong Village, and other villagers' ghosts soon arrived.

Leng Chengyu said to the ghosts of the villagers: "Tell everyone a good news, your leader has been swallowed by the invisible ghost of the foreign enemy, the blue giant was also killed by the invisible ghost, and the injury of the invisible ghost is cured, He shouldn't come to harass you. Therefore, your Lake Village is free, and you will never be controlled or threatened by anyone in the future."

After listening to Leng Chengyu's words, the villagers in Huzhong Village felt very happy.

   And the corresponding items appeared in the system mall in Leng Chengyu's mind.

   Leng Chengyu proposed to help the villagers, and the villagers were also happy to let Leng Chengyu help.


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